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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. Esau.


    The guy with the pants is hilarious.
  2. Listening now. Great collection. Just check off each rar folder and download the folders singly. Thanks Amy.
  3. Massey Hall, Toronto 04/19-20 1980 (my first Dylan show! 19th) Great album. That was the very first LP I bought with my own dollars - think I was 12 or 13 years old.
  4. Agreed. Especially about his drinking..
  5. Like to catch Ray, but Gray isn't my thing. But, I will be in Paris tonight to check out Doug Feaver so I won't be without some good music this eve. Thanks for the link.
  6. Nice. I love these recordings, and 24 track upgrade will be awesome. I wish I had done fall tour instead of summer that year..lol I think I may hold off until it shows up on Amazon or something, usually a bit cheaper. (ya, I'm that guy). Now bring on the Europe 72 boxset!
  7. Use all the sarcasm and pictures you feel you need. Iran is surrounded by the USA, they [uSA] have bases and troops in just about every country surrounding them, a few of those counties have nukes. That's a lot of pressure on Iran and probably not a good thing with their current gov't. But that's my opinion. I've sat and listened to my neighbour tell numerous tales of living under the current Iranian gov't (he just got the last of his family out to Canada), lack of human rights, manipulated elections, jailed opposition etc, it goes on. He thinks Ahmadinejad is unstable and dangerous and doesn't foresee anything good coming from all this. Add the fact that Ahmadinejad and Ali Hoseyni Khamene’i feel all opposition to the current gov't within Iran are "enemies of the state" even though he claims to be for free elections. I'm not saying that Iran shouldn't have nuclear power but given the current situation, the fact they have (since the 90's) been testing and making medium and long-range ballistic missiles (Shahab-3) that are fully capable of being equipped with nuclear warheads it's a pretty fragile, even volatile situation if you ask me. Again, I'm not saying Iran would use them, or will even attack anyone. But, with nuclear weapons in Iran, hezbollah, for example, could easily look at it as a nice umbrella to protect them to carry out more aggressive actions. Brinkmanship I believe it's called, and that could be enough of a catalyst for another country to initiate an attack. No winners indeed.
  8. Agreed. I'm not pointing a finger at the people of Iran anymore then I would point a finger at an American for Bush's actions. But, publicly (worldwide) calling your new unmanned missile carrier the "ambassador of death" especially during these times speaks volumes to me about Ahmadinejad's mindset and given his past comments/threats/taunts I don't believe his intentions to be anything near good. I also thought it a creepy coincidence that this "8 days to attack Iran" situation came right around the same time the USA announced they would be pulling out of Iraq, which for the most part took just about a week to start happening.
  9. Once again, the point drifts right by you. I should really know better. /sigh.
  10. Esau.

    Phall Tour

    Seen this posted on PT and on a torrent site forum, neither can produce a link to the source. Most feel it's a fake article. I googled the first sentence and found part of the article on billboard's site (under the Vampire weekend stuff) and they link to spinner's website and the article isn't the same.
  11. Never really been a fan of Beastie boys, but thought some folks may be interested in this. I imagine it's been posted already but a quick search turned up nothing. One listen was all I can handle. http://soundcloud.com/wick-it/beastie-boys-vs-grateful-dead-triple-shakedown
  12. I see Iran has unveiled their "ambassador of death". Cooler heads alright. lmao.
  13. 1) Yes, I already have near 30% loss in my right ear (due to work), so I do wear earplugs, but it depends on the show and venue. A small venue, loud band I wear earplugs, that is if I actually remember to bring them. I don't know what brand they are, but they weren't cheap. Luckily they were covered by my union as they are also for work, I got two sets. All I know is they work great. 2) In a bar, I prefer to be near the back.In a club (Kool Haus size) I also prefer the back of the roomIn an arena, soundboard area - if I can get it or at least seats facing the stage. Of course, I take what i can get.Ampitheater - I usually take lawns, just because I like it there. If the show is GA I still (for the most part) look for the same spots. Of course, any of the above can quickly change depending on the band I'm there to see.
  14. No doubt. I watched an interview/performance (I think on youtube) with Glenn & Marketa not too long ago and he hinted they wouldn't be a band for much longer, but didn't really give much more insight then that.
  15. Esau.

    Phall Tour

    I'd like to hear them pull off Kiss - Alive!
  16. bah - my jealousy just jumped from a 5 to a 6. Enjoy.
  17. Police: Charges on the way for Jones Beach jumper (08/23/10) WOODBURY – Detectives for the New York State Park Police say they will charge the man accused of jumping 25 feet off a balcony at a Jones Beach Phish concert. Police say they will seek an arrest warrant and extradition for the 30-year-old man, who is from Maine. Investigators say the man jumped from a balcony during the Aug. 18 concert, causing minor injuries to one other person. The accused jumper was airlifted to the hospital and released from Nassau University Medical Center Friday. According to investigators, the individual will be charged with second-degree disorderly conduct and reckless endangerment.
  18. Esau.


    Thanks for the great read Todd, sounds like a great time that's for sure. I was lucky to be able to live there for a year (81-82) while my father was working in Bishop's Falls at the hydro generator station on the Exploits river - we lived in Grand Falls-Windsor (Windsor side). My father stayed there until about 87 or so, working awhile on the beginning cycles of production for the Hibernia oil rig. Last time I was there was 1991 after my little brothers wedding for 2 weeks of fishing and reading all this makes me want to return. Thanks again for taking time to post. Safe journeys.
  19. You already plan to see the one artist I would have recommended. Frank Fairfield It's sorta funny, on facebook about a week or two back Frank was asking if anyone had any hard-shell cases for sale or lend, as he was getting ready for his trip over seas and didn't actually have one for his guitar and banjo. Just shows how much this guy actually tours away from California or the rest of the west coast. Please fill me in how his show was and what you thought of it, I'm dying to see him live. There are a ton of names on there I'm not too familiar with, so it looks like I have a list of some things to check out myself. Thanks.
  20. Been quite awhile since we've crossed paths Scott, look forward to seeing you. I plan on sticking around for the Cats sets, not sure about anything else. I know the folks I'm coming with are planning to check out some other bands afterwards - Sloan 6pm (Stage Two - 121 King Street West) Terra Lightfoot 8:30pm (Stage One - Grafton Square -King & Ogilvie), in case anyone was wondering what else was up afterwards.
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