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Everything posted by Esau.

  1. http://www.spinner.ca/2010/08/04/jerry-garcia-biopic-denied/
  2. Sweet. Thanks for the heads up. First thing I thought. That is pretty cool news though, and I'd bet good ol' Rod makes a few appearances at some point. One of my favourite Face's songs (with Rod) http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/Faces 1971
  3. My use of google wave was rather limited, mainly used mine as a private chat channel with maybe 70-80 people (in total) from a few different torrent sites (public and private) and some folks from a couple music trading boards. I hadn't used it in about 3 months or so though. Oh well, I'm not really surprised it's more-less done. Thanks for the heads up Ollie.
  4. Have to work out some details first (mainly find a ride), but I'm thinking of making a rare public appearance. It's been years since I attended one of these parties.
  5. 'Sleep is for the week' was a good album, grabbed it a couple years ago. I haven't listened to much of his new stuff, although I'll admit I had sort of forgot about him. Guess it's time to dust off his CD... Here's his website. http://frank-turner.com
  6. No problem. I wasn't sure (before your edit) if you meant the DVD or the audio torrent of your recording seeded there, which I hopped on and helped seed..lol.
  7. The DVD of the show has your audio as well. 10.07 GB 1 seed 8 leeches currently
  8. Esau.

    iPhone 4

    My brother in-law picked one up last night - 20 minutes in line. 10 of that apparently waiting for the cashier to fix the register. Are you saying after the weekend these new iphones will no longer be available?
  9. A few years back archive ran a tad short of server space, and since then the system uses "Zip On The Fly" the downside to this is lossless files are no longer contained in separate zip folders like some older uploads. So your options are downloading single files, or using programs (FTP still works great) or addons like the firefox's "Download Them All" and set the filter to only download the lossless, or lossy if that's what your looking for. I use firefox download them all, and click the "ALL Files HTTP" link on the left of the show page. Set it to download just the FLACs, and let it do it's thing. I'm not sure if the other zip downloads contain all the files since I only want FLACs so I don't bother downloading them. Here's a link where Brad Leblanc from LMA explains. I don't believe they have changed, or fixed this since 2005. http://www.archive.org/post/45182/live-music-archive-problem
  10. Thanks Brad for recording, sharing and getting this up on archive. I know a few friends who don't visit this board at all who are eagerly awaiting this, now I can point them in the right direction. Cheers.
  11. Fun fun night (as usual), the band was really rocking, even for a small crowd. I fuckin' love that band. Kudos to TAH and the staff, especially the bartender, for keeping Geordie topped up..."keep your head up, or I can't give you another beer!" Amazing energy, really seemed to stand out above the norm,. Great player that's for sure.
  12. Was just going to bump this, but Low rain beat me to it. Back to my whiskey I guess. I'll stagger into ya'll some time later tonight.
  13. Esau.


    Actually Mike, I had just come in from drinking beers and chillin outside, had about 8 or 9 into me and was catching a good glow. I was really just fuckin' around to be honest. Drunk post of my thoughts at the time. Your right though, I should have added some more input. My apology's. I will say though, it was sort of annoying to scroll down to use the shoutbox, but whatever. As for the whose online box, well I don't really check who is online first and decide to participate in, create new threads or send a PM based on that. So yeah, I guess I don't care. If usability patterns was the reason for it being at the bottom, then why bother to even change it back instead of just saying that was the reason for it being there? I certainly didn't think anything would be changed due to my post. [color:red][edit to add] Also, I liked having the box with the links to the front page articles at the top like it was with the shoutbox below it. Anyway, again, sorry. I didn't realize I had that sorta pull around here... Poll added: shoutbox poll
  14. Esau.


    Needs to change places with 'Online Now'.
  15. Yep. Warped 45s are opening. Been waiting for this show since june, looking forward to it. Should have a good lil' wrecking crew with me as well.
  16. Right on Hart, that's awesome. Congratulations!
  17. Yea, but as The Stones they pretty have to put on big shows, big tours (usually world tours) just to keep the fans happy and at their age it's gotta start taking a toll on them I imagine. I mean Charlie is 69, Mick & Keith both 66 and Ronnie's 63 I could see them calling it quits as the Stones but not as working musicians and playing smaller shows, smaller tours with their solo stuff or something like that maybe. Hell, Ronnie could always go back and play the adult contemporary casino gigs with Rod.. Wait and see I guess, until they as a band announce it, I don't consider it official.
  18. I checked their site and there isn't any info about this on there, and none of the major news groups seem to be reporting it (yet) so I guess we'll see. Regardless, 50 years..wow. What a run. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/stones-to-retire-after-farewell-tour_1154995
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