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Everything posted by dancingbear

  1. just got a digital photo frame for a pretty good deal if anyone else is looking.. memorex 10 "
  2. dancingbear


    went last year... have a blast! its really cool.
  3. Being able and willing to critique something is the epitome of open-mindedness. hey marco i see what your saying but probably would replace 'critique' with 'discuss openly and empathetically, with the possibility of change.
  4. well i loved your idea... so i made it. pretty much downloaded an mp3 splitter, (lots of free one with trial versions), split the mp3 right before the telephone was ringing, loaded it to my phone, and then hit set as ringtone. thats my foray into the world of binary for a while. db
  5. that pink smiley face above, whenver i click on 'surprised with the open mouth, it give me the pink blushing guy. weird.
  6. [[color:blue]] A dust arose and clogged my nose Before I could blink twice Despite the stuff that bubbled up I gave some last advice: As long as they are playing does not matter! i mean its only their first summer back, and although i would prefer their own festy, the organization that goes into those must be overwhelming. so whatever floats OUR boat...i mean jazzfest 96 was AWESOME! db
  7. dear work, working the holidays does indeed suck. will work about ninety hours b/w dec 19-27..with no full day off until dec 30. uggh.
  8. bumpering, for the monday crowd.
  9. saw him in montreal a few years ago and he rocked. saw him in comox this summer, and he was good but i was unsure if it was the same drummer (as i really really liked the first show).
  10. hey all.. was wondering if anyone new a good site to download some ringtones? i downloaded golgi from crackberry.com if anyone is interested in that one..but looling for some others? golgi
  11. twas a good show...they played the sneakin 'reprise' as most people missed the opener because of lines and if i recall they started actually right at 8. when everyone thought the show was done...then they busted out frankenstein...wowzers! hope they release the next night for the mikes>piper and the weekapaug.
  12. i'm just saying it was probably not the best decision...as evidenced by the unfortunate loss of life...to make a human chain. i know its easy to sit on the sidelines and judge, but i would hope that if i was in a leadership position, and there was a mob of people trying to get into an area to, simply, buy things, i would not tell people to form "a human chain" in front of them. i would rather see people get in with my employees safe, than, have one stand in the way of someone else with the risk of injury. and regarless of laws, or the actions of others, i would still feel somewhat responsible if i did make that decision. (( i deduced a human chain would be bad reasoning, simply from playing red rover a kid. ))
  13. its the taste really. its much stronger and more bitter, probably from the 'crema'. sorry for my extremely long rant of americano, obviously i am much too uptight.
  14. awful. just awful. both walmart and the customers should be held accountable. a "human chain"...not a very good idea.
  15. :grin: i like tims, way better than starbucks anyhow. now that i'm out west it grinds my f'in gears that so many restaurants do not have drip coffee. i ordered one the other night in..."i'll have a coffee please", and out comes an americano. tims at the hospital grinds my gears as well as coffee. they will not allow me to use a reusable mug "for infection" purposes. so they will handle a slobbered over rim for a free donut but wont fill my cup?
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