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Everything posted by dancingbear

  1. is that jersey, ontario? just kidding. thanks for the responses so far, yet no reply from greg's friends, and still looking for canada. oh well. etsy.com is a pretty cool sight, makes me want to do my whole home in homemade stuff!
  2. when i first posted i had no idea what to choose and my computer at the time (beige and big) had a dancingbear sticker on it, hence db.
  3. i found this on the net but was wondering if anyone knows any shops in canada that sell grateful dead onesies?
  4. i saw a great pic of fans snapping photos in a magazine or book this week...i cant remember where or in what mag, as i was in a bunch of airports. anyhow if someone sees it can they note where the pic is and respond, please? the fans are obviously in the moment! they are in photo/concert delight! i found this pic online instead...not really the same but great pic.
  5. i have the sd 800 and love it. it takes great shots. i like the fact it has a viewfinder especially because i shoot a lot of outdoor pics. my only complaint is the when the battery icon flashes you have maybe three more shots, compared to sony where it tells you exactly how many minutes you have.
  6. both those brans look sweet. i think i'm gonna try the janis...the cruiser looks nice and comfy. thanks.
  7. the thread about used bikes got me thinking...i just sold my old bike as i'm moving. i plan on biking more after leaving this hilly/lactate burning/ out of breath after one hill, city. any recommendations on a 'comfort' bike ie. good for commuting about 30-45 minute ride, back straight, good balance ie. wide® tires, available in red, etc. ?
  8. dancingbear


    phish-12/31/96 boston garden...so much fun! phish-clifford ball..so much fun! phish-02/28/03 nassau...so much fun! although i have seen many other bands/shows, i think my top twenty five or so shows would be phish. man i miss them.
  9. kool and the gang..at the ex at landsdowne (sp?) with my parents. all i remember is when the sang celebration and the concrete was shaking up and down. weird al hit on my friend kim after a show in london ontario. he gave her back stage passes the night before after meeting her at a pool hall. he subsequently phoned her from california aking if she wanted to move down south with him.
  10. happy passover everyone. (yes i bumped my own thread....
  11. i just bought a seagate 'freeagent'. the guy at futureshop recommended it over western digital. from reading reviews they both seem to have their fans. anyhow i was looking for somthing really easy as i'm not so good on the computer, and the set up and back up was really easy.
  12. well, i'm packing up my place, and i came across this. i saved it from a few years back. with passover days away, i thought it would be nice to share, as it vibes well with were my life is, and it reminds me of things that hebrew school never did. 'Passover doesn't only commemorate the past. Egypt, Pharoh, Moses-they are all here right now. Egypt is a tight little box of ego that won't let you grow. Pharaoh is the voice inside that mocks your gambit to escape, saying "How could you attempt to be today something you were not yesterday?" Moses is the liberator, the infinite force deep within, an impetuous and all-powerful drive to break out from any bondage, to always transcend, to connect with that which knows no bounds. Freedom and the Promised Land are up to you. Break free today from whoever you were the day before. This year, defy your Pharaoh and connect to the Infinite. Don't just do Passover, experience it. " -----Adapted from the teachings of the Lubavithcer Rebbe happy passover.
  13. yeah, i'm moving and had that same debate. but, alas, i'm keeping them.
  14. brad, i for sure should of done that!!!
  15. i remember the last time i moved and had to sell most of my books. i got offered $15 credit or 7.50 cash, for about four boxes of books. today, i got $18.20 for about eighty really good books ( i dont know how much i paid but i would estimate at around a thousand dollars) including one hardcover that they were selling right beside the cash for $36! they told me they go by date published, not the author or popularity. that makes no sense to me whatsoever. i gave some away to friends, which i rather do than get 18 bucks, but no one really seeems to want eighty new books at once.... anyhow sorry for the rant.
  16. not sure how that constitutes being an adult. please explain. it means I take pride in the appearance of my home. you big fag. very adult response.
  17. no, i never tidy the ol' workbench in the morn.
  18. i agree with ^^^^ burnt. maybe though cause jerry dug it, it opened the door for the melding of the communities ie. jamgrass etc.
  19. can one be logical, have an open mind and believe in global warming?
  20. :content: :content: happy birthday brad. thanks for being such an integral part to this community.
  21. hey FOWL, at least your obviously passionate! anyhow i pretty much disagree with you. as for the your link to the graph, it looks to me CO2 is linked to temperature, and would agree with the text " ... because of the difficulty in precisely dating the air and water (ice) samples, it is still unknown whether GTG concentration increases precede and cause temperature increases, or vice versa--or whether they increase synchronously....Nevertheless, the scientific consensus is that GTGs account for at least half of temperature increases, and that they strongly amplify the effects of small increases in solar radiation due to orbital forcing"
  22. FOWL, i really am lost where to begin. i have tried typing several responses, yet just seem lost. after reading your post, i guess then the climate is changing but oil companies have conspired to blame humans. i looked up 'serfdom' on wickipedia to see what those nasty environmental think tanks are doing but gave up trying to understand when the first line said "Serfdom is the socio-economic status of peasants under feudalism, and specifically relates to Manorialism." myths about climate change. to counter your arguements i refer you to myths 1,3,5,7, and 10. oh yeah, an inconvenient truth was designed to educate the masses on climate change. i realize now you find many faults with it. so just ignore it and concentrate on the other thousands of SCIENTIFIC papers out there.
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