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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Funny, I came in here to say I'm listening to this one right now... I actually prefer it to Summer in the Southeast. A bit more mellow and polished, but has a brilliant restrained energy and mystique to it. Edit to add: THe album has already floated around for quite a while as a radio broadcast, and if memory serves is almost the same, but is obviously of better quality in the official release.
  2. turns out she's ok. Just been housebound and without communications through the whole process, but apparently things are slowly getting back to normal over there (for the moment).
  3. pretty worrying. I've got a friend living there doing research on the military and political instability, so I'm hoping she's not running into any trouble.
  4. dear work, you treat me pretty well. Just gave me a nice wine & cheese, as well as a great x-mas lunch tuesday, a great x-mas dinner wednesday and a super-sloppy drunk-fest on wednesday (where I got drunkest of all and nobody complained!). I'm a bit let down that our official break days got moved from the 22nd to the 24th, but at least they run 'till the 5th, and I can take a few extra days of holiday on my own time! please give me a raise now. thanks blane
  5. yep, they live through the seasons. 72, fall 73, summer 74, spring 77, whatever floats your boat the shit'll be timeless.
  6. oh yeah, the Vampire weekend album for sure. Thought that was a 2007 release. My "jogging in Senegal" album. Great fun.
  7. A few come to mind.... Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer Bonnie Prince Billy - Is it the Sea and Lie Down in the Light (leave it to Will Oldham to throw out two great albums in a year) Fleet Foxes s/t Fujiya & Miyagi - Lightbulbs Plants & Animals - Parc Ave Liking the new Neil Young so far, but it's a bit premature to throw that on the list.
  8. enjoying it now alongside a glass of gorgeous wine. "Ain't no place I'd rather be"
  9. congrats man! Hope to be wrapping up my school career in a few months' time, but it's a hell of a haul!
  10. For those who live there (not me anymore ) Brad's playing at the Green Room (St. Laurent @ St. Viateur) with Ladies of the Canyon. 5 bucks or something like that.
  11. Blane


    great stuff Todd! Glad you had a great time there. Mali is definitely a wonderland.
  12. I used Teksavvy for a while before leaving the country. The house is still signed up with them in my name so I get their updates and notices. NOthing negative to say. Fair pricing, friendly service, good peeps. As for the throttling, it hits late afternoon and goes late into the night. Only really affects torrents though (as per my september experiences). Can't vouch for their mail as I never used it.
  13. strangely, i'm a fan of 4 of those. (blowfish, octopus, cassava and ackee). Maybe I have some kind of culinary death wish? Might explain my cooking sometimes
  14. Unfortunately I don't have internet access at home, so I'm left looking. Thanks anyhow! - oop, found them! Thanks.
  15. sorry, to correct. I have the 3rd one (from sub pop). Looking for #1 and #2.
  16. Hey folks, lost the contents of my hard drive a while back and have been trying to trac down these rarities. Anyone willing to share? I've got the first one, but would really like to listen to the 2nd one again. Thanks!
  17. Blane

    USD Exchange

    I had the good fortune of buying up a decent amount of USD when we were at 1.08 and then selling them again in October when it had dropped to .85 or something like that, turning a tidy . Silver lining in a year of getting slaughtered in my savings. The UK pound has also been dropping like a brick though, so I've been feeling the pinch as well.
  18. Blane

    the slip

    actually what happened (if I have the latest, which I may we not have) is that nathan tried to make it up this summer, couldn't and so the next time brad andrew went down to VT and recorded a ton of stuff at a barn there (not trey's another one). Late this past summer when brad told me about it he was raving at how great the sessions had gone, and it seemed like something was def. brewing.
  19. My dad was an army brat. Both my grandparents (still alive today) were stationed in Australia in WWII.Grandma was a truck driver and grandpa was a radar technician. He went on teaching in the army for many decades afterward. They met and married there. My great uncle (grandma's brother) was killed by the Japanese in a Thai internment camp near the river Kwai. My grandma went to visit his grave there for the first time a few years back. A few great old photos: Grandma in the Aussie army: Grandpa (on left) on R&R break down under: Grandpa (left) and other officers when they were stationed in Alabama in the 1960s
  20. Hey Shain Was actually in London today, picking up a visa at the Ghanaian embassy in Highgate. Due to the shit weather and ridiculous train delays I didn't stick around for anything more than a bit of lunch, but I hope I can make it up there for a show or two in the next few months. Have been way too busy so far to do much of anything like that, but I think things will settle down in the new year when I submit my dissertation.
  21. If it makes you feel better, even London, UK got snow on Tuesday night. I was cycling home in Brighton (south of london) and got hit by a slush storm. Bizarre weather for these parts!
  22. Thanks folks. SP, where is Scriptech based? Will probably get in touch with both to check them out.
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