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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. The weekend turned out to be great for me. What a bunch! Great fun songs, kept everybody havin' a good time and kicked it hard - they were relentless! Those boys can sure pick some great tunes. It was a perfect trip...Everything *just* worked out. my car ran out of gas just as we hit the parking lot. Perfect is not really ideal. It felt like we were destined to hop on the ferry and be a little suprise. If you're ever at Joe's Garage have some pie. It's delicious.
  2. Perhaps nobody supports striking union employees anymore. In a conservative political climate (middle of the road...whatever) it's hard for organized advantage to have any sort of clout from those that are not in unions. The fact that you have to go onto a messageboard to get support in the way of honking horns probably speaks volumes.
  3. I would suggest going somewhere along the Rideau Waterway. You'd be close to nature, able to find great little restaurants and would be close enough to Ottawa to go to a show and stay in a hotel for a swanky night. Try Merrickville, Perth, or Ottawa for that matter.
  4. this weekend's no good for me, but if anybody needs another 'couchman' for their next show it'd be great to catch that and a nap on somebody's sofa before the long ferry ride back to Vancouver.
  5. I keep hearing about a Ween show but all of my energy is on this theMasses party. is anybody else stoking this party??
  6. but of course. In Gastown. 435 Railway Street. Hit the ferry. Should be a phat weekend.
  7. holy shit dude. that is awesome how a father can act like a child.
  8. It means they've played the salt lounge.
  9. This Saturday (sept 8th) from 10AM onwards to the dawn theMasses vs. DJs - $10 cover. Bring it! Let's stoke this one!!!
  10. Glad I did a search before posting a third thread about this movie. Anyhow...Bumpiddy bump-bump.
  11. Soul singer with a Wall of Sound?
  12. best short lived band on the scene. I'm looking forward to it.
  13. Yari Aswipe (it's os-we-pay)
  14. I don't think that it's easy enough to say that theMasses rocked that tall tent harder than pretty much everybody that weekend. Of course RaQ and Garaj are heavyweights, but there's something to be said for direction and sound and theMasses, Slammin' Jack, Headwater, and Jackfruit had everybody beat for vibe and strength IMO. Brickhouse and Wassabi played solid sets, both having shining moments and being tiiiight players, but after the weekend ended there's nothing you could say that would put anybody over and above the groovy young locals that Bonfire brought up the coast. I'm glad that I don't have anything to grumble about the Garaj set this time around. Perhaps it was because I'd been drinking all weekend or all the fun things I'd been eating in the forest (not just cantaloupe and pineapple), but I don't think it's fair to chock it up to consumption...There was this one time I saw them...I thought i'd not really heard the entire set properly...turns out I heard them just fine as they were just as unamusing at Meltdown last weekend (darrington, WA) - but this past weekend was actually a kickass set. I hope I get to hear that set again sometime. But seriously, it's not so much about the music for me as it is the time well spent...which is a total bonus because this year's lineup kicked serious ass. I was so glad to get out of the city and be up the coast. A dip in ruby lake, time spent with some amazing friends, and responsibility's stranglehold on my weekend kept me in check and glad to be where I was in the drizzle. Tonight's the first night in a week that I've spent at home. the only thing about the Bonfire festival is the lack of a bonfire. I guess it's just like Come together when everybody's off in their tents or at their campsites. Hopefully next year somebody'll throw a festival called 'hot girls keep your clothes, stay out of the baby oil pool, and don't touch each other'. Considering some hairy dude stole my girlfriend's bikini and wore it all around the campground for RaQ and thereafter on Saturday night I think I could handle leaving her at home for that one. Anybody got photos of bikini guy?
  15. I've seen 3 garaj shows and 1 FHQ and to date I've only seen one set that I'm glad to have been at. I think you folks would eat that shit up. Have em open for soulive and it'd be a cool ticket worth $45
  16. To me, Freddie mercury does not epitomize rock. the rest of the band rocked, freddie was a showstopper. Robert Palmer was a pop/soul singer. Robert Plant was rock and roll, and Brian Johnson was envigorating at the very least. they were better rock singers than freddie to me. Freddie Mercury was an incredible performer and vocalist. It's hard to top that one.
  17. I was at my cottage. The lights on Douglas Point still lit up my sky. What was I doing? Well whatever it was I was certainly enjoying it
  18. Somebody had better review Oh Susanna for us.
  19. well...here in Vancity there's a plague panhandlers. Some of them turn into bottle collectors (deposit on recyclable bottles here generates revenue for those that take it upon themselves to clean up our litter). Some of them I just say no...some actually make funny signs and find a beat up guitar. Some sell the crack they smoke. Some leave vancouver for the greener pastures of maple ridge. I say rehabilitation camps would be perfect. Make asking people for money illegal (that would fix our governmental lobbyist problem)and then give these people a place to live. policed thus kickstarting the security industry and giving thousands of people jobs. it could boost a lagging economy and serious underemployment problem. anyhow, it won't likely happen, but somebody run with this (Hux?) and get elected to PM. I like scotch and celebrate christmas.
  20. !!!Mike Filipowitsch!!! This solidifies my Bonfire experience and makes it seem even more tangible. It's paining me to wait.
  21. Personally I hate playing with weak jammers...and when I hate jamming i might as well have just stayed home. Then I resent having spent time trying to play music with the overly polite, quiet, weak, reserved musicians...generally guitar players that can't play rhythm with a dynamic rhythm section. If I could empart a suggestion, it would be to play something that supports and drives a group.
  22. Gross?? Like EMI or Sony are any better. Just because it's corporate and make their living on a manufactured commodity (humans love coffee)? So are there reasons in particular that this is gross?? Not everybody cares enough to start their own grassroots businesses.
  23. SaggyBalls

    Yo La Tengo?

    Don't thank us for the feedback - hopefully you'll thank Yo La tengo for their feedback. GUITARS!
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