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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Huxxy - I left a neighbourhood filled with asian men that look like that - but since I moved out of my apartment I think I wouldn't be reminded of this hateful thread. Glad to be out of the city...
  2. Social Democratism is a moderate form of Socialism. The Social Democratic current came into being by a break within the Socialist movement in the early 20th century. One reformist group of Socialists rejected the idea of a Socialist revolution, and instead tried to achieve the Socialist ideals through Democratic means. Social Democrats are in favor of a highly regulated Capitalist market economy, but with a strong and large government [Moderate Interdependence]. Social Democracy is often considered the most commonly embraced political ideology in the world. YOUR SCORE Your scored -4 on Moral Order and 2 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Socialism Ideology: Social Democratism Party: No match. Presidents: Jimmy Carter 04' Election: David Cobb 08' Election: Barack Obama Of the 413,598 respondents (1,557 on Facebook): 7% are close to you. 59% are more conservative. 6% are more liberal. 7% are more socialist. 10% are more authoritarian. Strange...I think I'd vote for Ron Paul in the '08 election but on grounds other than partisan politics...
  3. realizing first off that I'm opening myself up so that you can be 'smarter and better than me' is this worth discussion(?): supposedly the only US Presidential candidate that isn't owned by big business and banking interests is (rep) Ron Paul. In my eyes that supercedes any partisan affiliation. Is this an important issue to you? Would it sway your vote? or am I an idiot for not liking a more leftistly correct candidate? If so why is this more important?
  4. s/he is probably a very nice person. Do we all have to be so mean?
  5. I think I may be taking this discussion too seriously because I am compelled to share that PANDAS ARE IN THE SAME GENETIC LINE AS RACCOONS. The fact that someone brought up Pandas made me feel a bit sad for our collective intelligence. Now...that was all made up for with Freeker's discussion. Pterodactyl vs. Bear. This deserves a heartfelt ponderance. After all, strength aside, the flying dinosaur could drop a load of excrement on the bear and blind it...kinda like a Dragon but more comedy. As for the original discussion question, The Gorilla would be a goner unless it got ahold of the bear's jaw and ripped the bear's head apart. Please don't cry.
  6. Don't you mean 'I have no time for anything that is neither useful nor amusing'? (is it or or nor?) Jusat trying to be useful. I'm sure you don't find this amusing.
  7. She gets in at 11:30...Maybe we'll make it in for some dancin'!
  8. So what ELSE is going on for Winterlude? My Girlfriend Erin will be flying out to Ottawa for a little vacation from the 8th to the 13th. Maybe we can meet some of you wierdos for a beer somewhere.
  9. Nobody trying to get me to move back to Ontario? (I'm really not so much of a douchebag in person)
  10. I'll be making snowmen and women this weekend.
  11. they play instruments that look a bit too small for their bodies...little gibsons. big fuzz. I hope they never start trimming.
  12. Hey...it's cold out but we could drive that fancy truck of yours into the washbay. it's got a bed in the back and there's a pressure washer for cleanup. Whadda Ya say??
  13. I saw them on letterman. Reminded me of MMJ but less complex. Nice fuzzy tone for a trio. Too bad they couldn't have chosen a name that doesn't remind me of a band with a broader scope.
  14. I'm not black and I haven't had a history of racist acts and maljustice acted out blatantly or through acts of passive aggression towards myself or my kin (unless the chinese ladies on the skytrain or the sidewalk pretending they don't speak english when I ask them what time it is count). Although I believe it might not work as well as hoped, it shouldn't meet with such nearsighted criticism. Glad that you folk care about the world around you but, unless the 'scene' changed drastically since i moved to vancouver, most of you are not involved directly in the situation. Why not be open to it? Because it is devised under an air of exclusivity while you believe there should be mandated inclusion? They're trying to empower their people. People that supposedly feel downtrodden and ineffective. If you want to gauge it when it's up and running, see if it's a safe bet to find successful crack dealers or grads with heady scholarships. Either way they really deserve some support as many feel their community hasn't had the kindness and tenderness they need to succeed. Feel like it's 1958? Keep in mind that the african-canadian community is rallying for this and not the white government. What a lame cliched comparison.
  15. I grew up on Schotch Line Road near Merrickville. Glad to hear you've bought into a piece of Upper Canada's glorious past. I'm here right now as we speak actually. Anybody have a hot job in Ottawa for me? I'd move into the city...I don't have an apartment in Vancouver anymore. Roommates? (Or a hot job in Perth to help offset your massive debt and a patch of hay in your barn, Pablo??)
  16. What ever happened to the Afghan Whigs??
  17. Talk about racing stripe!
  18. BEst of luck. It's very difficult to not do something that you would really like to, have the means, and ability to do, and won't kill you immediately. I'm sure your liver appreciates this rest. I find it hard to get my mind off of my vice and am glad to be on a break myself.
  19. I'm not worried about my health...just about being stressed out w. work. thanks for the good vibes, folks.
  20. a great time to invest in uranium. so muchprofit...way more than would come from supporting new industry
  21. gotta love the land of the persecuted
  22. Thanks, folks! I have a meeting with a superior next week to go over a letter from my doctor and discuss options. Strangely enough they requested the diagnosis which they are not entitled to legally (they just need to know that I have a condition that I am being treated and tested for, the duration of initial treatment and that I deserve leniency) so my doctor wouldn't draft said diagnosis in a letter. Apparently if it continues it is a form of harassment. I'm curious to see what happens with this - if they wrongfully dismiss me, lay me off, offer me leave or put up with more potential absences. I hope you all find yourself well this holiday season.
  23. Oui c'est Roi'b. Je ne suis pas bilingue. Merci, Jonyak. Been thinking about forestry...get in shape and out of the city for loads of cash. Unfortunately it would be far away from my sweetheart. It's really too bad this is going down as it is. I really like my job and the company I work for. I hate having to live with this shitty deal...hopefully I'll not be ill or late anytime soon.
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