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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. My Pasta Express has an AS beside the triangle. "Independent researchers in dozens of studies have linked trace BPA exposures in animal and test-tube experiments to conditions involving hormone imbalances, including breast and prostate cancer, early puberty and changes in brain structure, particularly for exposures during key points of fetal or early neonatal development." I hope my doctor doesn't kill the mood when right after he tells me to cough.
  2. SaggyBalls


    Tapes - keep all of the pure analog tapes. Everything else is available for digital download or trade. pure analog recordings are a representation of what really happened. not just data. The digital stuff might sound better to your ears but the Analog is what needs to be kept. when it's gone it's gone forever. You can't record it to CD or your hard disk. So even if they sound like crap they're the only ones worth really keeping. b+p or give em away...trade em if you need to. worth saving for those that would appreciate it. (skank christmas exchange?)
  3. Jaydawg, if you're lookin' to have a party on the lake this summer i'm sure you could find a way to make it worthwhile.
  4. Boiler Rat I could walk to your place from our cottage on Bruce Beach. I think summer at the lake might not be so quiet after all...presuming of course that you're friendly.
  5. I'm going to be in the Kincardine area a bunch if all goes well this summer. Are there any drum circles/jammers/amazing getaways within a couple of hours' drive in the summery months?
  6. What about Goderich?? I second the Stratford, but it's great to be close to the lake. I hope to be in Kincardine for as much of the summer as I can so if there's a Diesel Dog show around I'd want to be there. If you can buy property for the cheap around there then it's a worthwhile business opportunity, but Paisley's a nice place (for someone that doesn't live there) What about Owen Sound? Ever thought about the bay? If you want them to see black people then small town Ontario is not the place to be. Being a Veg in Beef country is a great limitation as it makes you cook more. Is there a chance that you'll appreciate that frustrating part of your consciousness? Are you good cooks? Do you have people to have potlucks with? You don't really live in the best place to eat locally (nuclear power plant, near a great lake...) so if you're looking to relocate then I'd suggest getting closer to Guelph. Haven't been there in awhile but it's a headier town than London. There's also the Niagara region and then you're even that much closer to Detroit. Man oh man am I ever looking forward to getting out on the beach.
  7. Feather Pillowtop, pillows and Duvet...I like my bed made but have yet to put it into routine. I don't tuck my sheets because I like a bunch of room above my head and I'm already 6'2"...beds are wide for comfort, not long so I hate tucked sheets. It also makes making my bed waaaay easy. I just grab the corners of the sheets and duvet, line em up, flap and voila. the covers cascade over my bed and make it look soft and comfy.
  8. Dub is a Weapon backing Lee this time through?
  9. It's entirely easy to look down on Heston with his stance on guns, but the right to bear arms is one that has been entirely vilified because of the zealotry that goes hand in hand with weapons and power. Guns are bad but the right to have them to defend ourselves from an unjust ruling class is entirely fair. And that hits at the heart of civil rights.
  10. 1. way cooler name 2. I'd do it for an orgasm. dude got a case of beer. awesome. 3. I think a lot of people that are 'guilty of drunk driving' he was found guilty on legal charges. Unfortunate that the last 2 points are unrelated.
  11. Deficit is when we spend more than we make debt is how much more we've spent than made. Sometimes deficit is important. Currency debt is intirely wrong. I'm amazed that we use that system.
  12. If it works on mobile browsers then it's a great tool for jam sessions with cel phones and audio ins on PAs.
  13. Too bad it's not up for Opera...Guess I'll have to play around with firefox or IE
  14. SaggyBalls


    What about travellers? Can people Travel to your area to jam for fun??
  15. But does it look and sound cool? Were you expecting plot? Where is it lacking?
  16. It's only interesting to me because it serves to align those around you with the country in which they live. What if you, your neighbour, and all of your neighbours' neighbours were willing to die for each other but not for their country? What does that word mean to YOU? Is it merely a people, or is it geography? is it the system set in place for peoples within a certain geography??
  17. His speeches have rallied an entire movement. He is really proposing nothing that is entirely challenging to positive people - He instead affirms all the great energy and ideals that are entirely lacking in the past 8 years of American Politics.
  18. I really dig the idea of the early shows. As I've seen countless fans leave concerts around midnight anyway, it's a great way to see an entire show and then go to another, for the earlynighters to deke out and not break up the mood... ...and a great chance to have a night of DJ loveliness and great cocktails without a cover if you're just into going out to a bar but like the vibe and tunes. there's just less pre-drinky. It's enough to drive a man to drugs and it's pretty close to the hookers and crack dealers. win win? (zaphods then mavericks...come now...more concert...and a chance to have pre/after parties depending on the crowd) I'm sure Velvet has an absolutely crushing argument. Does anyone REALLY want to be there all night?
  19. Freak - We're not making those things, and we weren't making huge profits because of cheap labour. It's not the olden days. I think it was all much better, products were made to last, and many cultures were not as touched by the west... Perhaps the uniform change should include banana hammocks. Humiliate China!
  20. Western Economies have far more to lose when we do this as most of the profits are not held in China. What would be better but entirely unjust would be stop exporting the raw materials that China needs to build and produce...say, copper. Stop selling them copper, sulfur, and lumber. Those 3 things would drive China to rape their own country in the name of progress even more than they have and would significantly harm their billion residents. then when they free Tibet (yeah...with some of the world's strongest uranium deposits in the plateau and some of the world's strongest rivers?? no chance) we can lift those trade sanctions and raise our prices. and profit from their misfortune. Or we could just change our uniforms, not appear in the opening ceremonies and suggest to our athletes that it wouldn't be a heartbreaker if they didn't compete and those that would win would not dishonour Canada by casually commenting in their interviews that the chinese government could never have forcefully occupied Tibet, that a cultural genocide is destroying a strong culture that the world has lost out on for the past 60 years, and that the conquest of the ceiling of the world is based purely in greed. Then when China starts their war based on the Olympics that they would have no political clout because they got pissed off at what olimpic athletes brought to light. People in aerodynamic tights that run and throw and swim and jump.
  21. You'd better get us an asheville log. I presume more of us on here would love to know more about this little gem in the southeast
  22. Well when you put it that way I'd hit up the good ol' DQ if I could But if a country were worth dying for I would be truly proud to be Canadian still wouldn't get me to end it though so you folks are stuck with me for awhile.
  23. You're right Biggest Fan. He is a righty. He also believes in supporting rights of his people and upholding the constitution. He is not for big business, wants to get rid of the IRS and the Federal Reserve (actually make the money worth something) so in theory there will be more individual wealth. Just imagine what would happen if Americans had to pay far fewer taxes than they do already...they'd be able to afford privatized social programs such as healthcare.
  24. But of course! I came on to delete much of that post but on looking at it again, someone might have something else to add to this to make it entirely worthwhile. Hal - You entirely redeemed this thread from what it could have been and in the first post at that!! I don't what this to be entirely gloomy. I hope someone can lead me to believe that Canada is worth dying for.
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