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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. I am not in any way trying to be a buzzkill but let me just say that Van is (still) known for his mercurial temper when it comes to performing. There are nights he'll lay it down for three+ hours, interacting and playing to the audience, and other nights he'll just face his drummer, play more sax than you ever want to hear a great singer play, and get off the stage after 55 minutes. Just so ya know, that seems to be his rep.
  2. I'm already smitten with that album Brian.
  3. thanks for all the kind words, folks. I had a most excellent birthday weekend up at a pal's cottage, playing some guitar and drinking too much beer. This board has become an important component of my life and I treasure the people I have gotten to know through it, plus getting to see some frineds around here that I go way back with. So thanks again, much love and respect.
  4. You're a beautiful guy Andre, a true friend. Thanks for always being there when I need someone to talk to and for the endless laughs you give me. Have a great one daddy!
  5. Benevento Russo duo are part of the Thursday night free concert series in August, and I believe I heard something about Umph's being part of it too. (?)
  6. About 20,000 Deadheads. That's the average sales of the vault releases.
  7. It's a real trip indeed. Being an acoustic player, I always get freaked hearing my guitar and voice come back to me in a monitor. I guess you get used to it after a while but man it messes me up sometimes. My ultimate problem is I'm my own worst critic and I always sense other people's compliments are just charitable expressions of kindness. Rock on Paan.
  8. all the best Ari, glad you were born!
  9. the self-scan aisle at the grocery store can save you a bundle on bulk goods.
  10. MarcO

    Toronto Pizza

    ignorance. Amato's pizza = FUCKING AWESOME!
  11. What an asshole he was. Let's not get all sentimental about this fuck, as though his death (duh, we all die sometime) makes all his stupid comments and ridiculous attitudes go away. He was as disgusting a human being as they come. "AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals." - the Rev Jerry Falwell.
  12. American Pie is not really about a pie but there is still an association between the lyrics and the title, in that the pie comes to represent an America the singer (Don McLean) doesn't recognize anymore. Strawberry Fields is a place in Liverpool, but the song isn't about that place. It's a symbol of a Liverpudlian childhood Lennon is reflecting on. So there's a connection between the title and the lyrics. I think Alice's Restaurant is similar.
  13. DMB = 12 years of (mostly) sold-out shows all across America, EVERY year. Hell, even the cranky Bob Lefsetz who doesn't much like them thinks they're the biggest American band going. Because they're consistent and people can count on them, plus they don't generally rip people off. Their ticket prices are consistently below market averages for tours of their kind. They make a mint, the fans go home happy/ That's a social contract that few bands can form. Now I'm not saying the likes of Pearl Jam DOESN'T have this with their audience, just saying that that's where DMB have made their mark. As for those making fun of their audience, let me just say that the last couple of times I saw DMB their audience lived up to precious few of the stereotypes people tend to throw at them. In fact, I had a blast being part of the crowd - people danced and sang along and had a genuinely good time, they didn't just skulk around in a dirty pharmie haze all goggle-eyed and seedy, like the last bunch of Phish shows I saw.
  14. MarcO


    Rob Rainford always looked like he was about to mount his bbq and show it some real lovin'.
  15. I'm so happy this thread is rolling again!
  16. Is this the tune by Eric Burdon and The Animals?
  17. #226 "Songs that mention other bands/artists" 1. Monterey- San Franciscan Nights (Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, The Who, Ravi Shankar, Jimi Hendrix, Hugh Masekela) 2. Tragically Hip - Don't Wake Daddy (Kurt Cobain) 3. Bob Dylan - Highlands (Neil Young) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  18. #225 the song you are listening to right Now 1. Pretenders - Mystery Achievement 2. John R. Butler - God Will fuÇk You Up 3. Metallica - Orion 4. H.N.I.C. - Blue Mitchell 5. Days of You - Monkey 6. Widespread Panic - Henry Parsons Died 7. Bright Eyes - If The Brakeman Turns My Way 8. Neil Young - Journey Through The Past 9. Marillion - Ocean Cloud 10. Soul Coughing - Collapse 11. ELO - Evil Woman (hey, it's on the radio....) 12.
  19. i facebooked you already but as for here - happy birthday!
  20. happy birthday to you, all the best!
  21. yeah I used to revile this album. Now I'm enjoying it.
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