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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. MarcO

    Worst Venues?

    the washrooms at the CZ were horrific.... ::shudders::
  2. MarcO

    Worst Venues?

    I like the Opera House! The Kool Haus, not so much. Not that I wish to give a very nice man a heart attack (respect to whiteymuseum - hey, I think The Underground KICKS ASS!) - but Hamilton's The Casbah I have pretty much given up on, and I'm ok with that.
  3. :: holds back tears, tries to be a man ::
  4. I didn't realize times were so tough for The Slip...
  5. not sure if I can pick a favorite but I've always had a soft spot for the paintings of Mark Rothko. . Barra violeta, 1957
  6. happy birthday huxalicious!
  7. "Hello, I'm a burnt-out hairy bum-sniffer." "woof woof."
  8. ok, I'll take your challenge, old man booche: 10-18-74 Winterland and Brian is right you know. we're all weiners!
  9. Hmmmmph. Buffalo 77 was clearly the superior show. newbies. Moosewood was a pioneering vegetarian restauarant in the 1970's and their cookbooks are a delight, I recommend them and I'm not a vegetarian!
  10. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to square the circle behind conservatives who will fight for the right to life movement - since life is sacred and a blessing - and then fight to have that person sentenced to death when they grow up to be a dangerous asshole.
  11. I can't fucking believe they're playing Iqaluit. Anybody driving up for the gig?
  12. ooops, didn't notice Laurie was still logged in. That was me.
  13. as part of the TD Canada Trust Toronto Jazz Festival
  14. definitely overdue, some 1980's goodness there!
  15. I'd just like to say thank you to Andre and Ollie. Grumps? I don't think so. Good vibes is not all about a beautific smile and a "let it all be" attitude.
  16. #222. Best guitar rock songs without any guitar solos: 1. Sister Surround - The Soundtrack Of Our Lives 2. Blur - Song 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  17. Loved that show growing up and what a shame about the DVD. I'll always fondly remember when they brought SCUM of The Earth to Cincy.
  18. "you've gotta be cruel to be kind."
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