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Everything posted by paisley

  1. web 2.0 has been a loose term tossed around for the past few years really... came in on the tails of the major browsers fully supporting cascading style sheets and agreeing to follow web standards as put together by the ( World Wide Web Consortium (wc3) )... what was html is now usually css... was was perl or javascript is now ajax (which is basically super javascript)... thus 2.0... also relates to large strides taken regarding the DOM, xhtml, xml, etc (that last one there doesn't involve any scripting ;-) I used to stay in a lot there's also a "look" to whats termed web 2.0... and people like to make fun of it =) really the same old, nothing ground-breaking anyways as it all happened so gradually... likely sounds good when you're pitching a client or trying to pick up chicks
  2. I believe spell check swings both ways awesome you're gonna make it fisty... I'll be a little more last minute but I feel the calling
  3. hey heys Mike HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! have yourself a sweet day, for me (will have to cross paths one day soon, been some while)
  4. Hi Gordie (if you're talking to him again, tell him I think he's crazy) Big Sugar's bass player was playing at pepperjacks fairly regularly for while, great act, forget their name unfortunately
  5. generally think of web 2.0 as standards based pure cascading style sheet layouts that use ajax to smoothly interface with the user... smooth, sleek and efficient, the result of 15/20 years of code geeks ironing out the bugs I think of myspace as a computer crashing flashy gadget... full of useful and interesting content but abysmally designed, flat out horrible from a design and coding perspective... makes me think of homemade websites from the early 90s full of annoying animated gifs, flashing text and unreadable color schemes youtube probably falls into the Web 2.0 category
  6. watching the Price is Right made me feel like Lipton's chicken noodle soup for lunch (which I haven't eaten in like 15 years)
  7. Isnt that the story of your life? I'll choke ya up yeah, 2 minutes of Deal or No Deal and I get pissed right off... its like someone went out of their way to plan a show that would totally offend me... loathe it, when I see I feel like I understand everything thats wrong with the world
  8. sorry bro... was confused for a sec (no air conditioning, humid) Dead Ahead is epic (see correction above)... second only in my books to The Grateful Dead Movie (if you haven't seen it, see it... catches a bit of the craziness that surrounded the band early on (and throughout)... along with the crazy energy of the band in the early 70s... and the "chicklets" guy =)
  9. is what I was just thinking... gotta be my longest running "still on television" connection... kinda almost got choked up there for a sec then that big guy got called and charged down through the crowd and just about knocked the first guy he high fived head over heels... lol I wonder how this'll affect things in Iraq? (thanks for the heads up Booche, lunch can wait... all the best Bob)
  10. edit: was talking bout the wrong film, Dead Ahead is definately a quality film... 1980 was one of the peaks of the band... love the acoustic/electric contrast from the shows that year love PBS (but not during their pledge drives... shudder)
  11. makes me feel like my mouth is frozen! =)
  12. will dodillydo brah no, YOU'RE a trash fence! (I honestly have no idea... just put it in a context and run with it)
  13. was a buddy's birthday and he was playing at another bar same time as the bus, had promised I'd come see him play hope the new songs were so "indie" you walked out with a new hairdo! (and had yet another new one by the time you got home )
  14. am seriously shooting to make le burning man as well whilst in the neighbourhood should try and plan a side trip into death valley... spend a night in the darkest corner of north america scopin the cosmos "been through the desert on a horse with no name..."
  15. its like earth is an eye looking out at space a perfect wallpaper for a fan of les astrologie! myself, I am a fan of le french! (we'll have split the drivin and go leonid chasing one of these years bro)
  16. solar eclipse from space... whoahoahoa
  17. i find it easy to keep clapping in time from throwing stones straight through not fade away omg! they're ALL the same!
  18. fuckme... when's burning man again? (found out) think I'm going try for it
  19. nice, watched a lot of blueroom footage last year... awesome footage am a little fair skinned for the fields of Tennesseee... not to mention my "high alert" fear of the state troopers in that neighbourhood baby sitting tomorrow night just got a whole lot better!
  20. hear she's out of the medical wing and feeling better... publicist must have conveyed how much press she's getting and brought up how her book about her ordeal (written by her, of course) will outsell the whole Harry Potter series combined ah, first couple of days twitchin round your cell on that jail crank would chase away anyone's munchies... not to mention keep em up well past bedtime... she'll find her stride
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