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Everything posted by paisley

  1. PAAN HAS A BAND!!! awesome news brother! don't know for sure if I'll be mobile next weekend, but you never know... great news in any case... congrats! (sounds good too!)
  2. nice, perfect great post birthday read Peace Mark!
  3. a buddy called me up few months back and asked me to do a search for "large quantities of ammonia nitrate" (he'd just seen the mythbusters episode where they show you how to make your own nitrous oxide) all groggy from my nap did so, and of course all the first search results were uni-bomber, Oklahoma City, etc... whoops (red flag... red flag... red flag)
  4. Happy Birthday Mike! Salute!
  5. nother interesting and yet very tasty find via said methodology Dark Star/St Stephen/The Eleven/[color:green]Green Green Grass of Home 6/27/69 http://rhino.edgeboss.net/download/rhino/gdead/tapers/jun25/dark_star_st._stephen_green_green_grass_of_home_6_27_69.mp3
  6. nothing whatsoever to do with this thread except did a search for the same url out of curiosity and bumped into this sweet Shakedown circa 7/5/81 http://rhino.edgeboss.net/download/rhino/gdead/tapers/july2/shakedown_street_promised_land_7_5_81.mp3 (that is a killer Other One, thankya)
  7. funny stuff from what I can tell after clicking several the trick to it is if they resemble Bob Dylan or Garcia at any point in their lives in the fuzzy picture, they're taliban
  8. is a link to their website above in my first post (thanks for the bright clothing tip!)
  9. and now you're a computer geek (fair enough though, for me it was hot wheels cars I though were really imaginary people)
  10. Balls Falls is cool, there's usually some sort of activity going on near the trailhead geared at kids, tours of the grist mill etc... personally think Webster's Gorge blows it away when it comes to climbing and hiking in a nice natural setting though... find the hiking more exciting, better spots to stop and chill... top of Webster's falls is a perfect picnic spot as well you'll have to come down for some hikin/climbing one weekend Schwaby
  11. around Webster's Falls is excellent day hike material (would pick a not crazy humid day for the best experience)... make sure you go down into the valley... many crazy beautiful spots along the river... Tew's Falls is about a half kilometer away and the two rivers from each falls meet up and turn into one big river... the valley is shaped like a big Y Waterfalls in Hamilton/Dundas Elora Gorge is a really nice campground, close by right just on the other side of Guelph... doesn't look like the rest of southern ontario, big cedar trees growing out of granite rock, pine needle forest floor... if you go bring little rafts, air mattresses or an inner tube to ride down the river... if you plan to go reserve ahead of time African Lion Safari - met a girl who worked with the elephants there and she insisted the animals are very well looked after The Metro Toronto Zoo - had a llama spit in my face there as a kid but still enjoyed it a lot Wild Water Works/Confederation Park in hamilton (well, in stoney creek really) would be a perfect place on a hot day... $8.90 admission after 4pm (regular $16.10). Open until 8pm until Aug 19, until 6pm through Labour Day. The Butterfly Conservatory near Niagara Falls is supposed to be pretty neat... my niece liked it (I'm overdue on checking it out)
  12. reviews are good they say it does out-twitter twitter personally don't bother with instant messaging as I generally find it distracting when trying to work... if I was collaborating on something maybe I'd go for it again (told my folks to buy ICQ shares when they went public)
  13. something about the 4th of July and Deadheads makes me smile... the good part of america thanks for the photos... cute kids ya got there
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