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Everything posted by paisley

  1. don't drink the water! (ignore that, drink lots of water)
  2. some pretty weak yuck yuck yucks there Chuck no wonder he had to learn to fight
  3. first one that came into my head as well
  4. that'd be an awesome cameo on TPB next season if Tony came rolling into park on "business"
  5. am halfway through season 5 walking around everywhere humming loudly with my hands over my ears
  6. occasionally the best thing that can happen to a person... stuck spinning in a circle can be good to fall right off the track
  7. well... supposedly Pee Wee Herman and Marilyn Manson are both very down to earth, likeable, normal people if you get to sit down with em didn't really pick that up in the Cheech and Chong movies ("Hamburger. Sea Shells.") or on Much if you don't have Paris on speed dial I'd say its pretty tough to tell one way or the other (though she does seem sort of forgetful when it comes to the underwear) the radio just told me that Hollywood analysts believe that Paris' decision not to appeal the courts decision will be a favourable move in the eyes of the court of public opinion (ho hum... still don't understand why this is daily news)
  8. happy birthday brotha! wishin ya all the best from here
  9. make her guards sign a waiver saying they won't take her picture doing anything period, with severe repercussions... should be standard corrections procedure anyways, shouldn't it? am sure no one wants their pic taken when they're down and out in the can (particularly on the can, in the can ) no guard should be raking in 10 million for sneaking a jail pic of Paris
  10. same thing that keeps coming into my mind if you have the money why not have someone else drive if you've agreed not to drive in court or else you'll go to jail... not eating not sleeping sounds a lot like the tantrum of someone who's really used to getting their own way... or perhaps withdrawl (which a few weeks of won't kill you, though you'll be grumpy) makes no sense she didn't buy a cheap car then give a friend or one of the neighbours kids or a profession a job driving her around
  11. sorry I didn't make it out guys, required some time close to home this weekend... was thinking of you though happy to hear good times were had... a heart felt cheers in your direction
  12. happy birthday kiddo may the world be filled with wonders
  13. have heard it talked about like its "BIG NEWS!" on 3 radio stations so far this morning Paris = 3 Stanley Cup = 0 [color:silver]WHITE HOT DESIRES MELTING COLD PRISON STEEL!
  14. currently happy with my avatar or I'd be sporting:
  15. I'd take 45 days in the women's penn over Trey's drug court any day
  16. yeah, a year is a long time in my world... thought it was Street View but guess it could've been G. Earth (grabbed that soon as it came out)... haven't been browsing the tech geek sites much lately but was quite a bit then and think I found a link originally discussing street view on waxy.org or kottke.org "Pffft Harlem... lemme tell ya a little story bout Kabul."
  17. Neeraj is awesome, here's a link to his site Neeraj Prem's Ragaffaire great to see you're on the kit... kudos will do my best to make it out
  18. just take the money you make selling weed, CDs and local art to touristy hippies during the day and buy another house to relax in I'd go the Kramer route and offer full history and tours (and weed, CDs and local art... hell, even the extra organic food sitting in the fridge) be the perfect excuse to finally get myself a 'Captain Trips' hat (note the house in the background... and the "paisley" shirt)
  19. last I looked into it was about a year ago and it was pretty much shape based, you could roll down a street and see the building and houses in siloutte (more similar to Google Map)... this is pretty cool... great job driving round the states filming the lay of the land AD... when it gets to capturing the rough end of town nothing like being able to say "Yeah, did a fair bit of road graphing over in Afghanistan a while back."
  20. gonna start dressing better case the Google "Street View" cruiser passes my way (and holding my thumbs up as often as won't get you committed to an institution) thanks for the link, cool stuff... heard it was coming but first I've seen it
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