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Everything posted by paisley

  1. I've got a great big tent DAVEY BOY!!!
  2. could explain it... for some reason we always called it Bruce Peninsula... that we never had a problem drinking alcohol there kinda throws me off (was around the time the provincial ban in the parks around here)
  3. ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring... a quite loaded friend of mine looked for his ringing cell phone for over an hour, tore his room apart, only to find out it was in his back pocket the whole time
  4. well there was something there (private park?)... I know its been a popular destination for decades... I went away to college in Sault Ste Marie 1987 and had been to the park at least 3 summers... we originally had no idea it existed and were just driving up the peninsula looking for things to do when we found it love that cedar forest too... damn, talk'n about its making me crazy wanting to go up
  5. yays, 23 years ago was 1984, but pretty positive Cyprus was still within the park (was 3 nice warm shallow lakes) but wasn't on the sign... we were all scared they had changed the rules or something when the sign changed that grotto is hands down one of my favorite places on the planet... one year we brought little personal "Nautilus" rafts and checked out all the caves along the bruce peninsula cliffs (tons of em, just perfect for stopping in and pulling out yer waterproof container almost all of them have a convenient ledge about a foot above the water to hop out onto to shake your sea legs for a minute)
  6. "I'm... waiting for my man." "Twenty-six dollars in my hand." --- "and I'm rushing on my run, and I feel just like Jesus' son, and I guess that I just don't know, I guess that I jus don't know" --- put me right in how I picture the Village was during those times
  7. thought at first when we went the big sign our front read Bruce Peninsula, then a few times later it changed to Cypress Lake... but that makes sense (we were probably baked and misunderstood) but whats in a name, remains my favorite park since my first trip there 23 years ago
  8. I REALLY LIKE Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon (though admit I was stale on it for a while) and the Velvet Underground with Nico! now Captain Beefheart on the other hand...
  9. didn't see that... is awesome! remember being surprised there was no ban years back, guess they feel they're catering to an international crowd so have to act liberally (they seem to have changed the name back to Bruce Peninsula)... what a great fucking park
  10. Bruce Peninsula National Park doing a quick search of the National Parks haven't found any alcohol bans (I don't know for sure though)... Bruce Peninsula is the most beautiful park I've stayed in.... even if there is a ban the lots are huge, pretty easy not to bother your neighbour and vice vers
  11. Tuesday, Wednesday... Happy Days! happy birthday!
  12. wow... thats some crazy cool cameos complimenting a hell of a set o tunage
  13. just read that on stillepost glad you're alive and breathin Luke (knew you were in jail but didn't know how you were doing, been wondering) is a very rough story there... hope you forget about everyone else for a while... eat, sleep and try to mend all the best brother, hope to see ya soon
  14. why my pale irish skin doesn't even ponder hittin up the 'Roo
  15. the article doesn't knock all soy products... it knocks soy extracts which unleash the glutamate within that are usually bonded to other things in the soy... when the glutamate is freed up thats no good (not saying anything one way or the other about 'Oh Natural' products, never had them... does sound suspicious maybe though)
  16. I heard he hasn't woken up before 2 in the afternoon in over 6 months! go Ricky!
  17. foxit pdf reader is free, their pdf editor is not though but I hear its a good product... they have an evaluation copy available from their site that might be worth taking a look at if you have adobe illustrator it can edit pdf's, albeit is sometimes a bit of a clunky process (font substitutions, non-word wrapped text having to be edited one letter at a time and other fun surprises) I wish all large digital docs were in CHM format (windows help file format)... much easier to read books that way (on a pc anyways)... acrobat's a memory hog and I find it annoying to use... windows seems pretty good at getting things right when they do it by accident
  18. happy birthday miss hope you have a superb day of you
  19. someone posted this over on stillepost and thought it might be of interest to some people here... the gist of it is that when you eat soy products you should be aware of how they're produced as some types of preperations can turn soy into quite an unhealthy food... soy extracts can contain higher levels of glutamate than MSG and seems to be not good at all for your noggin (particularly later in life)... high levels of glutamate have also been shown to act as accelerating the speed some types of cancers grow and spread am just reposting this for others to check out, haven't fully looked it over myself... seems to agree with my own feelings towards not wanting to have too much of certain types of soy products in my diet, when vegan or not... sometimes it makes me feel gross... anything that makes me feel even a little ill I try to limit in my diet... "listen to your body" is the wisest diet suggestion I've heard http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/index.html http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/soy.htm#a/ http://www.drwong.us/FramelessPages/Articles/SoyPoison.htm http://www.mercola.com/2000/jan/16/soy%20_protein%20_unhealthy.htm?aid=CD12/ http://www.mercola.com/1997/archive/soybean_concerns.htm?aid=CD12/ http://www.mercola.com/2000/feb/13/more_on_soy.htm?aid=CD12/ excerpt from this interview - http://www.newstarget.com/020550.html Mike: I find a lot of the vegetarian foods, or so-called health foods, use yeast extracts. Dr. Blaylock: The worst of the things they're doing are the soy extracts. Soybeans, naturally, have one of the highest glutamate levels of any of the plant products. When you hydrolyze it, you release the glutamate, and the soy protein isolates. The glutamate levels are higher than a lot of what you'll find in MSG products, yet the vegetarians are just eating it like it's the healthiest thing in the world. There was a 25-year study done, which looked at people who consumed the most soy products, and they followed them for 25 years and did serial CT scans. They found out that the people who consumed the most soybean products had the greatest incidence of dementia and brain atrophy. These people are destroying their nervous system, and I talked to a lot of them who complained of severe migraine headaches. I said, "Get off the soy," and they do, and that migraine headache goes away. In addition, you have very high manganese levels, which is toxic to the very same part of the brain that produces Parkinson's. You've got a mixture of toxins with soy products, and the people think they are eating a healthy, nutritious product. It's destroying their nervous system, as well as other organs. Mike: In this whole debate of soy versus cow's milk, we find misinformation in both camps. Dr. Blaylock: I wouldn't recommend either one. If you're obsessed with milk, use goat's milk. It's closer to human milk, but I wouldn't recommend cow's milk or soy milk. I think people ought to avoid soy products as if they were poison. [...] Mike: What about the argument from food companies? I actually got into a debate with a veggie burger manufacturer, because I wrote an article that said their product had yeast extract in it, and yet the front label said, "100 percent all-natural ingredients." They said, "Well, glutamate appears naturally in other foods, like tomatoes and seaweed." What's your answer to that kind of defense? Dr. Blaylock: Sure, but you see, all of these types of glutamate are bound. They're in oligosaccharides, polysaccharides. They are bound in amino acids groupings. They're not free amino acids. If you have it as a complex protein, you absorb it in your GI tract. In the GI tract, there are almost no free amino acids if you eat foods such as tomatoes. The level of free amino acids is nil; it's almost all absorbed as combined amino acids, and then it's only broken down in the liver, where it's released in very low concentrations that the body can deal with. It was never meant to have free amino acids in such high concentrations. Well, when you hydrolyze them -- or you use yeast extract or enzymes to break down these various proteins into their free, released amino acids -- they're not natural any longer. What you've done is artificially release the amino acids in an unnatural way, and when they enter your GI tract, they are absorbed as free amino acids, then your blood level of that glutamic acid goes up significantly. As I said, it can go up as high as 20-fold, in some cases 40-fold. Your blood brain barrier is not constructed to handle such high levels of glutamate, because it doesn't naturally occur that way. It can handle the lower levels, but it can't handle these very high levels. So this argument, "Oh, it's natural," is just a lot of nonsense.
  20. congratulations Mike and Sharon! looks and sounds like yesterday was the perfect start to a bright and beautiful future together salute!
  21. give BradM ride! and hope ya all have a wonderful evening
  22. seize the moment... eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die life is short and time is fleeting Carpe Diem ! ! ! (<- I think thats latin for "drop now!") happy birthday buddy
  23. you've seen it a thousand times... basically more clean than clutter, bubbles incorporated every time humanly possible, nice colors... like a dream sequence am personally convinced the kids show "Boobah" should sue everyone in the industry script.aculo.us demonstrates the Web 2.0 caboodle very nicely http://wwwm.meebo.com/ http://www.reallywildflowers.co.uk/ facebook follows suit am personally working on developing Web 87.1... is a throwback to when humanity spoke in clicks and grunts... lots of paw marks and scratches for style... the lack of language gives it all a rustic, rabid dog feel... frothy... you know
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