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Everything posted by paisley

  1. This bank surveillance image shows the robber at left, with tree branches duct-taped to his head and body, leaving the Citizens Bank Police rake in leafy robbery suspect via The Consumerist
  2. anyone catch Nawal at 4 am Saturday morning? played PJC Sat night and once we got talkin realized they'd come straight from gratefulfest (said they were only playing to 30 or 40 people at 4am)... they play some extremely beautiful and sincere sounding music thanks for all the lowdowns... will have to remember to actually go next year
  3. paisley

    Buddy Guy

    saw Buddy several times years back... always a great show haven't caught him in the last 15 years... is good to hear he's still bringing it
  4. (posted over on stillepost "how to woo the opposite sex") Weird Bird of Paradise may have to start on the halloween costume early this year
  5. though I'm a quite the Talking Heads fan its Set 3 thats really caught my eye find a copy of talking heads playing the Sun Palace in Tokyo back in 1981... all that early 80s stuff with Adrian Belew of King Crimson adding his crazy experimental guitar sounds to the mix is amazing... got to talk to Adrian at the 2002 Crimson show in Toronto (thanks jambands.ca!)... great guy
  6. Happy Birthday my friend! hope your day is goin great!
  7. oh yeah, just before coming to Hamilton, Nawal played at 4am (yesterday morning) down at Grateful Fest at Nelson Ledges in Ohio figure a few more souls might have come down if they'd known
  8. Nawal is flat out, hands down incredible... can't believe humans can make such beautiful sounds... some of the most captivating, uplifting music I've ever heard at pepperjacks if they come your way be sure to check it out (think she was in Toronto at Afrofest today, don't know the time unfortunately) heading for Montreal after some more touring down in the states 18 JUL :: Festival Nuits d’Afrique :: Montréal, (Quebec) CANADA At the Ballatou - 4372 Boul St. Laurent / Show: 8:30 pm - Call 514-845-5447 for tickets and more information
  9. my man Clint is everywhere on the television schedules today... pick a channel... make my day.
  10. well there's one party I know is still goin... =) Happy Birthday the Shelby and la Steve! gonna go finish of the rest of the rum in yer (and the Douglas') honors
  11. (removed by request) a Beatles thread is no place for poor taste
  12. love ya Douglas... by way of salute will continue that within without steadfast tradition of spouting forward those perhaps unadvisable diatribes which could if miscontrued could maybe be scrutinized and be said to fall below the accepted standard of general convention which upon founding the towards of steadfast convictions whereupon my conviction of diction would be that what I am saying is by way of a salute! :thumbup: (make sure that YZip shares something nice with ya today!)
  13. fuck abhor? I hardly know abhor!
  14. rather be poor than unethical though ideally rather be ethical and well off =) (think that just takes longer)
  15. Dave Hickey puts on a great show... an awesome guy as well NAWAL @ PJC tonight looks like she's also gonna be amazing (9pm)
  16. enjoyed catching Genesis and Snoop so far flippin back and forth also watching some weird flick called "Bob Roberts" bout a easily hate-able folk singing republican senator... an alternately amusing and sickening yarn no complaints as was happy just realizing the 07-07-07 date and started the day with no further expectations (am a cheap date)
  17. thanks for the listings Jaimoe... some fine acts scheduled indeed 07 - 07 - 07
  18. hard to get great up speeds unless you're the only seeder... not the same setup as other trackers... is a relief once you get to power user super fast down speeds though
  19. my favorite Bela Fleck listen recently has been Perpetual Motion, all classical pieces (most of the biggies: Chopin, Bach, Beethoven, etc) on the 5 string banjo... not cheesy at all, just beautiful
  20. [color:green]jealous. both at Bela Fleck and the sweet moment of drunk George Thorogood fans squaring off with pompous lawn chairers "I want bourbon, I want scotch... I want you to get the fuck off my freakin case before I wrap that god-damed chair around your gay assed Ray Bans!!!"
  21. here's an article on how to run uttorrent on a mac through an emulator http://www.xtorrentp2p.com/ is another option (I don't have a Mac but looked this up for someone on another board recently out of curiosity)
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