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Everything posted by paisley

  1. who knows for how long? but its up there now
  2. very sorry to hear about this tragic loss I'll be thinking of them... please hang in there
  3. now what would Kris Kristofferson do? happy birthday my brother, was great seeing you on the weekend
  4. 1. washing Booche's tube socks.
  5. went looking for a fiery-eyed picture of Montezuma seeking his ongoing Revenge but somehow instead came up with this sounds like you're almost back up and around, remember any vacation is as much about relaxing as it is seeing the sights... no crime in taking it easy for a day or two have great times! (and listen to Velvet's advice below!)
  6. thats a whole lot of zig zag
  7. too busy myself but will definitely vouche for the awesomeness of the Chris Bottomley experience... usually starts great and ends up incredible recommended
  8. my friend I went and saw Garth Hudson with in Stratford told me about these shows at Levon's ranch should definitely give her a call and try to catch one thanks for the awesome write-up and pics Mike (and congrats!)
  9. happy belated Tim hope that you have a wonderful year
  10. I heard Ricky eats crack, meth and souls for breakfast! (at 3pm)
  11. hey! your right! kept thinking about it (then forgetting) its on.
  12. dunno on that... kinda what Meat Beat Manifesto is about though, if you toss in some techno
  13. nice... you should grab "...in Dub" to play at the next staff party
  14. paisley


    as was explained to me while thumbing my way across the east coast of Quebec, via a combination of pantomime, gesturing and facial expression (as my kind narrator spoke only the le French, and I, alas, only les English) Schooner = explosive diaharia
  15. excerpt from a report "explaining" operation of the Ferranti Bloodhound Inertial Guidance System (read carefully) also the dialog in the background of "Timebomb" off Meat Beat Manifesto's "..In Dub"
  16. Do coffee and cigarettes protect against Parkinson's? - from New Scientist though: "relative to lung disease and heart disease, Parkinson's disease is far less common."
  17. looks truly awesome guys have a great time!
  18. congrats PoG! great to hear it
  19. Easy CD-DA Extractor is definitely the simplest way to go look into EAC & Lame if you're looking for the highest quality way to go
  20. funny =) try to get ahold of July 4, 89 Rich Stadium if you want to hear a truly smokin Deal is in the movie Truckin up to Buffalo but I'm sure you know someone or other with the audio handy
  21. so are you still locked up? or in a halfway house deal? crazy broke this week but would enjoy meeting up for a coffee or something soon... the story sounds worth a drive to torona
  22. regardless of the specifics I'm pretty sure Luke has had a pretty rough run lately... not sure why the story needs to be picked apart line by line not necessary to kick people when they're down, particularly not when people arguing with the person originally seemed to help push them to a point of having a breakdown maybe its true, maybe its not... who cares... I just want Luke to get back to being ok again
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