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Everything posted by paisley

  1. "The only reason that you're conscious right now is because I don't want to carry you." said Jack Bauer. Happy Birthday!
  2. picturing William out front in pimp shades and a purple velvet hat: "Sweet balcony! 150 a seat, 275 a pair! Buy now or cry later!" tickets weren't still on sale a half hour ago when I checked
  3. fingers crossed more people get whacked by 200 lb. sturgeons while going 40 miles an hour
  4. high kick! punch! punch! punch! Happy Birthday Alexis!
  5. Happy Birthday Jeremy! always a pleasure my friend, always a pleasure... make sure you do something you fully enjoy tonight if you got stuck with birthday workin (boo!) salute!
  6. sure wouldn't wanna run into Jimmy Carter today (my mind starts to tilt like a pinball machine soon as I try to picture myself yuck yuck yucking it up with Scooter, Bush, Cheney and the boys)
  7. thanks for the correction... likely the same difference to Libby though you'd figure... doubt he'll have to cover a nickel of it out of his own pocket anyhow, the guys' supporters love him like god
  8. yeah, I'm still pissed though... was such a frustrating mess watching the war get pushed through on what seemed like obvious false pretenses Libby was one person I felt particularly enraged at as he seemed pivotal in getting that disgusting ball rolling... thinking he was going to actually serve some time for any reason at all was restoring some hope for the state of things to me... that his career will be "technically" damaged doesn't really make me feel any better... the guy is a saint to american conservatives and will be set up for the rest of his days... the golden silver handshake just makes me feel like he'll be calling shots from behind the radar Nixon made some really bad calls but didn't seem to have the same pompous self-righteous candor of the new republicans... he at least actually seemed apologetic occasionally... plus elected presidents I just expect will get cut extra slack just venting, the story struck a nerve
  9. thought has certainly crossed my mind... but still... holy crap the expression "power mad" keeps coming to mind
  10. thrown out of the white house immediately and into a courtroom of his own sounds more fitting... my mind is blown by this... how many people have died and are going to die because of Libby and the cronies he was acting on behalf of? a $250,000 fine and 2 years probation? its like if they caught a terrorist pilot then decided to punish him by taking away his pilot's license for a couple of years and confiscate his car the most blatant whitewash I've ever heard
  11. unbelievable don't even know what to say... the guy put lives in the US intelligence community at risk to further the republican agenda and push into Iraq... committed full out treason against the country as a whole... but is being let off because he's in the white house boys club stunned... its unthinkable
  12. perhaps you'd be more up on things if you'd attended this (sounds like it would've been GOOD TIMES!): sorry, that doesn't really help I'd say head for the beach and you'll find some fireworks action somewhere (am heading out the door now to check the hamilton waterfront for ACTION)
  13. HaPPy CaNaDa DaY!!! eh!
  14. in the interest of the preservation of whats left of my sanity must refrain from opening threads started by elemeno in the future (definitely some of the funniest shat I've seen... period... thankya!)
  15. have a kick-ass send off for that place all of ya a heart felt salute to the fortieth of main
  16. he's the dude from... Awesome! Happy Birthday Brudda!!!
  17. Neville Bros are a fantastic act clean your ears before ya go
  18. indeed! thanks G.F.! was hoping someone would post some shots... very much appreciated
  19. congratulations to you both! lots of big smiles your way! =)
  20. bumped into Weirdness with his gear too... well then! certainly can't beat open-air Scofield/MMW... free of charge, aside from parking and hydrations... love the open tent, is a great setup perfect weather, enthused/diggin it crowd, sweet slick stylin' grooves with Sco and Medeski taking turns tearing into it... cold beer for sale even out in the cheap seats this year was a bonus annnddd... extra bonus shaking hands and tradin smiles with the band afterwards at the autograph table shweet!
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