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Everything posted by paisley

  1. yup, just noticed that looks like its bedtime once again
  2. removed: [mindless rationalizing making absolutely no sense whatsoever]
  3. "Maybe if I just pretend I'm a wounded seal it'll go away."
  4. the vegan side of me (vegan who eats meat occasionaly... yet, person who no longer does the dairy) had a stomach clench just glancing at the title deterring me from watchin the video but, though its a thread-hijacking, wanted to bring up a product a friend introduced me to whenst I was wandering down vegan lane exclusively Road's End Organics Dairy-Free Mac & Chreese is a suprisingly tasty alternative to its fat laden corporate cousin... "Number Shaped Noodles - 4 Kidz" is my flavor of choice... made up with some rice milk and Earth Balance Non-Hydrogenated Buttery Spread love the shit... if Id've had the option growin up would've chosen it hands down over Krafty D... can slop ketchup on it, pig out and still feel great afterwards Road's End Organics Mac and Chreese (don't let the name scare ya) Earth Balance Products - one dairy product I particularly enjoyed was butter... I their non-hydrogenated spread better than butter take it or leave it... we now return to your regularly scheduled thread
  5. and The Beatles and The Stones "sampled" riffs into their songs from american blues musicians no biggie
  6. never lived there, figured maybe its sort of near the Beaches... used to drive out to the Bluffs all the time... love hiking and climbing there (if there's anything left of em that is, last time I was there was quite shocked at how much they had eroded in such a short period... still a beautiful spot) I live on the east mountain in Hamilton and wouldn't recommend most people move up here... but downtown's not that far and the hiking nearby is awesome (though the neighbourhood is culturally devoid I avoid that with my teleporter (car))
  7. go see Bob Wiseman and get yer happy back on
  8. this show just blew hamilton away earlier in the week... if you're in range, go. (dearly wish I had've experienced and not forgotten about)
  9. Julie Dorion/Baby Eagle- House Show- Feb 24th julie supposed to be on around 1130ish. the opener previous you'd figure thinkin bout it myself
  10. paisley


    Nebula Space Eye
  11. Hamilton sounds like what you're lookin for or, as mentioned, High Park/Bloor West or possibly even Scarboro near The Bluffs (that one's not really near downtown though) yeah, look around High Park
  12. wish there were more of me happy that Schwa represents at so much I don't though =)
  13. might have heard Doug Feaver play: probably also heard "I Don't Know You" on Q107 or somewhere before and others
  14. used to be a couple of fellers went by the names of Mickey Hart and um... something like... what was it? oh yeah, Jerry Garcia (original pedal steel player)... helpin fill up the sound for the band back in their early days epic. enlarge this and give a glance over
  15. 'n funky butterflies for "special" occasions
  16. once they're available, PJ's usually sell tickets to their bigger shows through www.tixit.ca (as well as at the club and Dr Disc) don't know for sure that'll be the case but usually is
  17. the more the merrier... welcome to town, feel free to ask if you have any more wonderings
  18. something beautiful about NewRider acknowledgin that the NewRiders are comin awesome news!!
  19. Mumbai! Incredible! a more fitting ambassador I cannot imagine... nor a freakier scene (though the more I travel the more I see we're mostly the same) keep us posted if you get time brother cheers Dave!
  20. hope ya have a good time Dima... act like you're Kramer will be seein Soul Jazz O in hammertown along with headliner Saul Williams at a music showcase March 2 (deets)
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