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Everything posted by paisley

  1. I've always heard really good things about the band you can tell them that
  2. if they totally captivate, you're a hipster for being in the know if they don't totally captivate, perfect opportunity to make a move hipster either way just don't crap your pants
  3. I recommend the nitrous Vishnu says: ok, thats actually what people say about Vishnu ... just workin the avatar
  4. I'm...... not sure who I'm rootin for guess I think its a little ridiculous banning children from dressing like religious figures on halloween (have always thought dressing up as Vishnu would make for a fun costume) then again I think its a little ridiculous to dress your kid up like Jesus for halloween for the sake that you disapprove of the Pagan origins of the holiday (wouldn't locking him in the cellar Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 be more appropriate? seems the Far Right is getting kinda slack) god bless america
  5. briguy is likely correct with that info thought I'd mention that if you end up on the east mountain for some reason, would recommend Mountaincable for internet, cable, digital phone (combined comes to about $100/month)... its actually rated one of the best cable companies in north america and have been nothing but pleased that said, east mountain generally isn't really most people's first choice of locale when moving to hamilton... not a bad area or anything... middle range suburbia, not lots of culture in the area edit: great minds think
  6. paisley

    Dr. Bender

    no worries about plaque in the arteries of your heart anyways... watched a great show all about "america's number one killer" on pbs the other night everyone should eat some nuts every day
  7. paisley

    Dr. Bender

    so he's much like myself then my psychiatrist when I was a teenager asked me why I spoke with more of a monotone than he did, as he was being paid to speak so... I replied 'maybe I'm better at this than you' =) (in retrospect, was probably a mixture of my carefully maintained guardedness and the lithium)
  8. paisley

    Dr. Bender

    thought from the title this thread was going to be one of those: "Hey Guys! Help me welcome my good man "Dr. Bender" to the board." hmmm... maybe is an idea... like putting us all on speaker-phone =)
  9. world beat/house vibed dance party, a little reggae... awesome when they get up into overdrive, they really get it goin great band to cut loose n get down with, lots o' fun... if you haven't seen em definatly do yourself the favour
  10. was talking to one of the Wassabi's on the phone other day and heard bout this sweet show
  11. can't meet everyone at The Rainbow
  12. you tell 'im Edger! unless you've moved to Fergusun Willy you're talkin the wrong cup throwing demographic Wesley Urban Ministries 195 Ferguson Ave N (at Barton) 905-528-5629 Google Map met an 18 year old kid at Polo's a few years back who'd just got out of jail... nice kid, bad luck, middle of winter, no cash, nowhere to go... ran him by Wesley and they took him right in... put an earnest look of gratitude on his face... worthwhile.
  13. everything I think while reading this thread feels excellent
  14. thats awesome congratulations to both of you!
  15. paisley

    I'm Safe (Now)

    glad to hear you're leveling off Luke balance can be a little elusive sometimes... take a load off and relax for a bit bro be good to yourself my friend
  16. all the very best Margaret... hope you(and everyone else)'re treatin yourself real special! Chin Chin... Rockstar!
  17. the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy picks up unwanted clothing or goods from your home (you leave it outside on a set night and mark the bags with an X) then resells what they collect, putting the money towards programs and services for people with disablities Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy(OFCP) Used Clothing Donation Website Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy after your first pick up, they call every month or two to ask if you have anything you'd like to have picked up... good cause, very low hassle
  18. "America Number One!" is best chanted from beneath an uncontrolable sweat with a necktie loosened to fit around your forehead like an olympic headband and a belly chock full of absynthe and bear gall bladders (can substitue any forbidden fruits you can get your hands on... mix it up!) have yourself a happy birthday Brian
  19. I don't live in Toronto so can't help you there sorry to hear your family is having strife and you feel at the center of it, family situations can be emotional and confusing if your stuck and really feel you have to stay in Toronto thought I'd mention that a friend of mine usually stays at this hostel-ish place and really likes it... located Spadina and King, cheap
  20. in lieu of the thread hijack will add: some people at Willie P last night were saying Gruvoria are pretty good... might pop down a little later
  21. the 'side panel' day/date were right all along, Rev was already a full friday night listing before your show listing, and a Tuesday show right after, doubt anyone had any trouble doin the math
  22. feel free if you like it Calamity un-freakin-believable show... Willie P is totally in a realm all of his own... unfanthomably talented though my expectations goin in are sky high, he always just blows them away they sure don't build 'em like they used to
  23. cheers for pointin that out... after a few hours updating bios, links, pics, etc those small copy and paste goof-ups can be tough to spot fix-ed
  24. sorrys bout the late reminder buts... Willie P Bennett tonight. Doors open 8pm.
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