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Everything posted by paisley

  1. flew back from BC for a big $$$ job a day and a half after getting the job offer call during the interview the interviewer said "well if we can wake up this fellow we'll head on over to the plant." which woke me up and made me realize I was sound asleep and drooling on my chest got the job
  2. paisley


    thats scary... if not for Cheney and Rumsfeld's obsession with Iraq, it would still be much like it was... take that however you like it... when Russia's communists fell in the 1990's a new "enemy" was needed... Cheney and Rummy have been plotting global american dominance together since Nixon was running the office makes you have to wonder bout the recent "last ditch" US troop buildup initiated by GB's republicans in Iraq frankly I'm feeling very sick of war, particularly of the pre-emptive variety... just when you though muslim/western tensions were maybe on the decline (besides in Iraq, where its "personal") that'd be just the spark to set things blazin again... such a typical neo-conservative strategy
  3. why yes, yes thats true! Del McCoury IS a madman! =)
  4. as someone who just drove outta your driveway and through all that to get home I'd like to say... "Hot Town! Summer in the city!" awesome out there
  5. f i n a l l y =) Friday the 13th is added to the PJC website
  6. {{heady snowed-in vibes}} already like half a foot on the ground and the storm is just gettin started woohoo!
  7. epic Canadian film sweeps Cannes: New Rider Does Some Town Somewhere "Please state the nature of your emergency." "Whereee aaaammmm IIIIII?" "Please stay on the line and we'll send someone out to find you right away." "There's no business like the flow... of... Whereee aaaammmm IIIIII?" "Please stay on the line sir." dangling phone shot. "HEY! Can you take me to the campground near where the boat is?" "Whatever. Hop in." - - - and right ons Alabama... sounds like the good time
  8. thank ya for the early reminder... please jot me down at the top of your reservations list must... must... must... make... it... this... year...
  9. I heard that Jack's goin back on the junk this season... for old time's sake. sad but true confession: have been watching The Sopranos on 24 night... think it lost its sparkle once I realized I'm born on the exact same day as Keifer, obviously meaning that I actually AM Jack Bauer. (so who the fak is that acting like me on the telemobile... could get ugle)
  10. got to be the furthest a thread has ever strayed off topic =)
  11. what bouche said and also think that Web 2.0 is the intent to build sites that load as quickly as possible, have a design that is simple and intuitive and that can processes tasks super effectively Web 2.0 relies on css (cascading style sheets) in design instead of html... this allows designers to define any design element once and then call that element into play each and every time it occurs thoughout any of the pages within that site... means less code for the browser to read, making it faster to load than html designs (which have to define every element every time, generally multiple times through out the site) ajax is a big leap forward for what happens behind the scenes on a site cause it does a lot of its work from within the browser instead of having to keep asking the web server what to do next
  12. yeah I know bro, jokes... can tell by the state of your linguistics (8:30 am? that is impressive) did you save that to your desktop or did you tell it to "Open"? if you didn't already, try just downloading the file to disc then installing it manually lookin around to see if I have a copy
  13. its a miracle we're here at all... life is beautiful regardless of its duration... and yeah, good call... death is a flash flood regardless of how or when you go
  14. good to remember those who came before... helps one appreciate our own luck in getting to carry on on this particular journey... ex-girlfriend of a guy in a band we know told me a pretty horrific tale of having been totally in love with the sweetest guy when she was 16 living in central america... they were in his village and heard something, flash flood... they ran for a rooftop and she made it and he didn't... she watched him swept away... pretty sad stuff
  15. the deep end isn't really so deep
  16. ah... yeah, been listening to SMMD a lot lately... the disc is great
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