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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. they'd probably have a guitarist dedicated to noodling
  2. this just in: ollie is smarter than Low Roller
  3. If I knew her I'd call her Your Beirness (assuming it's pronounced 'beerness')
  4. So, in closing, I'd like to give big ups to God, Buddha, L. Ron, whoever. Hell, maybe I just need to thank me. If there's one thing I've learned through all my adventures and conquests, it's that some people are just wired for success. I had no choice when it came to being great. I just am great. I'm not trying to sound cocky or full of myself, but Kenny Powers has a sneaking suspicion that no matter what comes his way he will always be great. Because that's just the way shit works sometimes. This has been based on a true story. The motherfuckin' end.
  5. can you add a column for who receommended what, please? Some people i trust more that others (no offence, Esau)
  6. But a true champion, face to face with his darkest hour, will do whatever it takes to rise above. A man fights, and fights, and then fights some more. Because surrender is death, and death is for pussies.
  7. A lot of people ask me, 'Kenny Powers, you're a giant superstar. You can get any woman. Have you ever paid for sex?' And the answer is yes, I have. Several times, in fact. And it's actually kinda cool. You can negotiate practically anything and sometimes, even just kind of do stuff in the moment that you never agreed to pay for and it goes by without much argument.
  8. No, for your information, I have full-size balls. Next question.
  9. congrats!!- I hope the counter offer included getting a few cases of wine every month
  10. Hintonburger is on Wellington, right near where it turns into Somerset, across from Cozy's, a car lot and that big-ass church tried the poutine on the w.e. and it had cheese curd throughout, not just on top
  11. Don't forget the Blushing Brides' "What You Talkin' Bout?"
  12. I'll give you an external hard drive! :surprise:
  13. Hip is spinnin a ham over a fire pit; hip is tasty waves and a cool buzz; hip is finding meat in your moustache
  14. ahem... that's 'Thirsty Thursday', hereabouts
  15. I bought you the latest Sex in the City boxset, Alan, I hope you enjoy there's a whole new cast, I hear (although from the looks of this promo shot, it seems Sarah Jessica Parker is still in it)
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