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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. "I did a bass duet with Mike Gordon when I sat in with Phish. I generally abhor bass duets, but it was marvelous- it was actually beautiful. ...we just played it by ear. He knows how to get out of my way, and I know how to get out of his. It was like two hippopotami humping!"" -- Phil Lesh, June 2000 Bass Player Magazine"
  2. Murray: Bret, you should have a guitar. Bret: I sold it to pay the bills. Murray: You can't go on like that! Won't it sound weird with just the 'big guitar' that Jemaine plays? Jemaine: Bass. It's called a bass guitar. Murray: Well, I call it the 'Dad guitar' 'cause it's more like (deep voice) "Da da da da - I'm your Dad. Hey Murray, get into the shed and get the mower and do the lawns - de de de." You need Bret's 'Mum guitar' to add the beautiful tones (high voice) "Come on, darling, Murray's okay. Why you get home so late, Gordon?" (deep voice) "I was just havin' a few beers." Bret: It'll sound fine. Murray: It won't sound fine, Bret, you've got no guitar! (Bret plays his air guitar) I can hardly hear it! You'd have to be deaf to hear that.
  3. WALLACEBURG — A 25-year-old Wallaceburg man is charged with mischief and breaching a recognizance after noise complaints on Oak Street Thursday night. Chatham-Kent police said neighbours reported a man was playing loud music and disturbing residents. Recognizing the man from numerous noise complaints earlier this year in Chatham, police said the officers gave him a warning. Later in the night, police were called back to the same residence for another noise complaint. Officers could hear Bon Jovi music from the street as they pulled up, police said. Police arrested a man in relation to the noise. Police said when officers began to seize the stereo equipment, a 22-year-old woman interfered, attempting to stop them. She was also arrested. They were both held for bail.
  4. btw if you need someone to look after that scotch while you're away lemme know, I've got the perfect place to keep it from.... from... finding its way into someone else's greasy hands
  5. Enjoy, mon ami. My folks are in Trinity Bay for another couple of weeks... if you happen to run into them tell them that their house was tidy when we left it. edit to add: ...maybe it was last year that you went to NFLD... Jemaine: You don't even know anything about threesomes. Bret: Have you ever had a threesome? Jemaine: Nearly. Bret: What do you mean, nearly? Jemaine: I've had a twosome. Bret: Wow. What was that like? Jemaine: Great. I've done it several times, man. Bret: Just one of you here... and then one.. Oh well then, I've had a twosome!
  6. Mel: Oh my God. Jemaine, are you okay? Jemaine: Yeah. Mel: You're out? Did the cops try to strip search you? Jemaine: No. Mel: Did they find anything? Jemaine: No, they didn't strip search me. Mel: Oh, I--I thought you said they did. Jemaine: No. Mel: Oh, well, did any of your cellmates, you know, rape you in the a-- Jemaine: No. No no no. Mel: Oh good, good. Cause if--if I was a convict, you know, and I was in a cell with a pretty boy like you, I would definitely wait till lights out, put my hand over your mouth-- Jemaine: I've gotta--I've gotta go.
  7. BTW, I heard Simply Curd and Gravy are playing their full 80s repetoire the following night at the Carleton, from 9:30 on. Highly recommended
  8. Bret: I have a girlfriend, but she doesn't know I exist. Dave: But you do exist don't you? [pokes Bret] Bret: Yeah, I exist. Dave: Well, why did you say you came from Never Never Land? Bret and Jemaine: New Zealand. Dave: But you guys said you flew here! Jemaine: On a plane, Dave. A plane.
  9. Dave: Okay, they're gone Jemaine: Thank you, Dave. Dave: Yeah, don't worry about it guys. I just think it's really cool that you love each other, even though you're from Austria and you're from some place no one's even fucking heard of. Keitha: Australia. Jemaine: New Zealand. Dave: Exactly. Because it shouldn't matter where you're from when love's involved. It's like that movie - "Interracial Hole Stretchers 2" - she was white; they were black. But it didn't matter in the end, did it? Because they were in love. Jemaine: I haven't...I haven't seen that one. Dave: Well, it really affected me.
  10. Bret: I would never go out with an Australian! Jemaine: But if you were to, I would be fine with it. Bret: When I first met you you tried to have me deported from New Zealand because you thought I was an Australian. Jemaine: That was a misunderstanding; you were wearing a vest top. Bret: My mum gave me that; thought it made me look like Bruce Willis. Jemaine: Well it didn’t, it made you look like an Australian!
  11. Murray: Oh, I've got another note here. 'Dissing' - does that make any sense to you? Jemaine: Bret dissed alot of people in that rap thing that he did. Murray: Who were these people you were dissing? The only one I could make out was Snoopy! What's your problem with him? Bret: No, Snoop Dogg. Murray: Yeah, I know he's a dog, Bret. I'm not totally in the dark ages. I do go out every once in a while. But, Snoopy's lovable! Leave him alone. Bret: No, he's a rapper. They're all rappers. I was dissing rappers. Murray: Well, just keep your dissing private, okay?
  12. Murray: I'm so angry, I feel like swearing. Bret: Oh, Murray, you wouldn't swear at us. Murray: Go Fuck yourself, Bret!
  13. you get a goddamned job before sundown or i'm shipping you off to miliary school with that godamn Finklestein shitkid
  14. I'm hoping for a Now's the Time to Get the Party Started teaser in the eye of the Dark Star storm
  15. http://bbq.about.com/od/beef/a/aa052700a.htm http://bbq.about.com/od/beefrecipes/r/bln40909a.htm ...she doesn't want to have to carry me home
  16. Aston Villa owner Randy Lerner admits he no longer "shared a common view" with departed manager Martin O'Neill on how to take the club forward. O'Neill is understood to have quit Villa after four years because he was not guaranteed all the money from the expected sale of James Milner to Manchester City to buy new players. Lerner admitted at the end of last season he would prefer a 'sell-to-buy' policy after backing O'Neill financially for the previous three summers. But the American is adamant there has been no change in Villa's approach to building the club and being as competitive as possible. Lerner insists the immediate priority is to resolve the Milner transfer and give support to caretaker-manager Kevin MacDonald. The Cleveland Browns owner, in a statement, said: "Having had some time to reflect on Martin leaving, I can say that our most immediate focus is supporting Kevin MacDonald and resolving the situation with Manchester City and James Milner. "As for explaining why Martin left, I can say only that we no longer shared a common view as to how to move forward. "To deal in greater detail would do little but cause additional distraction for the club as it faces imminent games and the clear priority of hiring a permanent manager. "Finally, there have been no changes in our approach to building the club, aiming always to be as competitive as possible given our size and resources."
  17. alright, I'll bite who's Mvarce?
  18. Lagavulin is one of my faves but it still pains me that when I first started buying it it was $54/bottle and now it's $125 facking bandwagoneers wrecking the market (not yu, CC)
  19. the Grand Theatre would be cool as would Oct 20 The Academy Theatre - Lindsay, ON
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