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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I hope it's good but I have a slight sinking feeling, knowing full well that the KitH are funny to me only when I'm in certain moods I just hope this doesn't tarnish anything for me
  2. PAUL JAMES Here we go again. The Canadian men's soccer team may have to face the ignominy of losing out on the services of yet another potential talent - only this time it has an awkward twist. The player has already played for Canada at the under-17 and under-20 level and this time it could be our neighbour to the south who comes calling. Teal Bunbury, son of former Canadian international Alex Bunbury, is being closely monitored by Bob Bradley, the U.S. men's national team coach. By all accounts, Bradley is well aware of the talented 19-year-old who recently won the Hermann Trophy as the top collegiate men's player in the United States. Bunbury has just completed his sophomore season as a forward for the Akron Zips, scoring 17 goals in leading them to the NCAA Division I national final. He is now a hot property, at least in the North American soccer market. Forgoing his remaining years of eligibility, Bunbury has signed a contract with the Generation Adidas program and will almost certainly be a first-round selection at Thursday's Major League Soccer SuperDraft. Talent aside, Generation Adidas players are highly sought after by MLS clubs because they do not count against the salary cap. Sources watching him perform at the MLS Combine in Florida this week say he was one of the top three players on show. Just 19, competing against players two and three years older, Bunbury is already giving a good indication he has the pedigree required to perform at the professional level. That should be sufficient to alert our own national men's team coach, Stephen Hart, to move quickly to get him to commit to playing for Canada at the senior men's level. Including him in the squad for Canada's game against Jamaica (Jan. 31) might be a worthwhile first step, but it will not be an easy task. This undertaking becomes more onerous still if Bunbury has his heart set on playing for the United States. As opposed to the criticism some other Canadian players have received after turning their backs on Canada (Owen Hargreaves and Jonathan de Guzman being the most prominent) it is a little different in this instance because Bunbury has spent the majority of his life south of the border and that is unlikely to change with his family settled in Minnesota. So even though he has already played for Canada at the junior level, one has to feel that if he gets the call from the United States the temptation will be great. Handling the Bunbury file will therefore be an interesting test for Hart, who needs a good strategy in order to be successful. Pointing to the depth of the U.S. team and the reduced opportunity for a lengthy international career may be a good start. Similarly, appealing to his father Alex, as an alumnus of the Canadian men's national program, would also help but there is no easy solution to this problem. And while Canada may have to accept losing Bunbury as a national tea, prospect it will be with a sliver of regret as opposed to the boatload of contempt generally reserved for homegrown players who decline to play for the country of their birth. And for Toronto FC fans anticipating his potential arrival in Southern Ontario, don't count on it. With TFC not picking until the second round, unless director of soccer Mo Johnston can engineer a trade, Bunbury will almost certainly be long gone by then. Whitecaps continue prepping for MLS entry Reports coming out of Vancouver are that the Whitecaps will soon announce the signing of Tommy Soehn, the former D.C. United head coach, as technical director. It certainly represents a smart move for an organization seemingly doing all the right things. Soehn is no stranger to the Canadian soccer environment having played a couple of seasons in Ottawa and Hamilton in the old Canadian Soccer League. His experience playing and coaching in the MLS will be an important asset for the Whitecaps technical staff to draw upon as he is well liked and connected throughout the United States. Streetwise knowledge is a very important ingredient for a new franchise looking to cultivate relationships within the league while simultaneously developing savvy strategies to compete for playing assets from the get-go. Soehn brings that knowledge to the Whitecaps.
  3. maybe sales of Stephane Auger refs shirts will spike in Nashville
  4. early contender for post of the year
  5. Bob Mack's take, personally I find it (just desserts for a diver) a bit hard to swallow. Refs have to be impartial, period.
  6. jezus, i was sure this was going to be about me i need a good stiff drink
  7. i heard they're putting conan in charge of microwave programming, [color:#cccccc][edit to add:] the bucking fackstabbing weasel
  8. those seeds pack a lot of gas
  9. I'll be turning mine on at midnightish tonight "A talking, computerized weighing device that tracks how quickly food is gobbled off the plate could be a solution to childhood obesity, researchers say," BBC News reports. "The Mandometer keeps tabs during meal times and tells the user if they are wolfing down meals too fast - a habit experts have linked to weight gain." In a study with obese children, after 12 months of use the youngsters weighed less and ate smaller portions. The Mandometer, designed by scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, plots a graph showing the rate at which food disappears from the plate, compared with an "ideal" graph programmed in by a food therapist. If the user is eating too quickly, the talking machine will tell them.
  10. Just when you thought that maybe the dust had gotten so thick they wouldn’t move forward with a Three Stooges movie, we get word today that Sean Penn is back in as Larry. Half of the Farrelly Brothers team, Bobby, told the Boston Harold. You may have read that Sean Penn has had some marital problems with wife Robin Wright Penn and has been AWOL from Hollywood while he tried to work it out. It looks like he’s ready to get back in the game. As far as anyone knows, Benicio Del Toro is still on board to play Moe, but no deal has been signed. Jim Carrey was most recently mentioned to play Curly, but he dropped out a while ago.
  11. I prefer the term Catfisting
  12. Did you get that comparison from IMDB, iwatchstuff.com, videogum, twitchfilm or aintitcool.com?
  13. There's a sitcom in ^there somewhere
  14. is no subject too sacred/crass for this forum?
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