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We used to play a neighbourhood-wide game of Man-hunt.

2 teams and the boundries were set. Some yards were off limits, as some people would give us shit. There was a lot of fence jumping.

Both teams had a "prison" and when you caught someone, you had to bring them back to the prison. Some games, they could be rescued. Some games all you had to do was tag the guy and he's caught. In other one's you had to tackle the guy.

No one could catch me.

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In keeping with the previous post about 'What defines a Canadian'

Street hockey

nothing like it.

I also enjoyed being used as a male-test-subject with girls 3 years my senior. They were practising 'stuff' and needed a live action dummy! Believe me, those were games too wink.gif" border="0

That is until we got caught by their parents blush.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0blush.gif" border="0

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We used to play massive games of Man-Hunt as well.

Sometimes as many as 30 or 40 kids.... Our rules were a little different. only 2 of the origional 30 were "it" as they tagged or tackled other players, the other players also became "it", this would continue until everyone was caught. It usualy resulted in 1 kid running away from 30 others... quite a scene.

Street hockey was a religion.... every day... you knew when, you knew where.... those were the days

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loved manhunt- cept it was more of a 'kick the can' format. also loved g-force more than life itself, h, i liked Mark. and my brother liked jason, and my aunt made us costumes (with helmets and everything) and we had no problem donning our tights anytime of year for a little ballet of the planets. (i meant to type battle of the planets, but thats too perfect a typo to erase)- i actually have some great pictures of that era. guns/miami vice was fun. narnia role playing. GI Joe, setting up action scenes rules. and of course the never to be topped starwars line of toys. The year I got the At-At, and the millenium falcon will always remain the best christmas.

grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0 I LOVE toys.

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as is - that sounds pretty cool.

gm - that's hillarious - i actually made you a gforce avatar a few of months ago, but nothing really came of it... you roll played narnia? that's wild, i was a narnia fanatic! read all the books like 10 times and still pick them up to read now...


yes, our hide and seek was kinda the same tonnes of kids, one time we joined another neighbourhoods game - some of the kids from school from another neighbourhood - so we sorta knew the terrain, but not really

my friend and i were at the back of a backyard hiding behind some tall leafy bushes when the hunters i guess came running into the yard - we just turned around and started running - and it was just like in the movies our legs were still running but there was no more ground under us. i dont know how far it was i twisted my ankle - maybe 10 feet down thats all.

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really? ok i'll find it and send it to you for approval, would you rather have a rotation of all characters? or do you just want to be mark? (i wouldnt' sell the monkey yet though, you might want to switch back sometime)

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Some neighborhood kids and I used to act out our favorite movies in the backyard. (Nightmare on Elm Street and Back to the Future...)

My grandfather had an old schoolbus in his yard. It's still there actually. Me and my cousins would play doctor, pretend the bus was going someplace exotic and plan our trip, and other imaginitive games.

I always made friends with the kids who had pools. I loved to swim, but didn't like all the games and horseplay that inevitably took place. I was SO afraid of drowning after seeing a kid face down in a pool in some movie. Traumatic.

I had a sister and two brothers and we're all very similar in age so we played A LOT! Horseshoes always ended up being flung at my brothers face (he ended up with stiches), we would play on our jungle gym and push him of the top of the slide (he ended up with a broken arm), we would race remote control cars, get mad at eachother, take out the batteries and throw them at each other (my brother ended up with one in the eye...hospital again.)

Thanks for that question H. Nostalgia is cool. I'm gonna call my bro. tonight. wink.gif" border="0

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Lego Funny Car racing down the driveways in the neighbourhood - all of which were at about a 60 degree angle

Man-Hunt, only we called it 'Weren't there 11 of us when this game started?!'

But theVERY BEST game(s) ever were Hockey Cards - including Flips, Knock-Downs, rebounds and Closest-to-the-Wall!

Man...I'm dying for a pack of O-Pee-Chee's now...

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Guest Low Roller


G.I.Joe and Lego were the shit, but there were so many other great toys when I was growing up: Transformers, MASK, Voltron, and of course the immortal Star Wars figures.

I somehow got my hands on a Star Trek Capt. Kirk action figure, and I had Darth Vader literally set him on fire after pouring lighter fluid all over him. I stuck a lit match in the hole in Darth's hand (for his saber) and WOOSH!

After that I wasn't allowed anywhere near matches and my elementary school record had "potential pyro tendencies" written on it, but it was all good, because Kirk was dead.

Nowadays I just play mind games with people.

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I was a complete tom-boy as a kid. I thought most toys were for girls too. Skate boarding, soccar, trees/trre forts, anything involving water, racing dirt bikes/jumpin' shit, making fake parashutes and jumpin' shit. Anything in the woods.

Oh my god.....this all just reminded me about the evilness me and my buddy used to get into in Conneticut.....this is not nice.....we used to go into the woods at night and dig massive holes...at least 4 feet....it was by a pond and over night the holes would fill w/water/mud and we'd cover it w/twigs and ground stuff.....no hole!

Then we would climb a near by tree and wait like vultures for morning walkers to come strolling along.........DOH!!! ooooooh I hope we didn't kill any rabbits! Bad Howler!!!!!! gees your own school bus to wreak havoc in...that must have been so cool!

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i just remembered rollerskating - i had black skates that i left untied cuz i was soooo cool

i was pretty good actually

and years before collecting tadpoles and frogs from behind algonquin college - it was a lot less built up then

Thanks monkey

i dont know if i think that's something to be proud of... wow, you were totally ahead of me like 2 days ago - i must be REALLY bored smile.gif" border="0 btw check your email from bouche

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