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Question of the Day 12/12/02


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If you had to go without one of your five senses for the duration of your life, which would you sacrifice?

It certainly wouldn't be hearing for me...too much good music out there that I can't live without. My second passion is good food so taste and smell are necessary to enjoy that, not giving those up. That leaves sight and touch. Hmmmm. Sight is pretty important to get around but sex just wouldn't be the same without touch....

What a stupid QOD!!!!

Touch I guess is my answer. Afterall the other person could still feel good. Although with all the newly aquired bumps, bruises and burns I would surely have as a result of not being able to feel anything, I may not be quite as attractive to the opposite sex. [Wink]

Sorry about the lame question.

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Ms Hux, I think we had this chat a while ago. Personally, (if I could keep taste) I'd definitely get rid of smell! Think: Dutch Ovens would be completely ineffective, elevators wouldn't require you to hold your breath when the old lady who doused herself in perfume gets on, and Adam's shoes would be so much more bearable!

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How about if I lost sight out of one eye and smell from one nostril? Does that count as losing a sense? If so, that's my vote.

If not, I would have to go with smell.

I know a girl who has no sense of smell, and she hasn't her whole life.

She said that food tastes fine without smell because she has never had it any other way.

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Just remember, you smell-discarding sensory-deprivers: a good portion of what you perceive as taste actually comes from smell. (Consider how bland food can taste when you have a bad cold; that's because having a stuffed-up nose eliminates the smell component of taste. Also, there are actually two reasons why wine tasters don't swallow the wine during a tasting: a) they don't want to get drunk; B) when the wine goes down the throat, a good portion of the vapours come back up into the nose, overloading it and infringing on the smell of the next wine.)

In a lot of ways, getting rid of taste would be better, because you'd still have smell as a sense on its own, and the smell part of the tasting experience.

Finally, the sense most closely associated with memory is actually smell. If you ever want to get transported in your mind back to a place and time, get the smell of it right, and you're there. (I have personal experience of this. I was in a newly-constructed part of the office building, and the drywall dust in the air took me right back to university when I was helping with [quite massive] constuction for a big party. Second, I was at a resort and walked by a room in which a friend of the family was smoking his pipe, and the smell of the smoke instantly took me back to my Grandfather's house, in which spent many an afternoon and evening, immersed in the fragrance of his pipe.)



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Walk into a Toys R Us sometime, and go down the Play-doh aisle and SMELLLLLLLLL. See what memories come back.

I would probably lose my other sense that tells me things. I mean, I don't HAVE to know what's going to happen, although it does help. It doesn't work well enough anyway, cause if it did, I'd be picking winning 649 numbers every week.

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You can still get down without hearing...

Anybody else see the bearded woman and the troll man doing sign at terrapin last summer? What a trip. Anytime you had any weirdness enter your head, whish sometimes happens at those shows for one reason or another, you could just look over at the bearded woman doing sign and just laugh it up.

The two of them would take turns, with there back to the band up on a pedestal for all the deaf people. The troll dude would be all serious trying to get every lyric signed in and shit. Then the bearded woman (who you probably have all seen, she's worked for GDP forever) would get up there and do the "look at how much fun I"m having, you're all having just as much fun" sign language dance.

Remember, it ain't over til the fat lady signs.

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