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next obvious question(s)... ?


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so, big news today, Phish calling it quits... who's gonna carry the torch? who do you want to see carry the torch? is anyone capable of carrying the torch?

obvious answers, i think, would be string cheese, or TAB... not that they would be my choice...

can you see a band like Moe. stepping into that type of status? or even, dare i say, The Slip creeping in there, in time?

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moe. would have had their chance by now....they were still playing phish afterparties in 04.

soon they will be playing umphries afterparties.

i'd go with Disco Crackers. or maybe a band we haven't heard of.

i dont think the slip will get overly popular, as they dont play crappy trance music that the drug eating wookies can dance all night to...whereas the crackers on the other hand...particle may get big too....one of those trance bands will be the next big thing.

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bisco really?? i saw them a couple years ago (in a very haughty voice ;)) and haven't heard much about them since.. maybe it's just cause i'm on a different part of the continent. or maybe they're avoiding me. i did have SO MUCH fun at that show, but i was way out in left field, so it's hard to say what i was enjoying more. hopefully it was at least 85% music-generated. i hafta see the slip before i vote for them as torch-bearers. but i have faith. what about nero!!! we could form a big caravan of merry skankster freaks, doing a big conga-line across the country... ::

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After careful deliberation and advisment I would now like to re-cind(sp?) my original answer.I know now I was swayed by the news of the day.


The Playmates- At Play with the Playmates

"Three grown men clinging to one another on a scooter. What could be a more playful scenario than that? Of course by playful, I mean, really fucking creepy. Theyre not even wearing helmets, and that sends a bad message. By the look of them, they may be the type who wear helmets on a daily basis and were offered an extra helping of paste for behaving while sans helmet. There was a slap fight when they all wanted to be the driver, but that was solved with a crayon-eating contest. Now Jimmy is driver, Mikey is the meat in a retard sandwich, and Feepo is left with crayon breath.

At some point today, something will fall from a high place and hit me on the head. I will be left with the mental faculties of a three year old, setting me back approximately one year from my present state. I will deserve it for the things I have said".

Was there really any question?

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While Bisco and SCI certainly have the largest followings currently, and once upon a time you may have said, "Well, if Phish were done, the phans would have to go somwehere." But really, these bands have been around long enough and the phishheads who dig em (Bisco and SCI) already go see the shows, so where will the extra support come from. In fact, many of the fans of these bands already have fans who refuse to see phish (or if they do see phish, they just bitch that it's not dancy enough - fricking biscofans - or not bad enough -- stupid SCI fans). I do not see a void to fill since alot of the bands out there do quite well enough. When the Dead folded, there were no half-giants like Bisco and SCI so Phish could sweep up all the leftovers from the Dead (although that can be argued as bulshit too). Now, at the risk of making this point any more convoluted and disastrous, I think it would have to be a less established band to get as big as Phish and develop into a band that can bring out the numbers needed to put on those mega fesivals. Nero is up and coming but I dont know if they have it. They certainly can jam, but maybe they need some better writing (don't quote me on that, ain't seen them in over a year and I did really like them). I do not see any trance-type band getting that big for the simple fact that they also do not write great songs, they just groove real good. Phish had groove, ecleticism, song-writing, mad playing chops, a dorky front guy and a dude with a dress. No one can top that who I know of. Maybe I should start a band again. I only wnat to play if I cna be as big as Phish, and since there is space now.....TonyRage Groove Band is back on.

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I just have a bad feeling Trey facked things up for everybody. Mind you, it is pretty early and I am still pissed about this. I highly doubt any of these bands are going to be doing amphitheaters in the near future. Some will gain more fans, some will stay the same and some will lose.

I hate to do this, but when the Dead ended, an awful lot of heads saw there first Phish shows, and its obvious considering how much *larger* Phish became. At the time, that was it. Now, there are soooooooooo many bands, no one is going to capitalize to that degree.

It will find a way of even-ing out.

(Shit, I cant think yet. My mind might change in an hour.)

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someone mentioned it before, in another thread, i think it was paisley, and i think i agree... or would like to agree... that the festival scene will sorta take over... like he said, its been steadily growing, and with all these great small-mid market bands all over the place that really can play, it makes a little more sense, i think. if ticket prices dont get outrageous for events of this nature, i think maybe that could be it.

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I think people are talking about a few things here. The demise of Phish, especially in an offhanded gee who woulda thunk it kind of way, is unsettling for all. There is also the idea floating around that a high tide carries many boats, which is to say that when a big fish goes down there is a new equilibrium established.

We also have to look at what made the big two, The Dead and Phish, so unique. It does have to do with creating that sense of mystery, that anything can and will happen, and hence creating a kind of collector or connoiseur mentality in their fans. But in their own ways they really delivered and I don't quite see any of the bands out there, all of whom will undoubtedly benefit in a supply and demand sort of way, filling the void. I've always hoped that some new Wonder would come out of nowhere and it hasn't yet. The other thing is how the Dead and Phish with their festivals really raised the bar on the execution of large festivals. You could say that Lollapalooza in it's infancy was a response to that value add that came from the lot scene with the Dead. So the festivals now will definitely capitalize with a lot of mid tier bands with core audiences and playing for good loot.

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That's it. The gloves are off. I'm bringing back Bessie's Blues Breakers. However, to do this, I need your help.

Considering the original members are either dead, sober, or in Alaska, the line-up needs refreshing.

My line-up would be:

Velvet; songwriter/guru

nero; actual band

Bouche brothers'; (you all know'em)

Dave-O; permanent guest guitar player

Bradm; taper

Hux;Bobby covers and political opinion

I'll go on tour


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as soon as i saw "new rider" as the last post on this thread, i new Drive By Truckers were just included.

Personally, i think a new band is going to form out of opportunity, consisting of members of bands we are currently familair with. More or less a superstar band, but with chemistry.

Think Aquarium Rescue Unit talent, but a decade later.

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I suspect that an up and coming band, or one we have yet to see, will likely take up the slack in the next year or two. The filler will probably be a touring Bonnaroo or something a little smaller. moe. would've been my coice too although I have yet to see SCI so maybe they will have the headier vibe that just shouts "giver"

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One thing we noticed when phish was on hiatus, was that there were definitley more people checking out live music locally, everywhere. Thats basically how the whole canadian scene got rolling, a bunch of bored phisheads. Many bands we've met along the way agreed, and agreed that when phish returned, things seemed to take a hit. I hope this news gets more people interested in doing smaller fests and checking out music locally. Because i think the infrastructure is great and supportive, and the music is getting better and better.

as far a a torch passing? I dunno. There isnt anyone right there, ready and as uniquely perfect as phish was when 95 came around.. moe, UM, sci, WSP, Bisco will all benefit with more numbers, but i dont think anyone is poised to be the next big thing. or really wants to be. I cant imagine moe. making a play for the phishphans, and I know they want their scene to grow, but not out of control. i think stuff will spread out.. but who knows. interesting times for sure.

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