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I had the exact same reaction but it started to grow on me a little after a couple more listenes last night. Ultimately disappointing though considering they had great songs and a great producer to work with.

The DVD is great though!

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sorry to have the complete opposite opinion of ya here Dancin Bear... this is a pretty well crafted album to say good bye with... we knew all along that they were breaking down the jam on this one and making it more listener friendly... there are some fantastic songs on here that WILL go places if only they had more time to play with them... Undermind is the first one that comes to mind as well... maybe it will grow on u after a few listens or not... the word sucks is a pretty hard word to use on a piece of art if u ask me...

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I dig it!

It think other than a few weak tracks, the album is very complete and is definately the best-produced album they have put out. Scents and Army of One are wicked tracks. Maybe better for the non-phans with less sense of Phistory (if I can very boldly make up a word) then for the people still stuck in 1998.

Be open when you listen.

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There are a couple of strong tracks, and a couple of weak ones. Army Of One and Undermind are my favorites right now. Overall, it is an interesting representation of Phish, but I suspect people will hear this one differently, knowing we cant grow with these songs, from tour to tour.

I just dont have a solid opinion either way, I havent heard it enough. The flow of the album felt strange, but I may not be used it it. I am guessing it wont go down as a masterpiece, that's for sure. I dont know about you guys, but I dont like The Connection. I am already sick of that tune.

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i learned from my last mistake...Round Room.

I'll wait till i start hearing the songs on the radio. i mean, that was the purpose of the album.

if i dont hear any in the next six months, i'll consider the album a wash. The purpose was to get radio exposure...

On the other hand, if i start hearing a few songs on the radio, i'll consider the album a success...

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On the other hand, if i start hearing a few songs on the radio, i'll consider the album a success...

I don't know man...I really do not think that is waht they were going for on this one. It's just a different sound. It seems less commercially viable than round room, and round room seemed less commercially viable than Farmhouse. I think they are just getting older, and since we are too, maybe we can try and meet them halfway.

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DVD's real good. I think it was worth the few extra bucks. It's funny, sweet and packed with interviews and some sweet footage. Watching Trey and Fish drinking and dancing to the "Crowd Control" playback in the studio is worth it alone! ::

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oh man.. that sucks.. so you got the DVD at HMV?

I try not to shop at places like HMV.. I prefer to give my hard earned dollars to the independant shops. I work near CD Warehouse so I went there to pick up Undermind this morning, driving past a HMV, a Future Shop and a Best Buy on the way, only to find that the copy they had at CD Warehouse didn't have the DVD.

I was a bit bummed but I figured that maybe the DVD didn't make it into Canada.. but I totally would have gone to any of the box stores to get the DVD if I had known..

I'm going to be kicking myself forever now

anyway.. I quite like the CD.. yeah it's a bit of a departure but I really didn't like Round Room and not even so much Farmhouse. I dunno.. this CD is pretty cool so far, but we'll have to see if it stands the test of time. If I still enjoy listening to it in 6 months then I'll say it's a good CD.. if not.. well.. at least I can say I own every studio CD by Phish.

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hey passedoutguy,

no need to apologize for having a different opinion on the album, music would be pretty boring otherwise.

as for using 'sucks to describe a piece of artwork', sorry did i miss the love-in this morning? just a bit of sarcasm...for i dont think using the word sucks to describe an album is overly-harsh. maybe if the four were my best friends i would feel more obliged to expand on my opinions, maybe even procure some flowery prose rather than blanket the album with one word. however i am only best friends with two of them. i think most people can think of at least one album they have bought and would have no problems saying it 'sucked'. With that said, sorry if it offended you.

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For those who are looking to buy it, Basher mentioned that he just got his from Future Shop for $14.99 w/ dvd. Apparently they messed up and stickered all of them $14.99 instead of $18.99 for the DVD version. Not sure if this is an all Future Shop thing or just the one he went to. Either way $18.99 is still cheaper than $24.99 at HMV.

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i am on about listen 4 of undermind as i type... so far, while yes it is different. i think i like it. would definately like to see where they can take some of these live, and even if / what they decide to play them live... (from undermind).

looking forward to the spac shows...

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I've had the "music" for the CD for a couple of days now and have had two or three solid listens. Opinions are begining to form but something that really help me gain a new appreciation for the disc WAS the DVD. It reinnerated to me that no matter how "shit" it may sound, unlike Round Room, they put some time and thought into this project. As well, never under-estimate the control the producer had here. It was a shot at something different (and my2sense says that it's not radio play, secondtube ::)

I'd say the only two real disappointments are The Connection and treatment of Scents and Subtle Sounds (I just can't let go of the Deer Creek Version from last summer) I too can't wait to see some of these new tunes pop up in the rotation this summer.

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After wanting to punch Trey in the face down in Tennesee this weekend I bought it because I was hoping it would suck.

It doesn't though.

I can actually hear them refining a sound.

If you listen to the sort of busy, slightly more alt than country music while more than one voice sings the lead sound of a good chunk of this record...it sounds like the logical songwriting extension of their live sound. Maybe this is why it takes more than one listen, people often say that about Phish's shows.

It sort of sucks that the sound won't get much more work. If you watch the DVD you get a real sense of how much a shock the whole breakup thing was. It seems like a look to the future.

Of course...

if you listen to the lyrics for Crowd Control you get a better sense of what's in their heads.


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having listened to the cd several time now, i would say that i am not a big fan of it. i don't like blue rodeo too much, so that am radio, too smooth, country feel doesn't really do too much for me. trey plays some interesting if not cliche stuff in the tune "heard the ocean....something...", i would agree with scottieking on the "scents and subtle sounds" comment.

mind you, i hated "hoist" when it was released, and many of those tunes are great live.

phish are phish, and i don't think that any studio cd will change that much.....i guess it's a bit of a moot point though now isn't it?

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