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40 Main Tickets On Sale Now!!!!


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I'll have 20 tickets at my place available for purchase to any of those who are interested....These kick ass tickets are only 15 bucks, 20 at the door. You don't want to miss the beer swillin hot dog choppin, midget tossing good time. Get your ticket today!


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I got mine on Friday night: #100! The tickets are pretty sweet, IMO: they're big, they're laminated, they're hand-cut, they're little Canadian Flags, they'll enable to drink far more than I should on a sunny afternoon whilst litening to some raw tunage...



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OK Folks, today is the last day to purchase your rights to drink your face off at 40 Main for Canada Day. The Great Beer Run of 2004 takes place at 3pm tomorrow and I have to lay down a whole lotta love (i.e. cash) to pick up the beer we need to take us through the day. We've sold close to 200 tickets which is pretty much where I wanted to be. I'm still waiting on some other people to send some cash my way but looking good overall. If you haven't purchased yours yet, I'd still prefer to collect today rather than tomorrow, so get your lazy asses out to my place or Freekers for your ticket to drink. As it stands right now we're lining up 15 kegs.. another 15 people pre-pay, another keg, simple math. If we have 100 people trying to pay at the door, we stand to run out of beer by 5pm.. its a chance. So be a dear and pre-pay, asshole.

My biggest fear is that a crap load of people show up at the door and completely throw off my numbers. We have enough people coming to this party, if you've already told friends to show up its an open house, recall the email - cause it ain't true. If we go over 300 people, it will throw off the delicate balance of beer to people... which no one wants. So in short, I'll be turning people away at the door if we go over 300.. plain and simple.

Second lastly, the wedder. Seems to have taken a small turn for the worse overnight... so we need some serious positive energy to get it turned back to the positive. Tomorrow at noon is the 'Lets get good weather 60 second meditation', if you're coming to the party this is a required activity. At high noon, stop what you're doing and concentrate on blue skies, sunshine and kegs of beer. With 300 thinking about the same thing its gotta help. Your country needs, and I need you... so stop the giggling you conservative bastard and start meditating.

Weather protectors... Since there is the possibility of rain, we're going to be setting up some tarps and stuff in the backyard. If you've got one that you could loan us, it would be appreciated for sure. We'll be setting up tomorrow evening so if you have something that could help here, drop it over to my place anytime after 4pm... don't worry, you'll get it back.

Pottie (if someone needs a ticket, cell me at 240-7152)

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Alright we're down to the wire here people, if you want booze to drink you got to buy a ticket in advance to make it easier on the boys. I'll be out nero postering later this afternoon, but before and after that I will be home, so come get your tickets...Westboro, Centretown where are you you lazy bastards????

By the way Pottie, was talking to my brother and he told me that tossing a midget more than 15 ft is illegal in Ontario. Thanks to a strip club in Windsor that had a Midget Tossing Night, people got pissed and they adopted a bylaw, which was implemented for all of Ontario. That's not the sh!tty part though, the sh!tty part is if i had of told my brother about this awhile back he could have gotten his hands on the Midget-harness they built for tossing, he says it's amazing, oh well maybe next time!!!


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Please don't have midgets at your party Pottie!

Right on sista. I was worried I might see something I wouldn't want to see and that is the abuse or mistreatment of another person. I'm glad I missed the boxing match last year as well.

Go on, have midgets at your party, but they better be treated the same as everyone else.

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aren't midgets still funny?

The little guy in Goldmember was pretty funny.

"My word. You're a tripod. What do you feed that thing eh?! It's like a baby's arm holding an apple! The good news is if you ever get tired you can use it as a kickstand! Oh yeah!"

Oh, and I saw some great midget humour on the Chappelle show when they were selling the personal stenographer.

yuk yuk!

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Hey everyone, it's official.... every ticket I had is now sold out, that means there are 200 lucky people in on this kick ass Canada Day kegger so far. So what about the people that still wanna go but didn't get off their ass to hit up Freekers Place or 40 Main for a ticket, well too bad...see you next year!!

Kiddin, but seriously, heres the deal...anyone else who tells me by 4pm today that they are interested in coming to the Canada Day party, I will put on a list at the house and have a bracelet there for you at the low cost again of $15 for a full day of drinking. People who don't tell me ahead of time and just walk in the day of the party will have to pay $20 for the day. Hopefully there aren't many of these, cause if we hit 300 people that's it baby, were full. There'll only be enough beer and booze for 300 at the house, so don't be the last to get in.

Also, I want to mention one more thing that's been driving me crazy the last few days, and I've already touched on it before, that's people asking me if they don't drink much or don't drink do they have to pay or do they get a discount at the party. The simple answer is No. Last year I let a bunch of people in for free for the same reasons, and in many cases I found the people who said they weren't drinking loaded by the time the evening came around, also and even worse I didn't get enough money from people coming last year to break even on all the beer and party supplies I bought, and I lost a bunch of cash I put into it myself. So this time around (another reason I collected most of the money for beer ahead of time) I'm not taking any chances to making exceptions, I'm not trying to be a prick and anyone who knows me knows that, but the fact is simple, it's me that'll get burned at the end and loose a lot of money from this. So everyone pays, if you come you pay, if you drink you pay, etc etc. For people who don't drink beer there'll be a shitload of wine and booze on hand as well to accomidate this, that's the best I can do to accomidate 300 raging maniacs.

Thanks for understanding folks and let the countdown begin, 24 hours till the big day. Yeehaaaa

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