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i know what the "big" announcecment is...(supposedly)

its pretty lame...anyone wanna know?

btw, i remember Y95 playing the grateful dead hour many years ago 10-12? i know 97 rock outta bufflao plays it sundays at midnight but did y95 ever have it?

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I used to tune into the GD hour coming out of Buffalo back in the early 1990's. And I kinda remember Y95 had it for a minute or two but they gave it a twilight zone spot in the middle of the night.

Is the Mighty Q merging with Al-Jazeera? Is that the big news?? "Israeli fighter jets penetrated the West Bank this morning, killing four and injuring several dozen, and now the Steve Miller Band....."

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That's great!!! I always appreciate it when a Canadian musician is able to eek out a living.

Sarcasm aside, Max Webster was one of the coolest Canadian rock bands ever. The Party, Check, High Class & Borrowed Shoes, Battle Scar, oh man, I could go on and on...

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That's great!!! I always appreciate it when a Canadian musician is able to eek out a living.

Sarcasm aside, Max Webster was one of the coolest Canadian rock bands ever. The Party, Check, High Class & Borrowed Shoes, Battle Scar, oh man, I could go on and on...

Me, too: Lip Service, Toronto Tontos, A Million Vacations, Hangover, Gravity, Let Go The Line...



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I never listen to the radio, with the exception of College Radio stations, and the occasional bits and pieces of Psychedlic Sunday. But, since I've just moved, and all my cd's are in boxes, I've been forced to listen to more Q107. I totally agree with you Marc. In addition does the dead have any other songs than Casey jones and Truckin'? I have to say though, my biggest shock about that station is all the fu©king Tragically Hip they seem to play! :( Every ten minutes there seems to be a fu©king 'Hip' song playing. Argh! I guess that's one way to get their cancon anyway...

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I refuse to listen to that fu©king station for the following three reasons: (no-specific order)

1--as previously mentioned, rhetorical programming that is a slap in the face to all serious classic rock fans, but we are talking about Toronto, and isn't it cool to hear Shook me all night long while smoking a cigar and drinking a metropolitan martini?


2--I think they really need to provide more time for advertisement, no seriously, when I listen to the radio (only when my batteries are dead in the disc man) I want to be up-to-date in the products that are available, and I have a 5 minute memory so, you better repeat them all the time too!!!

3--Derringer... Do I need to say more?? Well, alright, he is a fu©king IDIOT supreme, that thinks that his fu©king radio dj job is really just a cloak for supreme social judge, really nice to hear his political views as well, fu©king Wod!!! (wanna be God) and if it isn't enough listening to his social criticisms, who is that laughing moron?? God forgive me, but that voice makes me want to sucker punch...

anyhow, have a nice day everyone! ::

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i like Darringer.

I dislike Kim Mitchell, but i heard him do a two hour trial run a little while back, and he was kinda funny...will wear out Quick though.

Actually, i really like Darringer, and the rest of the morning show crew.

His views on our court system are Dead On.

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I knew something out there ticked off Number 2 ::

no Dead Hour? shocking! (ya, the Dead hour was on Y95 for about 4 months a few years back but then was cancelled again as it wasn't the same Stones, Rush, Hip song that blue collar southern ontario have been trained to recognize as anthems... to be honest I'd rather hear Secondtube and KC's High Times on the mighty Q nowadays)... guess I'll listen as often as usually then, 6 or 7 times a year when there's absolutely nothing else available

good for Kim I guess, and any 45 year old Toronto office workers who may be excited about it

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I refuse to listen to that fu©king station for the following three reasons: (no-specific order)

1--as previously mentioned, rhetorical programming that is a slap in the face to all serious classic rock fans, but we are talking about Toronto, and isn't it cool to hear Shook me all night long while smoking a cigar and drinking a metropolitan martini?


2--I think they really need to provide more time for advertisement, no seriously, when I listen to the radio (only when my batteries are dead in the disc man) I want to be up-to-date in the products that are available, and I have a 5 minute memory so, you better repeat them all the time too!!!

3--Derringer... Do I need to say more?? Well, alright, he is a fu©king IDIOT supreme, that thinks that his fu©king radio dj job is really just a cloak for supreme social judge, really nice to hear his political views as well, fu©king Wod!!! (wanna be God) and if it isn't enough listening to his social criticisms, who is that laughing moron?? God forgive me, but that voice makes me want to sucker punch...

anyhow, have a nice day everyone! ::

Dude! You forgot to use the sarcasm font. You should have said this:

[color:"purple"]2--I think they really need to provide more time for advertisement, no seriously, when I listen to the radio (only when my batteries are dead in the disc man) I want to be up-to-date in the products that are available, and I have a 5 minute memory so, you better repeat them all the time too!!!


PS: Homegrown hydroponics: It's the easy way to grow!

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