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SURVIVOR 5- Back to Basics!!!!

Guest Low Roller

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Ok Jaimoe Mr. Music smarty pants, qualify the "legend" status that so many have ascribed him without referring to his television commercials for diabetes or his placement in the Rock and Roll hall of fame, which I'm sure for the right price can be bought or sold anyway :)

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Let's not "qualify" his legend status, let's quantify it: for each musician you respect (either across the board, or restricted to just guitarists), how many of them respect B. B. King, or list him as an influence? If you were at a party with a bunch of musicians you respect/admire/etc., and you put on a B. B. King album (especially one of the classics), how many of them would recognize it, and smile beamingly? How many other players are there that can be recognized after only hearing one or two notes of their playing?



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B.B. fu©king King. Nice guitar but is he really a legend outside of Casino Rama?

Though I'm voting off the same person but that's the most stupid statement I've read on this board in quite a while. B.B. King influenced nearly every electric guitarist growing up from the sixties on. I'm only voting King off as I've personally been influenced more by George Harrison and Joni Mitchell.

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Nicely put Brad.

B.B. influenced " most " of the blues-based rock guitarists of the 60's like Clapton, Beck, Page, Hendrix etc...

His voice is just as recognizable as his guitar and he still writes good albums and plays 250 shows a year.

Sure, some people may not like him or even the blues, but he deserves and has earned his props.

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Guest Low Roller

The Immunity Challenge for today: Name that tune!!!!







(pretend the formating is not all messed up)

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Guest Low Roller

DING DING DING! We have a winner.

Glad to see that the big house did not dull your musical senses.

Who does you pick for immunity?

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I like what you said Brad, and it underscores how different opinions are drawn depending on how you measure things.

Alright alright you whiners I'll take back some of what I said because yes, by critical acclaim and influence he's a legend. He's probably had at least a hundred top 10 hits but as per TimmyB's comment (not the part about "stupid") I've been more influenced by the other two and will continue to vote off the monotone king at every opportunity :)

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Actually, BB is pretty monophonic, in that he never plays chords (he claims he's not good at chords), leaning more on single note (monophonic) lines.

Where was I for the Purple Haze challenge?!?! If you knew how many times I've written that down.

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Guest Low Roller
even though he has immunity (which he needs this late in the game) i'm Still gonna vote for Harrison.

good plan. you never know when those tiebreaker votes will be needed...

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