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garaj mahal anyone!!!


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I'd most likely be there as I've heard good things... not really jammers but a really tight show from what I hear

say what?

all they do is jam, and each member is a virtuoso on their respective instrument.

Alan Hertz will make you pee your pants, he is the best drummer out there IMO. He can do 4 completely different time signatures with each appendage while whistling "Flight Of The Bumblebee" - absolutely unbelieveable.

Fareed Haque is considered one of the best guitarists in the world. Mind Blowing.

Kai Eckhardt used to play with John McLachlan - remember shakti...fu©king insanely impossible sh!t. He is a legend on his own.

Eric Levy will also blow you away with his outrageous skills. (although Dan Nimmer from the Fareed Haque Group would also be a treat)

Not to be missed. I recommend staying sober for at least half the show to truly witness and appreciate the abundance of talent on the stage. Then get wasted and party...

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Greas man... what are you talking about?!!!

Garaj absolutely shred and are slowly but surely becoming one of the top jambands on the scene today. They used to wank a bit when the band was in its infancy, but now that they've been together a few years they've evolved into a rippingly tight 4-piece groove unit.

I look forward to any & every chance I get to see these guys play.

Check out this SICK show from January 2004.

Wankers? I think not!!!


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Download that show I posted and give it a listen Greas... with OPEN ears! There's lots of jamming, mostly as a 4-man unit... really tight. They don't need to wank anymore as they've found their voice... and that voice says "we shred" LOUD & CLEAR!!

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