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anybody left in ottawa? i need to lean...


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hah... i have a kitty to take care of ;)

honestly i would love to and it'd probably be a good idea were it not for the work i should get done... i'm dabbling in responsibility... tryin it on for size...

but thanks everyone for the vibeage, i don't mean to bring my gloominess down on y'all but bad news from the west coast and it's hard bein' so far away for those times.

shine on ya crazy diamond.

and wishing all you funky kids a great weekend... be safe

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you guys rock... it's been a daze-y kind of day, that stunned sort of feeling... but a huge thanks to each of you who shared your kind words, hugs, company and so on... it really helped this chicky ride out a painful time. i feel a little sheepish for drawing attention but sometimes ya just don't know what the hell to do.

so THANK YOU. even these little internet messages mean a lot. and duuuupont - i will keep you posted on how the teaching goes, i'm excited and scared as hell!! hahah..

and now i would like to share a poem that someone wrote in tribute to the great brent carmichael, one of the most intelligent, fun, and interesting people i had the pleasure of knowing on vancouver island.

[color:"green"] Left Us Better

Carmichael, Carmichael,

Queen of the gay,

The memories are great,

How you led me astray,

Oh, your grin and your charm,

The step to your beat,

These moments we shared,

While you grabbed at my teat,

You could mix it all man,

From Perry to Como,

But a boy you still were,

And damn what a homo,

A sentimental fool,

The Buddhist with sass,

You understood the music,

And be loving da ass,

(Saxophone solo)

Your soul is so strong,

Even for a big ho,

You are so loved my friend,

More than you will know,

A promoter you were,

A DJ to boot,

Mothers have always said,

My god what a fruit!

No ladies for you, nope,

Mens were the ticket,

Show you a phalice,

You¡¦d show how to lick it,

The godfather you are,

The man of the day,

You left us all better,

That¡¦s all we need to say,

(Jazz Flute solo) [color:"green"]

[color:"black"]will miss you brent. much love.

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