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Heady setlist?


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I'm betting everyone is still up, and most probably have temporarily forgotten how to use a computer.

I have a feeling this topic title might get missed by someone eager to post a setlist/mini-review.

from Jaydawg in the Slip Tix thread...

The show on Thursday night, was a 3-hour Slip marathon, delving deep into the catalogue of their 6 year career.

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nellie jean

?? (suffocation keep? the vocals sounded like they were suffocating, so thats my guess having never heard it before)

even rats

chasing rabbits

reddish moon


let the mornin' in

19th nervous breakdown

sometimes true to nothing



if one of us should fall

there could be some holes there, but thats what i remember... it was a serious R-A-W-K show.. really balls out, a lot of fun... jazz heads would have hated it, i think... pretty sure i heard an Else tease coming out of STTN, so sure that sh!t was lost when i thought i was finally gonna hear them do it live, but i guess it wasnt meant to be... umm, what else... well, personally, i thought it was one of those shows that just kept picking up steam as it went along, and by reddish moon, they were just punching everyone in the face at will... to go back to the STTN, it was really really REALLY mind blowingly good... you could tell the boys were having a great time last nite.

looking forward to tonite.

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So last night was OFF THE HOOK. Adam I don’t even want to get you riled up but this was as much of a sloshy, psychedelic, surging, infinite expanding serpentine heart fire trip as I have EVER seen them put out. Weirdness, Fetish and I had dinner with the boys before hand. Noteworthy that everyone was in really good spirits particularly Marc (more on this later). Had a good healthy tapas style dinner in the commensal tradition. Really healthy chats about Mr. Show, politics, love and life. Just generally good spirits and merriment. Early on I realized that when Do Make Say Think was in Cambridge last and Marc and Brad went and loved it (I knew that) but I didn’t realize he dragged the lion’s share of the band back to his place and they were jamming all night on the toy pianos, I’m talking Brad, Ojad and Charles (Spearin) not to mention Justin Smalls, Jimmy P and the boys. Sick. Anyways I thought that was crazy and it suggests that some future collaborating is highly in order. In fact, and I’m getting ahead of myself, Andrew specifically spoke to Metric, Broken Social Scene and Do Make Say Think as Toronto bands they’ve grown to love and with whom they have a kinship. Mary also got on the mic at one point and thanked them for making a lot of people very happy and it was just all grins. Seriously you can’t even imagine how nutty nutty good things were. Nutty.

So I’ll try and go through it chronologically for clarity’s sake. There’s a few bits and pieces I’m missing and definite teases and mashes of other things but those will come out in the wash. Basically in terms of back story the thing to get is that I thought based on their mood it would be a strong show but more sombre and mainly new songs. Brad explicitly said don’t expect ‘that kind of show’ meaning the descent into bustout valley they have been on about lately. Then they started playing. Came right out of the gate with either a composition and I may be being a total idiot and it was actually some gem from back in the day but I think it was what has been called the ‘Funk Startro’. They basically came out of the gate raging like coursing thoroughbreds. No amount of hyperbole would adequately describe how ‘on’ they were. It was giddy all smiles ‘can’t believe this is happening’ all the way. After the startro they did Paper Birds- also done at soundcheck although this was better than the soundcheck of course. Andrew it should be said was hitting it real hard, big drum sticks too like Tommy Chong almost. I mean he was really hitting it hard. It was the Marc and Andrew show also featuring Brad Barr. Actually it was Don Marco Friedman Dimenti’s cosmic cavalcade. You think I’m exaggerating but I am so not. The Paper Birds was brilliant (the music at the start of it is written by Marc which I took to mean he wrote the words i.e. ‘my landlord’s been shooting Paper Birds’.) and a great deal could be said about it. I want to say the next song was Even Rats (it might have been Suffocation Keep not sure)- Brad was splitting the signal on his mic and it created this tinny megaphone in a mic sound that obscured the lyrics somewhat. Really great effect. So I think there was another tune here not sure. Let’s appreciate I was on some blindingly good acid and was basically a Smith chasing my Neo ass through the building’s wiring all night. Then I slept for 3 hours and got into my work duds and am looking out my rainy corner office window. I presume I am still tripping. Funny aside I got home say 3:45 and was still peaking balls and started to worry about work etc. which was now a few short hours away, then the thought came to mind ‘this isn’t the bad part, this is the part where you’re on acid’. Indeed. Anyways Nellie reared her beautiful head and it was clear this was The Show. Nellie I would say is a once in every 10 or 12 shows kind of thing and about one in every three versions they will really go off the hook with it (as opposed to a nice tight consistent version)- this was most definitely the former. This is where things start to get weird. Really. The Nellie was sublime like off the charts Stella Blue is shitting in my brain good. Then they really started to get into it. Brad gets this package of aluminum foil out and tells the crowd to take it and starts stretching it out over the audiences heads. It was a very cool effect with the lights, stimulus and crinkling sound of the foil. So there is this metallic lazy river road stretching over people’s heads and the band is going coo coo. I call this the ‘Making Science’ portion of the evening. Marc and I had been joking around all night and it goes without saying that The Slip are highly fertile and fecund minds to encounter. Basically they are receptive to everything that happens to them and translate it into the performance. I mention this because Marc and I were exchanging a lot of looks back and forth like ‘this is pretty sick huh?’ and ‘’yeah we know’. Marc called the rest of the Nellie Jam if you like later the ‘go nowhere’ jam which I was mocking in terms of a sickly goodness by making revolver to the mouth gestures and night night sleepy time gestures. Marc thought this was all hilarious and must have realized he had the audience in the palm of his hand. He just got better and better I sh!t you not. He was on mutherfuggin’ fire. So maybe I am wrong and again this may be where I have another chink in the armour because I think they may have squeezed something in. Here I presume this was easily a 30 minute chunk of total malarchy. Then, and of this I am certain because I saw it all occurring to Marc, he whispers into Brad’s ear and they come out with 19th mutherfuggin’ Nervous Breakdown. ‘Here it comes, Here it comes, Here it comes’. I almost think it was Marc’s cruel joke against me but I think he just thought it would be a good direction to go in. Then again I think maybe there was more insanity then maybe another tune maybe not. Then a really good Let The Morning In (B.J.’s Furniture Warehouse theme) which was to be an add for B.J.’s but they passed on it and it became this whole other song which is actually pretty rare and well regarded. The combo of the crazy opener, Nellie, 19th and now Let The Morning In pretty much sealed the deal that this was the daddy mack of shows of late. Maybe I am wrong again because I guess they closed the set with Sometimes True To Nothing (the most righteous incendiary version I have ever heard hands down) which I really didn’t expect to hear but it came like an old friend. This song for people who don’t know is about a couple coping with depression and what can they offer each other, what can their friends offer: ‘you’re not the only one who feels this numb in spite of all the distance you’ve come’. They took a break. Incidentally Brad was looking for his fu©king tape recorder all night and I kept saying ‘where’s your jacket Brad it’s in your jacket, it’s in the squirrel nut hiding place’. Not sure what he wanted to do with it but I think it was full of people talking about different things at shows and what not. Anyways it turned out it was sitting on his amp right in front of him all night. Also another classic visual is Brad after the show ramming gear into the van and literally almost in tears trying to jimmy this one crate into place kicking at it with all his might. Totally appropriate and just plain hilarious. So yeah the encore was If One Of Us Should Fall which was also just a soul wrecking washed up on the shores of life sort of affair. Too much for words. Then Marc was still game. Oh hold up also noteworthy is they just did some straight up porno funk (Pete joked later it was the Type 2 jamming) type stuff that was, wait hold up they actually did a song song, at one point it sounded like Mr. Big Stuff and I am sure they were doing something else for a stretch. At this point Marc was just totally in his element and strutting his garuda peacock feathers. Too funny. That was probably one of the best parts of the show though was this breezy ambling porno stroll music. I want to say that was after the Sometimes and before the If One but god only knows (what I’d be without you). Then anyways Marc was still in for more hooliganism and convinced Brad, at this point Marc was totally running the show literally whispering sh!t in Brad’s ear and coaching him about chord progressions that they were doubling each other on, to do one more. fu©king Monsters. I want to say it was Proud they closed with can’t see how it was anything else. Seriously if you get the sense you are getting the right sense. Tonight is going to be a slaughterhouse. Montreal fuggedaboutit.

Funk Startro

Paper Birds (My Landlord)

Even Rats

Nellie Jean> Making Science>’Go Nowhere’ jam

19th Major Nervous Breakdown

Let The Morning In (B.J.’s Furniture Warehouse Theme)

Sometimes True To Nothing

If One of Us Should Fall


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Right so I just saw Guigsy's post and he knows his sh!t and this is how our list's compare. Can't believe I forgot to mention the Mudslide!!!!! Marcus!!!!! HOLY FAWK. I think Guigsy has it nailed, can't believe I was blanking on the Chasing Rabbits (which was very Alice down the Rabbit Hole) and Reddish Moon. It was just so messy you really cannot fathom. Okay I am definitely still tripping I just heard like a Bach fugue in my head and it was really good. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food building here in Guelph is being pelted with Rain. The inner atrium has glass overhead and it is a beautiful sight. Redemptive rainfall, 'if these rains can fall these wounds can heal'. So yeah Guigs picked up on the tunes I couldn't articulate. I think I would trust both of us in that it was Suffocation Keep then Even Rats. Also the funk startro if that's what it was needs to be on that setlist and I think Proud was after One Of Us. That's all for now.



nellie jean

?? (suffocation keep? the vocals sounded like they were suffocating, so thats my guess having never heard it before)

even rats

chasing rabbits

reddish moon


let the mornin' in

19th nervous breakdown

sometimes true to nothing



if one of us should fall

Funk Startro

Paper Birds (My Landlord)

Even Rats

Nellie Jean> Making Science>’Go Nowhere’ jam

19th Major Nervous Breakdown

Let The Morning In (B.J.’s Furniture Warehouse Theme)

Sometimes True To Nothing

If One of Us Should Fall


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I got a call from my friend Julie (Slip newbie) this morning, raving about how much she enjoyed the show and how the set got better and better as it went on.

Paraphrasing the best part of her call - "There was this guy there who looked like a bigger version of Geoff (aka Hux), wearing a beat-up cowboy hat and he rolled himself up in tinfoil..."

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I am not an a$$hole. I work incredibly hard. It is not easy to reflect in this way about these matters. It is not easy to open yourself, to dilate yourself, to the fulness of these experiences. If it was everyone would be doing it and they are not.

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Proud was definitely before if one of us should fall. brad did his trademark falling down to end the set and layed there, seemingly exhausted, until he was practically dragged off the stage by a couple gushy females..

luke definitely looked beautiful in his tin foil boa and cowboy hat.

and booche, i'll be your a$$hole. ;)

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im not sure bouche.. im really not feeling too great, and although i got a place to crash, i didnt get my sh!t together for a way there.. so now im a little concerned about the $$$'s involved in a solo mission there and back... but, we'll see... there's still time...

i brought discs with me, for you, just in case though...

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Oh man, what to say to all of that. Thanks for the existensive review Luke. If I wasn't psyched for Montreal before I'm sure shootin' looking forward to it now. I keep trying to tell myself the only reason it was that good was the acid but since so many others have said the same I'll have to swallow my pride..and realize I missed a hell of a show.

I believe they played the B.J.s theme song in Kingston, no? Good fun. It's also on Aliveacoustic.

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so Nellie Jean, which I was hoping for, because it's still running in my head and I haven't actually heard it for real in days, won't be played for another 11 shows.

It's too bad, also because I don't know enough The Slip still to have build a wish list.

zero, it sure reads like it was beyond a good time. I sure hope that experience is pervasive through the full canada run.

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I really didn't think the show was all that great. It was okay, but not much of a step above the local talent that everyone(tin foil cowboy)seems bash all the time. yes, they're talented, they know all the fancy jazz moves, but as far a show goes i thought it didn't really live up to the hype. There was no real flow, yes they can bring diferent styles but i didn't think that they blended them together all that well. again no real flow. also considering all the hype, i really expected them to be a whole lot tighter. there where lots of moments where the bass and drums weren't tight and some of the jams were kinda sloppy. notice i said moments. some it was tight and when the decided to rock it out, i was dancing, but the rest had me yawning. these guys are okay but i think they are a little too hyped up.

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You are a total fu©king idiot! I swear to god you know nothing about music or improvisation whatsoever. There is no comparison in the least between the calibre of musicianship on that stage and sh!t you are throwing around. Please go back under the rock from which you came before I go ballistic. Tool. You seriously are a Monstrously Ignorant human being. I cannot give any energy whatsoever to your total failure as an eardrum.

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You are a total fu©king idiot! I swear to god you know nothing about music or improvisation whatsoever. There is no comparison in the least between the calibre of musicianship on that stage and sh!t you are throwing around. Please go back under the rock from which you came before I go ballistic. Tool. You seriously are a Monstrously Ignorant human being. I cannot give any energy whatsoever to your total failure as an eardrum.

Hmmm,sounds like some other "Phans" I've talked to before. ::

I dig em quite alot,obviously not as much as some,but really,name calling? Whatever gets ya by I guess...

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