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Kevin Smith's dream comes true...


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TORONTO - Clerks director Kevin Smith to appear on new Degrassi

U.S. filmmaker Kevin Smith, best known for his "Jersey Trilogy" of Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy, will appear on teen TV series Degrassi: The Next Generation, broadcaster CTV announced Tuesday.

Kevin Smith at his office in Los Angeles. (AP photo)

Smith, whose films also include Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Dogma and Jersey Girl, will appear in the season's final three episodes, which will air in early 2005.

In a November 1996 article for Details magazine, Smith detailed how he became a fan: watching episodes of Degrassi Junior High during an early job at a convenience store. He eventually named a character in Clerks "Caitlin," after a leading Degrassi character, and included references to the series in that and other films.

He recently praised the new Degrassi's storylines – which have included a 14-year-old's decision to have an abortion with no regrets and a recent school-shooting episode – in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

"When I heard some of the storylines they're doing, my head exploded," he told the magazine. "I'm known for frank subject matter and I wouldn't touch that stuff."

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I knew that about Smith and I'm pleased to see that his dream will come true.

Oddly enough, I was talking to Darrin " Moose " Brown two weeks ago. He was the bully that died of AIDS on the show. I also went to school with Kyra Levy ( the girl in the wheelchair Maya ).

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Years ago, I was watching TV, and "The Kids of Degrassi Street" (the first "Degrassi" show) happened to be on. My Dad walked by the TV, and stopped dead in his tracks. "That's the Degrassi grocery," he noted.

"Yeah, well, it's 'The Kids of Degrassi Street'," I replied.

"I used to live near there."

That's one of the things I like about all of the Degrassi shows: they're firmly based in reality, not TV studios. The other big thing I like about them is that they focus on the kids, unlike most other school-set shows (e.g., "Welcome Back Kotter", or "Head Of The Class"), which have one adult as the main character, who sits around and solves problems for the kids. In the Degrassi shows, if anything, the adults cause problems for the kids (at least from the kids' point of view).



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One of my first times at a bar when I was 19, and guess who I run into. I did a shot at Bar Code with Wheels! I didn't introduce myself or embarrass him, I just called him over to the bar and handed him a shot of Jager.

I love every incarnation of that show but Junior High is still my favorite. And Claude killing himself in the bathroom still rivets me when I see it.

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ha, that's really funny! go kevin smith. degrassi (all the oldskool versions -- kids of the street, jr. high & high) is still to this day is one of my favourite tv shows EVER! although i do agree jr. high was the best of the 3.

i danced right beside "lucy" for hours at a small show in toronto once.... i wasn't enough of a dork to introduce myself & gush over her degrassi role (admittedly, at least half of that was plain old chickening out ::), although i was enough of a dork to hiss "ohmygod! that's lucy from degrassi over there!!!" to various people over the course of the night & i did call just about anyone i knew who would care the next day. :D

i remember someone telling me they saw spike & liz (together no less!) at a festival once... and this girl i know through work had a few university classes with kathleen. OH!!! and i saw "ms. avery" at science fair once. ooh la freakin' la! ;) haha

ah, degrassi... who knew it would inspire such a cult-like following. apparently it's a big hit in the states too (as kevin smith has proved here!).

hey, just about any of the characters would make GREAT halloween costumes! hahahahhaha

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My friend Matt said he ran into Lucy at a Dead show in the early 90s...and I saw her a few weeks ago on Queen street, looking gorgeous, with a gorgeous child in her arms--it seems wrong that Lucy's a mom!

Also, a friend I was in university with is now the head writer/executive producer of the Next Generation--I wonder if he can hook me up to hang out with Kevin Smith? I freakin' love that guy.

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I can't drive past the Port Hope sign on the 401 without thinking about the episode where Wheels hitchhiked to see his dad play drums in a local watering hole.

:D Hillarious!!!

Rubberdinghy and I do the same thing! Every time we drivr to T.O

We love Degrassi, especially the Degrassi movie!!!

We also try to watch the new ones, not as good as the "old school" dayz, but still good!

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hey jaimoe, is maya really in a wheelchair?

superfreak, if you're talking about the girl with the big mohawk (in liberty spikes) that was...trish! she was also on the kids of degrassi street, but her character's name was connie on that. (unless you're talking about the girl with the chelsea, in which case that was liz).

my ex-boyfriend was going to steal me one of the degrassi street signs when he lived in toronto... one of the many, many things he never got around to doing for me. sigh. haha

stonemtn, somehow i believe what you say about joey jeremiah.... :D

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Someone my wife works with bought a box of Degrassi photos off ebay for like $15, from joey jeremiah. She said the pictures are halarious, they are all partying, wasted, passed out etc... And there are captions on the pictures. Priceless! I wonder what Kevin Smith would have paid for those, certainly more than $15.

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"I can't drive past the Port Hope sign on the 401 without thinking about the episode where Wheels hitchhiked to see his dad play drums in a local watering hole."

.....ah....Mike and the Drifters! Those boys rock hard!

I too, am a Degrassi head.

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Does anyone actually watch the Next Generation? It's worth it just to see what those grown up degrassi kids are up to.

Spike is now married to Snake, Joey is dating Caitlyn again, some of the other characters show up occassionally - Liz was spike's midwife when she and snake had a baby. In the most recent episode I watched, Joey's ex showed up, so he cracked a joke about Tessa Campanelli showing up next. It was gold.

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