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hey! what is this, russia???


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(just kidding about the russia bit.) i heard there was a big brouhaha on the board this weekend. i don't have a computer at home, & i was anxious to come into work today to see what it was all about. unless i am going selectively blind, it seems to have been deleted. (!!!) what gives?! this isn't your general delete-unfavourable-posts kinda place, what was so wrong with this particular one? a lot of posts on here are referring to this mystery thread so things people are saying aren't making a whole lot of sense. what's going on?????

maybe this is mostly drive-past-a-car-wreck curiosity, and maybe i myself am guilty of not thinking before i post here, but geeez, this is the freakin' internet, anything you post can be read by the world, and (you'd think) that would be kept in mind by people before they type... so shouldn't what they say have the right to stay on record?

(please note, i haven't read this offensive thread, so i don't know what was said, and therefore i do not know why it was deleted or why it was possibly justified that it was deleted at all. so i do sincerely apologize if i am offending anybody, i'm just trying to figure out what the heck happened around here, because a lot of posts are seeming kind of disjointed with this mystery thread missing.)

anybody keep a copy of this ;), or care to fill me in??? ::

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Yeah, it's kinda wierd. If this were just a message board of "login" identities, I could just laugh sh!t off. However, a bunch of the people on here I consider to be my friends, and to see signs that tons of sh!t has gone down but with way too many gaps to understand anythign, it's stressful. Nothing I haven't said before, but it is worrysome and hard to just "let go" given that these are real people and real people I care about...

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Yeah, it's kinda wierd. If this were just a message board of "login" identities, I could just laugh sh!t off. However, a bunch of the people on here I consider to be my friends, and to see signs that tons of sh!t has gone down but with way too many gaps to understand anythign, it's stressful. Nothing I haven't said before, but it is worrysome and hard to just "let go" given that these are real people and real people I care about...

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:: okay, gone. geez, this sounds pretty serious... i changed my mind, i don't know if i even want to know. and sorry, i'm really not trying to offend anybody... and i hope i didn't... like i said, i don't know what was said in the first place, i was just trying to make sense of some of the other posts on here by finding out what the heck happened.

but it doesn't matter. i think i'd rather be in the dark on this one anyway. i guess if was deleted in the first place then it should stay that way. so i'm sorry. and i hope everybody made it through whatever it was okay.

:( ::

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no need to apologize, guigs, it's all good. and like i said, i don't think i even want to know the specifics... this whole thing was obviously a lot more serious than i imagined, so i think i'll be better off NOT knowing. i do not need any further explanation of what went down.

and you're right, blane, this IS a public forum -- which is why i was so surprised it was deleted in the first place. this mystery thread is being referred to left, right and centre in other threads, and since it took place in public in the first place (and not privately), and is being referred to publicly in other areas, i asked about it in public. there have been a lot of other vicious arguments that have happened on here and the threads were kept, so i didn't think this particular one could be much worse. from what i can gather this one sounds like it WAS worse than anything that's happened around here, so that's fine, i can fully respect it was deleted. this isn't your everyday online community, the fact of the matter is we DO see each other in "real life", so lines of internet anonyminity become blurred because we are real friends and not just avatars. so perhaps it is better there is no record of this.

having said that however, censorship bothers me, which is part of what prompted me to start this thread in the first place. it is EACH person's responsibilty to think before they type, and to stand behind what they say. if you want to be an ass and attack people & say mean things, well you know what, you'd better be able to stand behind them. YOU'RE the one making YOURSELF look like an ass by being mean, and if you choose to say things publicly, then you're also choosing for the public to see them. it shouldn't be up to the moderator of an internet message board to protect your image (in some cases, what little image you have left). it is each person's individual responsibilty to choose how they will react in any given situation, and along with that comes taking any and all consequences that may result. taking the high road speaks volumes, but if you feel in a particular instance a different road is the one you need to take, then at least be prepared to stand behind what you say. if you've said something in the heat of the moment (who hasn't), that crossed the line and you regret saying at all, then step back up to the plate and apologize. but if there's no plate to step back up to... ya know?

anyway. that censorship paragraph i have above there is not just specifically about this mystery thread, it is about messageboard censorship in general. as i have said numerous times, i did not read a word of what went down, so i don't know the exact nature of it, and nor do i need to. i fully trust bouche's judgement, so if in that particular instance it is better a thread was deleted, than so be it.

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PP, be very careful when you throw around a word like "censorship". For anything to be published, there are two main entities involved: the author, and the publisher. If either one of those decide that something shouldn't be published, that's not censorshi, that's editorial control. If a third party gets involved, then that's when it becomes censorship.

I don't claim to support or even understand why the topic that was deleted got deleted, but the decision is that of the management of this website. That decision may be unpopular, or even hypocritical (or inconsistent with other decisions to delete or not delete other controversial topics), but it's entirely within the scope of the rights (and reponsibilities) of the people who run this site.



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Nicely put Pink. Its kinda weird I agree, that the thread is hidden... We are all grown ups on here, to hide it like that is almost to pretend nothing happend, life aint all peas'n'carrots. Not that I want to exploit anybody/thing its just that the main reason alot of people come online is to enduldge in conversation and be entertained. Now, knowing this, one should watch what he or she writes if its personal or offending because IT IS PUBLIC and subject to CRITICISM. How is one to come to terms with the reality of the situation writen about without the input of others, good Or bad. Is it possible?. Hopefully all is well, and people realize that harsh things are sead to make a point, not to be hurtfull. In reality I think it was only done because of friendships and with good intent, but still, a responsability of what one writes is key online, and you reap what you sow. Public conflict should remain public so that it can be resolved in the manner it was presented, and not be left to mingle in the back of peoples minds.

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Put it this way, people who post here are in serious trouble and we all need to think carefully about what this community means to us, and how we can hold ourselves to a better standard.

censorship bothers me, which is part of what prompted me to start this thread in the first place. it is EACH person's responsibilty to think before they type, and to stand behind what they say. if you want to be an ass and attack people & say mean things, well you know what, you'd better be able to stand behind them. YOU'RE the one making YOURSELF look like an ass by being mean, and if you choose to say things publicly, then you're also choosing for the public to see them. it shouldn't be up to the moderator of an internet message board to protect your image (in some cases, what little image you have left). it is each person's individual responsibilty to choose how they will react in any given situation, and along with that comes taking any and all consequences that may result. taking the high road speaks volumes, but if you feel in a particular instance a different road is the one you need to take, then at least be prepared to stand behind what you say. if you've said something in the heat of the moment (who hasn't), that crossed the line and you regret saying at all, then step back up to the plate and apologize. but if there's no plate to step back up to... ya know?

[color:"red"] Wise. Words.

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