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Insult Choix!


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You think you're soooooo much smarter than I am because when I first met you, you knew what a schwa was I didn't. Well now I know what a schwa is ... he's an overweight, zit-faced, curly haired druggy with a bent finger that likes wooks and happy hippies who can't keep a job to pay to fix his leaky car.

Take that, smart ass!

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This name calling and swearing IS kind of fun! :: ;)


Either someone hijacked mark tonin's identity or he hit the cognac extra hard with his colleagues at school yesterday! woo hoo! love the fire, mt!

oh and by the way... choix is the worst for sneaking late night premade awesome sandwiches from people's fridges who he barely knows and especially if they were for buddy's wife who was planning on bringing it to work with her in the morning! ::

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oh and by the way... choix is the worst for sneaking late night premade awesome sandwiches from people's fridges who he barely knows and especially if they were for buddy's wife who was planning on bringing it to work with her in the morning!

Sounds like he would either get all along really well with DaveyBoy, or they'd be constantly fighting over that sandwich!!

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WE GOT A WINNER! KERI for PRESIDENT. that is the single most embarassing moment of my entire life, glad you were there to keep on reminding me bacon. although if it weren't you it would be the entire room full of people that were also there to witness my least sneaky maneuver ever.....and then i went in the fuggin washroom to eat it because Kelsey came up to me and said something....hilarious. what a little whiskey'll make ya do eh? and the piece de resistance you ask? i topped the whole night off by taking all of his foosballs home. yikes!

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