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Your favorite celebrity chef?


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My problem with Kerr is that he seems to squeeze all the fun out of cooking - "I'm now going to add exactly 3.423 ounces of baking powder and mix it with 22.3 ounces of 91 degree water......" - he is rather exacting, don't ya think?

He is good though, I can see why people enjoy his show.

As for Alton Brown, it took a while to get past his schtick but now I enjoy him. His is a very informative show.

What was life like before the Food Network?!?!?

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h- you must be kidding about a man who refuses to use cornstarch right? Lamest cooking show I've ever seen..."enjoy the healthful benefits of Arrowroot powder today!"

I wholeheartedly concur about Alton Brown though. He had me with the episode on deep fat frying. Now if only Ottawa would include the Food Network for regular cable subscribers. Argh!

Another great ones for fans of the science side of things is..I think the title is "America's Test Kitchen" on PBS. They basically test cooking techniques for very rudimentary recipes to see which give the best results. It's a little dry but very fascinating. I've watched them do steak four ways, scrambled eggs three ways, etc.

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Seriously, I love Iron Chef although more for the spectacle than as a cooking show to learn from. Same with Tony Bourdain's show, which isn't really a cooking show as much as it is about travel and weirdness. Kitchen Confidential is brilliant thou, I'd highly recommend reading it for anyone who hasn't. And I agree with bradm, Kevin Brauch is a bastard 'cus he has my dream job! He's good at it thou so I can't hate him too much.

I do like Alton Brown a lot, although some of his tips are a bit too hardcore, like when he recommended cooling your soup by putting two bottles of frozen water in so it cools before bacteria can form (don't forget to sterilize the bottles first, of course!) Come on dude, let it cool on the counter for a few hours and then stick it in the fridge like the rest of the damn universe, it's not gonna kill you Alton!

Nigella Lawson does win the hot award in my book as well, although I find it funny the way the shoot her show so you can't really tell that she is a bit plump. Christine Cushing is second but I agree with MarcO that she can be a bit annoying at times. I like Rachel Ray's $40 a Day show 'cus I like that type of show but her little giggle drives me nuts!

I also enjoy the shows like "Unwrapped" and "Top Five" for the Cliff Claven factor: "it's a little known fact that the Kennedy's popularized French cuisine in the United States."

Hmmm, seems I have a pretty hard time picking a fave, but I certainly do enjoy my Food Network - long live second tier cable!


Mr. M.

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i was kinda kiddng though, he's not exactly exciting, but i liked it in the old days when would use the "one for the pot, one for me" method when adding wine.

Reminds me of one of my favourite Simpsons scenes, Homer filling up a car that runs on beer... "One for you. One for me. One for you. One for me. One for you...." ::

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Come on dude, let it cool on the counter for a few hours and then stick it in the fridge like the rest of the damn universe, it's not gonna kill you Alton!

Well, it might not kill you but unless you enjoy passing nuclear waste for several excruciating days, you really don't want to leave hot food out for hours to cool. Seriously!

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i can't believe this thread has gotten this far without any mention of wolfgang puck. :: he's funny. (in wolfgang puck accent) "but you can add more, i won't be mad at you!"

another vote for the urban peasant on this end! everything you guys mentioned, plus not only are his recipes easy to follow (and they leave the actual recipe bit up long enough at the end you can actually write it down), but when you try them in real life they are damn good! he once did a show basically on making a great meal using leftover crap in your fridge, and he had these super tasty scone things made with sour cream -- they were SO easy and really, really good. the *five feet of fury* & i used to watch his show after school all the time, the best is how wild he goes in the kitchen, hacking stuff up & having it fly all over, he's always dropping stuff on the floor, spilling stuff... so funny... ah, i heart james barber for sure.

lotsa thumbs up (and tongue wagging) for jamie oliver. mmm, mmm, mmm!

anybody ever see the show death by chocolate? drooooool.

hey, on the topic of emeril's signature "BAM!!!", you know how that all started? i guess they would film a few episodes in a row, and upon noticing the crew & audience falling asleep, he just started doing to jolt them awake.

*sigh* boy, all this food network talk is really making me miss having cable...

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How did this never come up before?

Bouche and I are foodies for sure. Food TV is on A LOT in our house. I'm gonna go with Alton Brown as my favorite. I like his geeky sense of humour (go figure) and I like learnin' stuff.

I'm starting to like the simple, yet hearty dishes on La Dolce Vita. I mean come on, what DO you do with left over spaghetti? (David Rocco aint bad either *wink wink*)

I did grow up on The Urban Peasant. Maybe that's what started my passion with beer. That man put beer in everything. Beer chicken, beer chili, beer salad....

Viva Food TV!

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Oh don't even get me started on Rachael Ray's "$40 A Day" show!

"Wow, this deep-fried sneaker is delicious!!!! I can't believe it's only $7.20!!!!"

Seriously, she loves everything put in front of her.

Kinda surprised to see all the love for Alton Brown around here. His show reminds a little too much of CBC after-school science specials in format, but yeah, he's good at what he does.

One of the coolest shows I saw was Jamie Oliver's "Jamie's Kitchen" where he takes unemployed kids and puts them through cooking school so they can run his upscale restaurant. It was really quite touching.

I'm thinking of proposing a show to Food TV called "101 Ways To Cook and Serve Andre Bouchard". I've already outlined my cannibalistic tendencies towards members of this board before. Look out Mr. Musickabob, er...... I mean, Mr. Musicface!

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Although it's not a cooking show per se, "Opening Soon" (which I think is on FoodTV and the Life channel) is fun to watch. It documents the trials and tribulations of new restaurants getting ready for opening, and takes you from "empty building" to "opening night". I like watching how, as the project goes further and further, it gets further and further behind*. You get to see the owners dealing with money (and more money, and more money), stuff that should have been delivered but wasn't, decorators, menus, etc. If anybody here was thinking of opening or redecorating a club, this would be the show to watch, I think.



* I work in software development, and the same thing happens. It seems like no matter how conservatively you estimate how long it'll take, it always takes longer. Nice to know it's not just us...

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Well, it might not kill you but unless you enjoy passing nuclear waste for several excruciating days, you really don't want to leave hot food out for hours to cool. Seriously!

Oh come on MarcO, we're talking about a big pot of soup here, not a piece of chicken. If you put it directly in the fridge it'll thaw everything. If you've been boiling something for a few hours it needs some time to cool - okay, hours might be an exageration but I would leave (and have left) a pot of soup out for an hour or more with the lid on to cool, it's really not that big a deal.

- M.

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