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QotD April 28

Mr. Musicface

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Yo all y'all! Thought this was as good a question as any for a Monday morn!

So those that have been following along in the CTMF folder know that I'm making some beer for Frontier Town. I'll be going to the Brewing Experience in Scarborough tonight to get the first ever batch of "Uncle Seth's Frontier Wheat Beer" underway! [big Grin] In selecting this particular brew, I chose from a pretty extensive list of beer and ale styles that can be made, and it got me to thinking...

So here's my question:

* For the beer drinkers on the board: what beer or beers do you favor? It could be something really specific, like a brew that's only available on tap in a certain bar, it could be a style (such as stout or Belgium-style wheat or whatever), or it could be 30 cans of Bud in the parking lot before a Bills game! [Wink]

* For the non-beer drinkers: when you're hanging with your beer drinking friends and family, what do you drink instead? Do you go for wine, coolers, mixes, soft drinks, water?

For my own part, if I could have only one beer it would have to be the German-style wheat beer at the dearly departed Denison's Brewing Company a.k.a. Growler's Pub on Victoria just south of Queen in Toronto. They closed their doors a few months back, but it is one of my dearest wishes that they reopen somewhere so I can partake of this sweet, sweet nectar once again.

That said, I enjoy many varieties but I'm curious what people here are into drinking. Bring it on!


Mr. M.

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I generally enjoy beer served cold out of a bottle, can, glass, shoe, bar room floor.....

I would say that Stella is a great year round beer...now that the summer is here(sort of), Steamwhistle is great, Heinekin is always great..although I'm still trying to recover from the $1 Heinekin stand beside the Circus Circus while I was checking out Phish in Vegas this year....I think I drank 30ish on the saturday..

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I rarely drink beer, but when I do my all-time favorite in Niagra Pale Ale (only four ingredients!!!). Unfortunately it's very difficult to find so I usually end up buying Heinekin or Corona.

I much prefer a ceasar or a glass of red wine to beer though.

Man that question is making me thirsty!

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I *love* beer. It gives me life.

Funny thing, I'm not fussy. I'll stay away from bitters, the hoegaarden stuff is ok but an acquired taste, and I find Church Key beer repulsive. Apart from that, make it ice cold and I'll really really enjoy it!

Prefrences go to Moosehead and Keith's though and any kind of Sleeman product.

Best beer for a special occasion, Bellevue Raspberry beer. Mmmmmmmm.........

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Mr. M~

Always up for trying new beers. [big Grin]

While in Belgium in 1997 I had the oppurtunity to try some real trappists beers(don't remember the name,there are many), one reaches alcohol % of about 12, sediment in the bottle, slow pour, bitter taste, very tasty. [big Grin]

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Originally posted by Esau13:

While in Belgium in 1997 I had the oppurtunity to try some real trappists beers(don't remember the name,there are many), one reaches alcohol % of about 12, sediment in the bottle, slow pour, bitter taste, very tasty.
[big Grin]

Nice! I love Belgian styles, I'd probably really enjoy that myself. On my long list of things to do when I finally get to Europe... [Wink]

- M.

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I was in Brussels for 3 or 4 days in September, 2001, and had an absolute ball doing a tour of the Grand Place...going from bar to bar, ordering a different beer at each, and being in awe and wonder at how each beer had its own glass (even down to different sizes of glass), and how it could be brought to you outisde by a guy who was dressed in almost a tuxedo.

(Mind you, 9% alc/vol beers + rain + cobblestones = treacherous steppage, indeed.)

I even found a brew pub in one corner of the Place, and had a great time trying their beers and talking to the bartender about them. Brussels is (like Burlington, VT) on my list of cities I wouldn't mind living in.

If you want to try Belgian beers over here, I recommend:

  • Chimay (available in 750mL bottles, or little ones; around Christmas, I got a 3-pack of small bottles of different styles of Chimay)
  • Orval
  • Hoegaarden
  • Mort Subite (Geuze [neutral], Framboise [raspberry], Peche [peach])

These should be available at larger LCBO stores. If you're in Ottawa, a good place is Pub Italia on Preston.



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My Fav's are in Three categories;

Cheap Beers: Lucky Lager, Lakeport Honey

Domestic Beers: Grasshopper (Big Rock), Kokanee Gold, Raspberry Wheat Beer

Imported Beer: Believe it or not Moosehead and Keiths are considered Imports in Alberta, Booourns.


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Originally posted by c-towns:

Imported Beer: Believe it or not Moosehead and Keiths are considered Imports in Alberta, Booourns.

Blame the big Canadian brewers (i.e., Molson and Labatt's). With all the flap about the NAFTA, it's amazing to consider that we don't have free trade within Canada. It used to be the only way to get a beer sold by Brewer's Retail in Ontario (which is not a gov't agency [like the LCBO]; it's the retail outlet for the brewers) was to have it brewed in Ontario. Combine that with outrageous listing fees, and it's easier for Quebec brewers (like Unibroue, or McAuslan's) to get their beers into Vermont than it is to get them into Ontario.



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Here here Brad! I've been saying for years that the brewing industry should be "de-regulated" i.e. companies from other parts of Canada should be on an equal footing everywhere in Canada, like every other industy in the country. I think it's a terminate to how Canadians appreciate good beer as opposed to generic crap that we have more than 2 breweries in this country at all, considering how the deck is stacked.

- M.

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I'm not sure I'm in favour of beer in the local corner store, mostly because of how it'll almost surely greatly increase underage drinking; I give the Beer Store staff (as opposed to the institution) a lot of credit for helping to keep that kind of thing under control (consider how many underage people smoke, when they're not allowed to buy cigarettes; the difference, I feel, is the much more lax ID checking at convenience stores vs. the Beer Store). What I do want to see is the Beer Store opened up (financially and in terms of regulation) to a lot more breweries, to even the playing field between the big breweries and the small Ontario breweries (e.g., KLB) and the imports.

(Yeah, this whole subject is in the BradM "Don't Get Me Started" list...)



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my fav is kawartha lakes brewery rasberry wheat ale. that stuff is the shit.

i also like Heineken, keiths and moosehead.

i dont like most molson or labbat beers.

I like alot of coolers. At a party a few weeks ago I tried this one (cant rememebr the name due to drinking too many of them) cooler that were filling up a cooler, free for the taking that reminded me alot of something my grandmother would drink on a picnic, by the look of the bottle, but they tasted damn good. cant remember if they were rasberry or strawberry but they were great . . .

I love laquers, kaluha, baileys, and amurilla.

I hate gin. ALOT. it smells, looks and tastes like bug spray. ewww

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Brad, I'm totally with you - I think beer should be handled exactly like other liquor in Ontario - sold by a true Crown corporation, or directly by the brewer in specialized locations (like the little wine boutiques in some grocery stores and malls). If you buy BC wine in Ontario, it's the same price as it is anywhere else in the country, maybe even a bit cheaper 'cus the LCBO has such tremendous buying power. The LCBO RULES, any talk of privatization of this jewel of a public corporation is pure BS. What there should NOT be is a two brewery-run retail system whereby they get to set the rules to make things harder for the little guys. Case in point are the restrictive rules with regard to brew pubs selling off-site, one of the reasons that Denison's had to close. Check out this article by Stephen Beaumont:


Anyway I'll stop for now 'cus this is on MY "don't get me started" list too! [Wink]


- M.

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Originally posted by phish stick:

my fav is kawartha lakes brewery rasberry wheat ale. that stuff is the shit.

Hey phish stick, KLB Raspberry is the unoffical beer of Uncle Seth - Tara'll tell ya the same if she gets on this thread. it's a common rehersal treat for us. I love that stuff on a hot day! [big Grin]

- M.

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Did you get to the little brewery in Grand Place, in the basement? That was where buddy gave me the trappist beer,not that it was brewed there, just happen to have a few there, I was the only person on the tour, was in mid-Nov 1997, when I was there.Grand Place is just that, it was somwhere I went daily to wander around.I was there for about 10 days.


I'm not sure I'm in favour of beer in the local corner store, mostly because of how it'll almost surely greatly increase underage drinking;

Well it already is and there has been not really reports of increased underage drinking, in Lindsay(ONT),Scotland(ONT) or Binbrook(ONT), you can't even go in the beer/Liqour parts of the store if your underage, cameras and security at all three of these places I have been.

I think if it was available in more corner stores(selected ones) that we would see a decrease in DUI offences.Is one reason that small town Ontario started asking to do this.

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HAH! So on a lark, I actually wrote to Stephen Beaumont who wrote that article about Denison's to see if he had any news on them re-opening, and here's what he wrote back:


At this very moment, Michael Hancock has some of his Weissbier fermenting down at the Mill Street Brewing Company, located in Toronto's Distillery District. Expect to see it on LCBO store shelves within a month or two.

Ahhh, life is sweeet my friends! [big Grin]


Mr. M.

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Depends on my mood or situation... and I'll always try a new microbrew.

Lately it's been Steam Whistle for when I'm drinking a lot, and something with more flavour, like St. Ambroise Pale Ale, if it's just gonna be one or two. I've also been buying a lot of Heritage Lager, which is brewed in the Ottawa region and comes in stubbies.

My favourite beer when I'm south of the border is Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I can't believe it hasn't been exported up here yet. I always bring back a good selection of American microbrew with me. I really like the American pale ale style.

If I'm drinking at a bar, where beer is so damn expensive, I usually go for something cheaper.

Brad, you mentioned Hart's Dragon Breath... I miss that beer, wish they were still brewing it. Can you still get it in Kingston?

Don de Dieu (Gift from God!) is another good Unibroue beer.

Umm, is it 5 o'clock yet?

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