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ahhhhhhh!!! douglas, i heart you!!!!

mandy, i needed that.

ahess, shut up. ::

clearly your waiter friend is a compulsive liar. spacey, maybe... kline, eh, i guess it's a possibility... bacon? EEEHHHH! WRONG!!!!!!!!! your friend probably just added baconboy to the mix when his advances were turned down flat. thhhbbbt!

not that there's anything wrong with that of course.

(waits for number 2 to arrive in this thread.... heeheehee)

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My friend, let's call him Kevin for hilarity's sake, served Bacon and Male Friend. First Bacon asked for a weed hookup, then asked if he wanted to come back to their hotel room. I'm sorry for being a dreamcrusher after you said my girlfriend was pretty but this is what he told me.

As for spacey: He's doing a Bobby Darrin musical right now.

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i think you should tell your friend he should get some water... because his pants are obviously on fire!!!!!

and it better be quick, because little boys made of wood burn up pretty quickly, i hear! oh wait... he's a real boy now... THAT'S WHY HIS NOSE IS A MILE LONG!!!!!!!!

vicious, vicious rumours....

oh well, both ways is still one way in the right direction. just kidding. this news is a fallacy! not a phallacy either. ;) must've been a lookalike. kevin bacon LIVES in new york, what on earth would he need a hotel room for? (feigns ignorance)

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side note: your friend may very well be telling the truth, but you'd have better luck convincing me dubbaya is a flaming homosexual than you will getting me to admit kevin bacon even thinks such thoughts. ;) ask dos, we've been 'round this bend before. ::

having said that however... kevin bacon's guest appearance? BEST WILL & GRACE EPISODE EVER!!!!!



ahhhh, i love it when seemingly innocent threads turn into bacon ones. :D and hey, i didn't even turn this twist!

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