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TMNS play 'Dead tunes in Ottawa this Saturday


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Yep. Two full sets of Grateful Dead; undiluted, no horsesh*t; just smooth vibe. I won't give you the full setlist, but Stranger, Dupree's, Box of Rain, T of G, Wharf Rat, Other One; these are sure to be heard. Of course, COMFORT STATION are gonna start the evening off with their upbeat, groovy sound.

Saturday December 11 at Mavericks, 221 Rideau St. ;)

(Grateful Dead ::)

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holy fack! too bad these guys have day jobs and lives.

i had an awesome time at the show (i unfortunately got to the bar at 10:30 and only saw about 20 minutes of comfort station...) and the night after that was awesome.

As always it's great to chill with the comfort station crew, greg, freak by night...the east coast crew always tends to represent in ottawa - i'm glad there's always a couple of maritimers making the party just that much livelier.

the chill little afterparty at Pottie's - holy crap was that ever a perfect apartment to wind up in.

okay...let me explain that. I get out of the bar with pottie and jon - tweaked, forgetting exactly where i parked...laziness set in and i was left with the dilemma of finding my car...Jon and I wander around the streets and things click...if i don't know where to find my car i should at least try to walk the route i drove...so a nice winter night and some stupor to burn off (if i have to remind you, TMNS are a real grateful dead tribute act...not just a bunch of hippies playing dead tunes...) and I find my car...we drive to dana & pottie's down the parkway - past parliament. absolutely gorgeous drive in the wonter...the snow lined streetlights, the big snowgflake floodlights on the peace tower, the flawless city planning and beautiful design of that strip...then along the parkway by the new war museum...breathtaking.

anyhow, we step into Pottie's place and the decor is out of a magazine. i mean Dana has a total flare for personal design.

cool tapestries on the wallssort of a feng shui thing going on...great colours, and then down to the basement in the jamroom...a little universe of cool blankets and trippy carpet and that wall!

holy crap that wall!

(there's a bit of exposed foundation made from formed limestone - the grout and brick came together for this absolutely natural (no it wasn't the lsd...however, that made it AWESOME) fractal pattern...and when it's ACTUALLY three dimensional AND you can touch it AND you're a bit tweaked...well it's worth hopping online and writing about to people that you know don't like to read incredibly long posts in internet messageboard threads.


and then we get up, i am doled out a coffee and nicely made breakfast, to fantastic conversation with great people.

thanks Pottie and Dana for being such great fun folks and having that flare.

thanks everybody for the tunes, and the good night...

but no thanks to the city of ottawa for not posting winter parking regulations and providing parking (free or paid overnight) to save me a goddamned motherfu©king parking ticket.

a beautiful time almost marred by the stress of a parking ticket.

i guess i'll be in the city again tomorrow.

anybody need to do any errands? i figure i'll probably get into town noonish or a bit thereafter.

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Truely was a kick ass night!! I'm glad we got a good bunch of people out and it made for a fun dance filled and very adventurous night...it was also really cool to meet a bunch of new people there! Beats, awesome time once again hanging out, always the case of course!! I love your rap about the adventure finding the car, then making the most intense drive out to my place, only to find out the inside of my dwellings looks like a scene from India...defenitely candy for the head, and yes downstairs to the 4th dimension...fractalicous, the wall had you absorbed in it's everchanging mass of patterns...me too of course!! always good times, and hopefully it's not too long before were at it again!!

Also, Beats lemmie know what's going on with the parking ticket thingy, if you gotta pay it I should throw in on that, the least I could do....

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"tweaked, forgetting exactly where i parked"

"and I find my car...we drive to dana & pottie's down the parkway"

"no it wasn't the lsd...however, that made it AWESOME"

Wasn't there a warning with the LSD about not operating a motor vehicle?

TMNS is always a great time. I wish I could have been there, but the xmas wallet pinch set in after last weekend.

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no warning. as far as i know it's real lsd - it's not like my reactions are marred like when i get drunk.

i forsee a sobriety debate...

and as for the ticket i wentin and got it nullified today...but to get around it you have to get a guest parking pass - they're good for 2 weeks and they're 5 bucks.

to do this you have to go to city hall on laurier with a piece of mail with your name on it, some ID and a note from your landlord stating there is no parking for your apartment/building.

if you ever expect to have guests overnight they'll be glad to pay $5 instead of $50 - myself included.

props to the comfort station crew. great times.

cool people make cool music.

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