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what a weekend....


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I don't have the energy to find the other nero weekend related posts, can barely lift the spoonful of soup to my mouth right now.

Great seeing everyone, it was freakin nuts, many people to thank (Schwa, Willy, Leanne) for all their hospitality, and way too many happy faces to name, but damn what a great time.

We had a hellish drive back to Ottawa last night, rolled in around 3, in spots the traffic was going 60km...ughh.

....back to my soul-restoring lentil soup.....

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We left Burlington a little late yesterday afternoon. Did a little shopping and hit the road at about 5. We got home a 1am. Awful drive. One of those drives where you sweat off three pounds stressing the entire time.

I almost forgot about the weekend. :)

Such good times. It was so great to see everyone. Definitely a very special weekend for me. Thanks!!

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I originally posted this around 5am this morning but when I went to add to it after some sleep I deleted it accidentally.But fortunatley I wrote it in note pad and have it still.

All I can say is it was a great weekend,great to see alot of folks I have not seen in quite sometime,way too many to mention,but heres a few anyway.I will probally add to this one as well...


originally posted at 5am this morning

A huge thanks to nero (Jay,Chris & Dave) for the many years of great music & shows,the nero Ontario runs have to be one of the most craziest & fun times I have had in along time,I am going to miss doing it with you guys,I wish ya'll only the best & will always keep many of our exchanges in conversation,company & partying in very high regard,you guys are stand-up good people,awesome musicians & I'll miss the music & the band thats for sure.Again,so much thanks to nero.

NYE > Ottawa it is,see you guys there.

Many others to mention thanks to also,(may take a bit)

Most of all;

Velvet & bradm for making the extra effort to drive a hour further then needed to pick Paisley & myself up at PJC for the journey to Guelph, KW and to Hamilton,you guys kick ass & it was great to party,travel,chill & share with ya.

Pete & Tasha for once agian being the hosts who do the most & having us over to party after the show & for housing,feeding & putting up with us.Hopefully I see you guys before xmas.Thanks for your always endless hospitality & kindness.

Keri or Kerry (sp?)(maxwebster) in Waterloo,

Brother Keri,it was great to party with ya (again) and to remember it this time.Thanks for letting us hang out for the evening on friday after the show and have a great party,what a great time my friend.Give me a call this week if you can (I'll PM the number if ya need).Hopefully we can do it again in steeltown sotmie,host ya'll when ya come here,pass along words to Bill & Pete for me also,cheers.

JstSmkd1 (Andy) & Tara,

So very glad to talk to you brother,very much needed and appreciated,can't stress that enough.As in the past,another amazing night of craziness in Caladonia,always a pleasure to party with people like yourselves.I look forward to repaying the many good times after the shows in the future.(I'll fill you in on what I am refering to).Thanks for having us all over for the night,Love you guys.


Hanging out with you is amazing,always is,I have missed ya alot (wow),it never seems like long enough time though.I'll be calling ya today (afternoon ok?) & may just be in Toronto today or tomorrow,hopefully we can cross paths again and share sometime together.Much love to you.

Brother Dave (Sloth)

My friend,what can I say.Great times & I am very much looking forward to partying with you again in a couple weeks.

Brother Jay (Del-head)

Very much missed by the team and others.Wasn't feelin complete at times,on friday night I must have walked into the livingroom three times looking for ya,only to realize you weren't there.You better be in Ottawa on NYE,no excuses.


I am now finally running out of gas,and am not going to refill for more travel until after some rest.

Many other folks I was so glad to cross paths in these last few daze...but will mention them in the continued rabmlings I have (still) to spew after some required downtime.

Cheers folks,what a great weekend,hope you all made it home safe & sound.

Keep smilin'



Looks like the Hamilton team put to bed the Chatham,Ottawa and tri-county area teams over this four day tear (3 for some).

Although the Sloth did represent well,as did Zeddy as always.And yes,Del was not present so that was a definate factor in Ottawa's demise.

Heres a few memories that are still crystal clear in my head....

Sunday noonish (Caledonia ON,Jstsmkd1 & Tara's place)

Esau: Hey Sloth,take a hit,one more won't kill ya.

Sloth: Sorry bro,I'm done.

Esau: Wimp! (thumbs down)

Sloth: :middle finger:

Sunday mid afternoon (Caledonia ON,Jstsmkd1 & Tara's place 2pm or so)

Sloth (brief second wind): Esau,wanna do another?

Esau: Works for me,why not,sure....

Paisely: Hey Zeddy,how about we go grab more beer?

Zeddy: Not me man,I'm done drinking today.

Esau, Sloth & Paisely : hahaha,:middle finger:, its done.

Sunday late afternoon (Esau's house)

Esau: So whats your plans for this evening? I'm thiking about going to Toronto still.

Paisley: Ummm,I think that show is on monday not today, (makes call for ride home)

Esau: ahh,yeah,your right its only sunday.

I'd say about a hour after Paisly left,I decided to crash for 3 or so hours,woke up then met up with Briguy,hit 33 Hess for some cold beers & live music (Brian Griffith,Sharon Jones,Jesse O'Brien,Harrison Kennedy plus a few more),then off to the Sidebar for a shot & beer,then back to 33 Hess.

Had an allstar drinking & "consumption" team happenin this run,Sloth (Ottawa),Zeddy (Chatham),JstSmkd1 (Calendoia) & Paisley,Esau(Hamilton).Amongst many other folks.

very much missed team member - Del-hed (Ottawa) see ya NYE,better get some practice in....

Now that is a team of freaks to be recokened with let me tell ya....watch out for us in the future.It will be a true wrecking crew (or is that "wrecked" crew)? Either way,look out NYE.

In the end,its 5am, I am STILL going,but am finally deiciding to call it quits after this vodka & joint.

I'm a coming for ya Davey-boy,better be ready to do some drinking after xmas,I hear you are the only one I may lose to..... ;)


I know that I have more to add to this,but at the moment,its just not going to happen.


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picture yourself in a car made of Velvet

a world made of music and love all around

paisley in the sky, with diamonds!

what a weekend indeed! so many awesome folks and such an amazing time

thank you nero

wrote out a big spiel earlier but the thread got erased as I was posting it, will get into more details a bit later... so much hospitality, humor and good times... fantastic

edit to add: thats funny... same post I was posting under earlier ::

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was shakin my fist at ya this morning... couldn't write it all again right then but I'll eventually get it all down

I'll mention that we stayed at Cary's place in Kitchener to help avoid confusion (MaxWebster)... great household

I actually was refering to the same person,I thought I was spelling the name wrong.

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Good times. Guelph, Kitchener, Hamilton....great music, good people, good times....sad,happy,sad,happy....nero...thankyou for EVERY last thing you guys have done and the magic you brought into my life. I love you guys :)neroneroneroneroneroneroneroneronero :)

Nice to see good folks and meet new good folks as always.

Looking forward to new years and seeing lots of you again.

....drive home.....horrendous....

Thankyou passengers for leaving your Cake cds in my car....I'm loving the Cake.

...just noticed I am a world idol :: ::

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Why is Hamilton always such a good time?

Until I started going to shows at PepperJack's, I was only peripherally aware that there was a city attached to the skyway...(Toronto snobbery at its finest)...I've been schooled. Hamilton is a rockin' good time.


Great to see everyone and nice to meet some new folks, too!

Karen--Let me know when you want to do dinner! Hope you had a good birthday! :)

Hey, Hux, do me a favour? Can you let your hair grow out a little bit? You're gradually turning into the poster child for "The Man".

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Great show to bad it's the last for a while anyway. I vaguely remember something about an after party in Caledonia but thanks to whoever gave me the ride back to Hamilton. Cheers to anybody I might have met at PJC but I'll be damned if I can remember names and faces. Any help putting my shattered weekend back together would be appreciated.

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phew! i'm glad everybody made it back safe. i was a little bit worried and i kept sending out the safe-traveling-vibes.

i did start sinking into somewhat of a pit of depression on saturday after guigs told me about it... i KNEW it would be epic!!! ... but, c'est la vie.

bring on NYE!!!!!!!!


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Holy crap - what a great time.

I've got so many people to thank its probably gonna take a while.......

Big thanks to nero (+Mike and Jeff) for the music - I owe them so much for all the good times they've shown me (countless shows) - half the people I hang out with these days I've met because of them.

Thanks Tonin and Tungsten (and whoever else help put on the Lanc show)- I fu©king love that place.

Thanks to the Erb Street crew for having another raging aftershow - "Dude I love Erb's" <-that and the ballroom dancing trophie are about all I can clearly remember.

Thanks to Paan for the pre-party in Hamilton - great guy, really nice to finally meet you.

Thanks Ken (and Tooly) for making Pepper Jacks such a great place.

Thanks to Andy and Tara for having yet another raging aftershow.

Thanks to Hux (me:"Man I fu©king love you" Hux"Would you shut the fu©k up"), Velvet and Alexis for doing all the driving - you guys are the best.

Thanks Esau and Paisley for the partner in crime action - see you soon.

And finally to all the other great folks that make up our group of friends - I'm not going to try and list names - it was great seeing all of you.

There were so many highlights this weekend I can't go into it (mainly because I can't remember them but I know they happened) but I'll try and piece some together and post again.

Finally I've seem to have misplaced my soul (again), It was last spotted in Paan's basement but I think it may have made it to Pepper Jacks, if you see it approach with caution (its skittish), subdue it, ziplock it and drag it up to Ottawa for NYE - Im going to need it in 2005.

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you know, when i came back to a computer on monday, i was pretty shocked at the complete lack of "wow! nero shows on the weekend were fu©kin' awesome!" threads. then i actually sat down to write a reply to one... and evidently i am as speechless as everyone else, because i'm having trouble putting this one into words too. :D

nero, thanks for the amazing show on friday. i wish i could have made it to the others, but friday's show was enough to make up for missing the rest. maybe it's been awhile since i've seen you guys & i just don't properly remember how awesome you are, maybe you really were pulling out all the stops... but all i know is i sure as hell wasn't faking even one second of all the fun i had. damn you boys know how to get some asses shaking!!! :D and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for putting transdermal into the setlist (even if it was already there before i began my relentless campaign ;) heehee). you boys did such a great job with it (what a treat to have velvet up there for it!!!), and i mean that sincerely. coming from someone who generally bares fangs & claws at even the prospect of someone covering the ween, i hope you realize what a big up that is! :: heehee

AND WHAT A TURNOUT!!!!!!! i don't think i've ever seen the lanc that packed. the best part was the vast majority of the people there were people you knew -- and fu©king awesome people at that. soooooo awesome to see everyone! if there was ever such a thing as a winter ctmf, that was definitely it.

and you know... i really thought the awesomeness of the show would make me sad about the hiatus.... but it was so good, it's done the exact opposite. i for one am truly excited to see the fresh new 'nero' (or whatever comes out of each of its members), whenever that may transpire.

good job boys!

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I just wanted to give a huge thanks to all the great folks who made it out to the Lanc Friday night and over to our little after party. I don't care what anyone says about our "scene" you guys are the best folks around and I don't know what I'd do without ya. The weekend is blurry at best and thank yous could take a long time, but I wanted to give a special shout out to Mary and Sloth and Paisley and Esau and everyone else who rocked out way past dawn. You guys are welcome anytime.

Hopefully I'll see ya'll soon,


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thank god Coach Lucky called you in for the game my friend... was worried about the team without Delhead but was truly impressed by your all-star capabilities... workin on taking Esau up on that new years ticket (in other words looking for some work that'll pay for it that I'll be done before new years comes along, little tricky but do-able)... as CrazyKory might also be coming up, Team Lucky is looking devastating for the finals

ha ha ha to the ballroom dancing trophy... Sloth on his back "sleeping" but with a big gold trophy balanced on his chest, big gold sunglasses and steadily dancing with arms and fingers while singing along to the "Mary Mix" (and somehow balancing the trophy)... its good work you do there bro


props again my friend, great to rock it out and thanks for taking on the house full of crazies... will definately take you up on that offer some day soon... let your roommate know I'll drop you guys a note a little later tonight

more tales to come, happy to be conscious and semi coherent... this nero run left me with a real sympathy for people who've been abducted by aliens, who'll believe the story?

edit to add: I also felt as if I'd been put through a full regiment of strange tests and someone had been poking around in my noodle

edit to add more: if anyone ever needs a dj for a party Mary's a real natural... rocked it amazingly from night until noon

more add edit to: Velvet broke into the "Mary Mix" at one point and tossed on some Kim Mitchell which at first seemed a little odd to me until the next day I realized we had stayed at MaxWebster's place that night... Velvet's another natural

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I forgot where the trophy came from!! (though I knew when we came out of the show)

QQC awarded trophies to the cars in the Lancaster lot! you're a beautiful man my friend!!

Sloth was only borrowing the trophy from LionLocks and Ganga Goddess as it was near where he flopped down for an hour to floor dance... they came out and found their prize on their hood when we were leaving... someone let them know its still at MaxWebster's (I think)

damn aliens

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"Sloth on his back "sleeping" but with a big gold trophy balanced on his chest, big gold sunglasses"

alright...who was taking pictures? They'd better not all be of nero, after reading about all of the crazy fun times.

I'm very jealous that Sharon and I couldn't be in Kitcheroo with all of you. I'm thankful for last weekend in Hamilton and Toronto. I just wish that these places weren't so dang far for winter driving.

I sure as hell can't wait to see everyone at NYE. I wonder if nero has figured out that no one is going to let them stop playing that night. MARATHON!

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Oh yeah,

Did someone grab my dark blue hoodie at Pete & Tasha's thursday night/friday morning? Searched the house for it but it was no where to be found.

Its a xxl hoodie no logos or designs,probally smells like beer,jager,vodka,marijuana & cigarettes too.

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