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A 101 Skank painting!

Don't mind me I've just been sitting here for the last hour looking at a 101 phish song painting and had the random thought that there should be a Skank one with character representations of all our screen names or somehing...Like i said don't mind me.

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I seem to be on the bill with my original stock avatar (absolute middle of the right side), however, I don't remember this happening. Were they ever printed? Was this the money that I tried to buy drinks with, unsuccessfully, at Deckuf?

There are certainly some avatars that haven't changed.

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(screen names mixed up with real names) AD, POG, Punk, me, Catphish, Sloth, Annette, gentlemonkey (?), bouche, booche, mark, NEROBOY!, giggles, pablo...

wow that brings back memories actually :)

(partly cuz i havent really been back much since haha - i'm still living back then)

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heheh. ms.hux and I were naming names at Andres the other weekend when we found one of these bills on their cork board.

I'm sure I have a few somewhere at home too. I think Canadian Tire takes this stuff now.

hey Bradm? Are you gonna get a buzz-cut like the avatar? (BTW, I don't see your avatar in your posts for some reason)

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