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Good Vibes for FreekByNight


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indeed. be yourself, and be straight up. we just interviewed a bunch of people at work and the winner was totally honest, just confident and straight up.

think about all of the freaks here woohooing in your direction and you'll be fine.

or collapse in laughter.

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Thanks everyone. The interview went very well. He said I made a good impression. The only thing going against me, is I have a vacation planned to Florida starting March 19th, which is when they would want me to start. I told the interviewer about my vacation and he thanked me for my honesty. They have 5 more people to talk to, so as long as nobody else knocks their socks off, I think I will have the job!

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family? then you need to go. if you back out of the vacation, especially an "off to see ailing elderly family" trip, you set your priorities in the eyes of your employer. this may come back to haunt you.

conversely, if they decide not to hire you knowing your circumstances, then they show their priorities in terms of family vs work.

family is everything. work is just something you do.

glad the interview was good, hope it works out...keep us all posted!

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If I may quote "Futurama": Good news, everybody!

I got the job. The good vibes put forth by all of you definitely worked! Turns out, my vacation wasn't that much of an issue, as there will be paperwork and an HR process to go through. I applied for this job through HRDC as I'm currently on EI, so getting things done through them will take some time. So I will start after my vacation in sunny Florida!

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