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To whom should I address my outrage? And how?


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So I got some documents in the mail from the Royal Bank regarding my RRSPs (a letter and a form to sign & return).

There was one additional document in the envelope. It was a print out of ANOTHER client's information--name, address, phone number, account number, transit number etc.

I'm perplexed as to where I should direct my anger & concern. Do I make a complaint with the governmental privacy commision? Do I call this woman up and alert her to the bank's misdeed? Obviously I want to yell at someone at the bank, but who? Or do I alert the media--they love this kind of sh!t.


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Look up your provincial Privacy Commissioner and lodge a formal complaint. The bank will have some 'splainin' to do about its policies (and will probably just get a warning).

Actually, now that I think about it though, as the bank operates across Canada, you may also want to alert the Federal Privacy Commissioner as well.

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i'd tell the bank and see if they want to offer you any 'hush money' heh heh ;)

I dunno if that would have any effect. Years back the Royal, via BoM, just lifted thousands of dollars out of an account because they'd lost that bit of paper saying that I had in fact repaid a student loan. No apologies there, and given that this crap seems to go on all the time, I don't think they take any of it too seriously. Who knows - try it, and if nothing happens, I'd drop a line to the other person involved. And then the CBC.

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I'd think it would be up to the other woman to lodge any kind of complaint. Was your privacy intruded upon? Maybe she doesn't want the attention, if you bring it on her she could probably bring action against your for invading HER privacy...

Just a thought.


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phone global news. NOW. they will take care of the rest.

the only way the bank will take immediate action and maybe offer something other than a "sorry" (i.e. actually take immediate steps to fix the problem -- who has a copy of YOUR information they received by mistake???!!!!) is if it's splashed all over the news.

i can't tell you how many stories i've seen on global where people were complaining about different institutions ignoring their complaint, and within hours of global calling these places, things were already on the way to being fixed.

i hate rbc. i have my insurance with them, and they are by far the worst company i have ever dealt with as far as any sort of organizational skills and customer service goes (not to mention their complete lack of having people work there who know how to do ANYTHING).

*edit* i know if someone else got my information i would sure want to know. she may be creeped out if you call her directly.

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I'd think it would be up to the other woman to lodge any kind of complaint. Was your privacy intruded upon? Maybe she doesn't want the attention, if you bring it on her she could probably bring action against your for invading HER privacy...

Just a thought.


No, my privacy wasn't invaded, per se--but I believe I can still make a complaint about the bank and their practices based on the fact that they clearly don't have very stringent privacy standards. (And, based on this occurrence, the inferrence is that my information could just as easily be shared without my knowledge or consent).

Perhaps I'll consult our company's privacy commissioner--she may have some advice.

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What about shredding it and forgetting about it? Banks make mistakes all the time, so do most businesses for that matter. It shouldn't happen, but let's face it, it does.

Perhaps I can't effect change by complaining or alerting people--but then again, perhaps I can.

This is a pretty egregious error (particularly considering the increase in identify theft these days)--and if there's a chance a company might become more cautious about security because of my complaint, than I think it's my duty to register that complaint.

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because they are so difficult and ridiculous to deal with i'd probably be on hold for a week straight if i tried to cancel anything, and likely have to call back and talk to 5 or 6 different people before it would be done. oh, and then a few days, a week later, i'd have to phone back again, sit on hold for 10 years, and then talk to maybe 4 more people who don't know what they're doing, who can mess it up again. which is what happens pretty much every time i've had to deal with them. plus they always manage to piss me off while i am in the middle of my term with them (as in already paid up for the year or whatever), making it impossible to change over to anything else without it costing me a lot of money i can't afford. the only thing they have going for them is the cheapest rates i've come across. (and before you stick in a "you get what you pay for", we are not talking about some crappy little unknown sketchy company, rbc is HUGE and they have enough employees and money that they should be able to offer decent customer service)

and seriously, what insurance company DOESN'T suck? is there such a thing? especially with low rates? tell me and i will be happy to check them out. i'd rather not have to go to an insurance broker, even more stupid fricken dumbass money i can't afford to give people, for stupid fricken dumbass insurance (how much do insurance brokers cost anyway???)

but back to the actual topic of this thread.

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What about shredding it and forgetting about it? Banks make mistakes all the time, so do most businesses for that matter. It shouldn't happen, but let's face it, it does.

Yeah, sounds like human error to me. They'd probably appreciate it being brought to their attention. People make mistakes. Even those who work in banks.

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i hate rbc. i have my insurance with them, and they are by far the worst company i have ever dealt with as far as any sort of organizational skills and customer service goes (not to mention their complete lack of having people work there who know how to do ANYTHING).

GOSH! Maybe they are just in need of a good assistant... You know, one with all kinds of great skills... Organizational skills, clerical skills, customer service skills, bowstaff skills, rafter climbing skills, dancing skills, hay jumping skills... I wonder where they might get an assistant like that!?! :o

Steve from Cleveland

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GOSH! Maybe they are just in need of a good assistant... You know, one with all kinds of great skills... Organizational skills, clerical skills, customer service skills, bowstaff skills, rafter climbing skills, dancing skills, hay jumping skills... I wonder where they might get an assistant like that!?! :o

Steve from Cleveland

Or perhaps they could just do their job. Properly. :(

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