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I just slept for 16 hours


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Man, there's a flu that's been wiping out this country from coast-to-coast. I truly empathize with you, as I still have a horrible cough from two weeks ago when I thought I was going to die.

Take care of yourself, rest up, and we look forward to hearing that you are back on your feet.

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My Dad had a phrase, which I use and take to heart: "Listen to your body." If you're able to sleep for 16 hours, you probably need that much sleep.

Hope you're feeling better by the time the weekend rolls around, V.



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We've only met the one time (outside the Pepper Jack at nero's last Hamilton show) but I thought I'd use this opportunity to tell you Velvet:

(1) That's awesome about the sleep. I need me some of that rest action.

(2) I saw a guy the other day who looked like you. Not to the point that I actually thought he was you, but enough that I thought to myself "I WISH that was Todd, so I could say hello."

I like saying hello. Get better dude!


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i'm sick too :(

started Sunday night with major chills and sweats

my body was on fire, yet i felt freezing cold

i'm still feeling that way

this is my second day off work and i'm not feeling much improvement

i managed to get 14 hours sleep in last night

i feel your pain Velvet

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Lots better, but still sick. Am definitely going to work today though. Gotta love the one-day workweek.

"There are three other people out there who look like Velvet?"

Before I learned a skill the sperm bank was all I had.

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I think I caught your bug Velvet. ;) Woke up today with sandpaper throat. Sick germs or not, I will be rockin' that schoolhouse.

That's where I'm at too. Thank God for all those wonderful chemicals that let you block it out of your awareness for the requisite twelve hours; otherwise I've got not many hours to shake it. I'm banking on a lot of happy people to distract me if things don't clear up. I think this is just a cold; sorry to hear you're dealing with a flu, Velvet, that sucks.

Word has it acid was originally contrived as a cure for the common cold. Maybe I'll work with that. It certainly is distracting.

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Word has it acid was originally contrived as a cure for the common cold. Maybe I'll work with that. It certainly is distracting.

Evil Mouse, that is really interesting, because I used to know this redneck from North Bay who swore that LSD accelerated recovery from colds by about three days. He had this theory that colds last about nine days, so when he came down with colds he would often dose three times in a row, and voila; no more cold.

I never really took his theory seriously, but your comment definitely piqued my interest. Maybe we have long ago discovered the cure for the common cold, and no one even realizes it (except one Canadian redneck).

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Word has it acid was originally contrived as a cure for the common cold. Maybe I'll work with that. It certainly is distracting.

Evil Mouse, that is really interesting, because I used to know this redneck from North Bay who swore that LSD accelerated recovery from colds by about three days. He had this theory that colds last about nine days, so when he came down with colds he would often dose three times in a row, and voila; no more cold.

I never really took his theory seriously, but your comment definitely piqued my interest. Maybe we have long ago discovered the cure for the common cold, and no one even realizes it (except one Canadian redneck).

that was common folklore here in my corner of Hamilton while growing up... sick? dose... if you're not at your ropes end from partyin tons it works

my first time to Wreck Beach in Vancouver I was out in the sun for 10 straight hours and my skin has some real anti-sun issues... but the drop that accompanied our arrival to the beach seemed to shield me or something and I woke up the next day just a little bit pink (no sunburn discomfort at all)

mind over matter

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okay -- I have to weigh in on this perceived curative power of LSD (not DSL, although I will recommed that too).

I had a broken foot one summer when we saw the GD at Pine Knob ('90, I think). My foor was in a cast and so I couldn't dance 'properly', to my liking. I wasn't supposed to put any weight on the thing -- you know the drill. Well, by the end of the first set, I had thrown my crutches aside and was dancing ON the cast. This felt okay, but was still generally unfulfilling, so by the beginning of the second set, I had managed, with a swiss army knife and friends, to rip the entire cast OFF!!!!!! Danced the rest of the night away, pain free indeed. When we were back home, I went to the hospital, to sheepishly ask for another cast. They x-rayed again and said the bone was completely healed --- about 3-4 weeks earlir than anticipated!

I believe the Can public is being kept in the dark!!!

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okay -- I have to weigh in on this perceived curative power of LSD (not DSL, although I will recommed that too).

I had a broken foot one summer when we saw the GD at Pine Knob ('90, I think). My foor was in a cast and so I couldn't dance 'properly', to my liking. I wasn't supposed to put any weight on the thing -- you know the drill. Well, by the end of the first set, I had thrown my crutches aside and was dancing ON the cast. This felt okay, but was still generally unfulfilling, so by the beginning of the second set, I had managed, with a swiss army knife and friends, to rip the entire cast OFF!!!!!! Danced the rest of the night away, pain free indeed. When we were back home, I went to the hospital, to sheepishly ask for another cast. They x-rayed again and said the bone was completely healed --- about 3-4 weeks earlir than anticipated!

I believe the Can public is being kept in the dark!!!

whoops..gotta figure out how to only quote a bit...Pineknob....we might have crossed paths!...my first Dead shows and the start of a very long strange trip indeed!

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Those were awfully fine shows... if you remember somebody tall and bearded melting down during the Stella Blue first night... or going all bug-eyed during the Bird Song first set second night.... No, never, mind, that was probably half the people there. May the next chance to cross paths be soon (CTMF?).

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Good news folks!!! I'm feeling MUCH better. I went to bed at 5pm yesterday (and only woke up to briefly discuss weekend attire with Band Whore). That sure helped, but I think I've found my magic cure. EchinaSeal!


St. Francis Herb Farm makes this awesome (and awful tasting) tincture. I used to think that it would only work if you took it right away. Wrong again! Take it every 3 hours (on the dot) and you will be right as rain in no time. The thought of going to Chatham a sicky probably helped boost my immune system too, but that'll be tough to prove.

Warning though, this stuff tastes like fire! It's a mixture of cayenne, indigo, echinacea, goldenseal, myrrh, bee propolis and (everyone's favourite) alcohol. A 50ml bottle costs just over $15, but will last quite a while. It's good for any kind of infection too. I dare someone to try this stuff. And you thought Buckley's tasted bad. :P

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