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SURVIVOR- heads are gonna roll

Guest Low Roller

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what the hell is wrong with you people?!?!?!?!?!?!?

willie effin' nelson then, because he's the only other one besides the newly immune CRAPton that has any votes.

grrrrr. first prince, now this. gad!

oh, you think that's bad, well Princess, I am voting off Ween!!!!!

see ya saturday night!! hehe..

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Guest Low Roller

Day 2 Results

"It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes."

- Nelly

Tempers are starting to flare, insults are being flung, and experiements are being run. Bradm, your 'experiment' has the same legitimacy as would Truman Burbank's chemistry experiment in The Truman Show. I am your Christof bitch, and don't you forget it!

For the record the following people deserve a 'dumbass' for posting before making sure they were up to date:

- StoneMtn

For proving that lawyers don't read entire documents, simply skim through them, only to charge you full price.

- Douglas

For trying to organize a pro-Prince campaign the day after he's eliminated. "The vote already happened?? Aw man. We spaced on the date!" (I love ya Dougie, but rules are rules)

- MyOtherBrotherEsau

At least the other two realized their mistakes.


Now down to business.

With Clapton protected by Mad Brad, voters turned out in droves to gangbang David Bowie and drive him out of the contest.

I need to clarify the rules for Immunity. Once you've voted, you cannot change your vote after the Immunity has been declared. It may seem slightly unfair, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Sorry MarcO.

For today's Immunity question, I will go a different route. I'm looking for a 50 word paragraph explaining who you want to protect, why, and relate them somehow to some innanimate object in an amusing way. I'll accept up to five entries, and I will choose my favorite. Making you work for it this time!

So for day 3, here's who is left:

- Frank Zappa

- John Coltrane

- Eric Clapton

- Willie Nelson

You may begin voting now!

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Frank Zappa's oeuvre can be viewed as one long piece, in which various objects (ponies, poodles, etc.) make repeated appearances. Each song stands on its own, but can also be listened to cohesively. Had Zappa lived to see message boards, I believe they would also become objects in his project.



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damn. i dont care nearly enough about any of the people left to make a case for keeping them. I woulda pled for bowie yesterday though. To be perfectly honest i think being on that island with these people would be the most irritating experience - gawd even for accents alone.

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My vote: Willie Nelson

My paragraph:

Zappa was a genius, writing innovative music, insightful lyrics; all with humour. He was supportive of the digital age and compact discs, ensuring that all his discs were sold at lower prices than others while he was alive, as production is inexpensive. He also has a star named after him!

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My paragraph to save Willie.

As a teenager I smoked pot and had long hair. My dad insisted only freaks with no reason to live would do these things. Then I found out that Willie Nelson toked and had long hair, and my dad loved him.

Willie is the bridge between me and my father.

Will you come between a man and his father?

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