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Walmart takes a nosedive


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Sorry about the pun. I just wonder what all of the Walmart haters would have to say about an accident like this.

I'd hope that all the Wal-Mart haters aren't wishing death on anyone that's for sure.

Any snappy headlines for this similar story?

Aviation crashes are hilarious.


edit to add: I know you're just kidding and tongue-in-cheek Bouche... No worries.

Edited by Guest
Boogy oogy oogy oogy
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wish death? nope.

feel remorse? nope.

i'm sorry, but i've watched walmart ruin two local family run businesses, because they couldn't afford to engage in a price war with them...

my mother's IDA had to sell out to Shoppers Drugmart in order to have enough money to fight walmart, as they moved into their plaza, which previously IDA had the contract to be the only pharmacy in the plaza...

well walmart felt they were above the law, opened one anyway, and said, sue us!

FUCK WALMART and everything they stand for...

i'm glad their billions couldn't save their own son from dieing a preventable death, although no parent should ever outlive their child...

a loss of any human life sucks, especially when its avoidable...

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i'm glad their billions couldn't save their own son from dieing a preventable death,

what a callous thing to say. i don't think he was debating the corporate governance policies as he was going down, and i don't think his parents give a shit about the stock price right now, so how is anything you write relevant? the guy died. you don't have to care but i hate it when people get smeared under these circumstances.


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sooooooo, because he died, my opinion of his is SUPPOSED to change?

you say you hate when people get smeared under these circumstances...

if that is smeared, with all the crap the walmart family has pulled....


i was as tactful as i could have been, writing that post...no family deserves to bury their child...that is true...

the family obviously revolves around money. money is their number 1 goal.

so yes, i'm glad money, all their billions, finally couldn't pull them out of a mess....

it sucks that the mess was the loss of their son, which i said is NEVER a good thing, under no circumstances...

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aperently if you get rich, try to resist the temptation to buy yourself an ultra-light aircraft

lot of people seem to perish in them... that guy in oakville earlier in the week (or somewhere around here) just crashed one and died, john denver... seems like if you crash in one, you're finished

quick search on google for "ultra light plane crash" shows death after death

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Here's the answer to Basher's Q'n in my Bday thread...

basher, i'm not sure where that q'n comes from, but i'll assume its from the walmart thread.

anyways, i'll give you a prime example...

i'm sure most of you heard about the Bass Pro Shop that opened in Vaughn mall...I've yet to go...

I purchase all my stuff from Fishing World in Hamilton, as i've been doing for years...

BPS sells cheaper, and has a better variety, but i'll stick to the local shop....

Another example. Summitt Direct basically sells the cheapest computers in the area....they undercut by buying in bulk...nothing wrong with that...

When i purchased my computer, i went to ALNC, in mountain plaza mall...when my brother purchased his, he did the same (following my advice)...

When my brother filled his computer full of spyware, he brought it into ALNC, and they cleaned and fixed it....FOR FREE. they said it was one of their, and they service all their PC's, for free, FOR LIFE!!!!

I always pride myself in buying from the little guy. Not only will you get MUCH better customer service (they might not be able to return the product without a receipt, after all, only walmart does that), but you SHOULD feel good about WHO you give your money to.

Does this answer your question? If not, i can give more examples...

When i want a good meal, i could go to any resteraunt, but i go to either PJC or T&G's family resteraunt. Sure the Keg makes great food, as does most chain stores, but i know if i go to either of the places mentioned above, they'll call me by my name, and actually serve me what i ask for...

The more that i think about it, the more i realize i do actually practice what i preach. The money i could have saved does not outweight the benefit i've recieved from not feeding the conglomerates grubby mouth...

I'm looking around my room right now...My JBL computer speakers came from a local music shop, not future shop. My monitor came from a local computer shop, not future shop. My printer came from Henry's, not future shop.

I hope to pass my buying habits onto Theresa, and in the future, my kids. I hope to be able to explain to them, that sometimes spending a dollar or two extra can create jobs that will save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in UI or welfare...

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i'm glad their billions couldn't save their own son from dieing a preventable death' date='


what a callous thing to say. i don't think he was debating the corporate governance policies as he was going down, and i don't think his parents give a shit about the stock price right now, so how is anything you write relevant? the guy died. you don't have to care but i hate it when people get smeared under these circumstances.


AD -just how high is that horse you're on? You know, there are unmigated, unremorseful EVIL people in the world -- and often they hurt MANY undeserving people, and often, their removal from the planet is actually for the better good.

Don't you EVER wish death on others???? (c'mon, be honest, aren't you wishing death on me right now?)

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As Scary as Walmart is its even scarier how much control China has over North America's retail economy

Thanks, FbtS - that's what takes the wind out of my sails (I do actually need that, believe it or not). North Americans and Europeans are a bunch of kids in the sandbox, compared to the havoc China's going to wreak, ecologically (and sociologically) speaking. Over a quarter of the world's population? Really.

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AD -just how high is that horse you're on? You know, there are unmigated, unremorseful EVIL people in the world -- and often they hurt MANY undeserving people, and often, their removal from the planet is actually for the better good.

Don't you EVER wish death on others???? (c'mon, be honest, aren't you wishing death on me right now?)

I've never riden a horse...

I just don't see the relevance between the downing of the plane and the fact that he was a Walton. He was also (most likely) a father, a grandfather, a husband etc...

If he had bought the plane at Wal-Mart I can see how his death would trigger all this outrage at the corporation his family owns... But that isn't the case.

As for your comments, well, they seem pretty fascist. And no I don't wish death on other people, ever. Especially you, I don't know you, we've never talked, what makes you think I would bat an eye in your direction let alone wish you were dead?


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Sorry about the pun. I just wonder what all of the Walmart haters would have to say about an accident like this.

I don't know if ALL the haters have piped in... but it seems like they say something mean, contriversial, and irrational, and then go on to say something about the store. Basically something Hamurabi would be proud of. Anyways, good luck tryin to make sense of death.

The article says that he put money towards educating kids. That's a good thing eh?

Depends on what you teach em'. I've seen some pretty sick Palestinean arrithmatic books.


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AD -just how high is that horse you're on? You know, there are unmigated, unremorseful EVIL people in the world -- and often they hurt MANY undeserving people, and often, their removal from the planet is actually for the better good.

Don't you EVER wish death on others???? (c'mon, be honest, aren't you wishing death on me right now?)

So... this guy was evil because he happened to be born the son of an incredibly successful businessman? Wal-Mart isn't going to fall apart just because this guy died, so I don't see how you can argue that his death is for the greater good.

And, as distasteful as Wal-mart is on many levels, calling anyone in the Walton family "evil" is making light of people who truly were evil, like Pol Pot or Hitler or Stalin.

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