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If anyone sees an avatar that is offensive, send me an email and I'll get rid of it. Once I figure out how to let moderators help out with these tasks, it'll be even easier for me to TCB ;)

oh oh oh! pick me! pick me! I really want to be a dictator, I mean, um, moderator. I'm quite benevolent, afterall.

just give me some POWER!!!!!

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oh oh oh! pick me! pick me! I really want to be a dictator, I mean, um, moderator.

Bouche's site, Bouche's money, Bouche's rules. Don't give him a hard time, he's trying to make the best and most accessible forum he can. My boss wouldn't approve of a large gaping anus on my screen, and we have a zero tolerance policy at work about this stuff. I imagine some other employers have the same thing. So fine, have the debate about it, just no more offensive pics.


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You see it as porography... I see it as a funny picture that somebody took time to create (hehehe)

Most arses don't have teeth Geoff

So, by that logic, this pic would be an acceptable avatar?


I mean, everybody loves Santa.

Or better yet, maybe a gaping vagina but with a Phil Lesh paint job or something....why not!?!

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[You see it as porography... I see it as a funny picture that somebody took time to create (hehehe)

Most arses don't have teeth Geoff /quote]

So, by that logic, this pic would be an acceptable avatar?


I mean, everybody loves Santa.

Or better yet, maybe a gaping vagina but with a Phil Lesh paint job or something....why not!?!

Personally it doesn't offend me. But hey that's me.

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I want to be the dictator AD, not implying Bouche is. And while I'm sure he appreciates you sticking up for him, I know Bouche can handle my humour, so I'll just continue to give anyone I want a 'hard time', (including you ;) :grin: ) if that's ok with you.

What if I want to be the dictator though?


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oh oh oh! pick me! pick me! I really want to be a dictator' date=' I mean, um, moderator. [/quote']

Bouche's site, Bouche's money, Bouche's rules. Don't give him a hard time, he's trying to make the best and most accessible forum he can. My boss wouldn't approve of a large gaping anus on my screen, and we have a zero tolerance policy at work about this stuff. I imagine some other employers have the same thing. So fine, have the debate about it, just no more offensive pics.


Pretty sure that was a joke, hence the Horshack way of saying it.

I agree with the "no photos inappropriate for work" policy. This site isn't about that anyway, not really a hard rule to stick to.

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What if I want to be the dictator though?


We'll have to have a 'throw-down'

fists or booze? -- your choice

(I'll smoke ya on either count, so if you just want to concede defeat, I'm sure there'll be some satisfying sycophantic position for you in my emprie!)

PS Bouche -- I'm faxing you my resume to keep on file

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This thread is halarious...

I think the avatar in question was a little over the line, and for office purposes I had thought about hiding avatars. But I like avatars. I notice the avatar much more often than read the actual posters name.

I don't think it's so much a matter of censorship as it is common sense/courtesy. Lots of people read this forum in a lot of different places. In my opinion the more "office safe" the better.

Now I know there will always be arguements over what is and what isn't acceptable, but in this case it seems pretty obvious at least to me, that the avatar was way over the top. Funny to see once maybe, but not as an avatar.

Not to pick on Ge-off here, as it seems like he's joined this forum to get away from other crap. But... I'm just calling it like I see it and will always think of Ge-off as a giant gaping anus now. ;)

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Just a thought that I had on building a community with this great site.

One thing to consider is that if we are looking to expand the community of jambanders it's a little counter productive to offend at first glance.

First impressions being what they are and all, we should choose these things and our language in a way that at least opens the door to most prospective participants if at all possible.



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I've never seen the inside of mine though.

I'm sure it's breath taking mind you, but there is a distinction.


PS Poor BF....I think we should make friends with him. And then corect his grammer uugghh I mean grammur...uuugghhh gram (forget...

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Also, Mrs. Bouchard (bouche and Booche's mother) reads almost every word of every thread on this board as does his aunt. Can you blame a guy with integrity for wanting to protect his family from seeing that?

I know that several of you have children as well. Calamity Jane said that MarcO's avatar makes her daughter giggle. I hate to think that she saw Ge-off's old avatar. It takes a responsible community to raise a child people.

This may seem like a private forum because we all know one another so well, but it is indeed public and has a varied audience. Let's not do in here what we wouldn't do in public.

It's simply about respect not sensorship. Anyone who can't get that point is just plain selfish.

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