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Calamity Jane

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I LOVE words -- fun stuff! Slang also rocks (I remember learning "squidgmen" or something on here from the Scotties -- what was that term again, Guigs?)

This past weekend, I "learned" some folks the British term "snog", as in "I snogged my bit o' stuff last night." For reference, I am Dave's "bit of stuff". (not a terribly flattering term, but cute!)

Willy just used the word finagle (spelled inaccurately) which sent me immediately to my dictionary. On the way to finagle, I found:


1. fecal matter, esp. of insects.

2. dregs or foul or muddy water.

from the Latin faecula meaning the crust of wine!

wtf? what's a crust of wine?

I LOVE words!!!!

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One of my all-time favourite words is "defenestrate", meaning, "to throw someone (or something) through a window".

My dictionary doesn't have "fecula", but does have "feculence", which means (among other things) "dregs or sediment", which would be that "crust of wine": the junk that accumulates at the bottom of a wine bottle or barrel.



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Ha ha ha - I learned "defenestrate" from a buddy working at Harlequin books as a proof-reader. One of their 'action' writers had the villain crash his car into a concrete embankment, be defenestrated (shoulda had his seat belt on), then the car flipped onto him, then blew up for good measure.

He used to keep a journal of wonderful quotes and passages from his job.

Anyway, one of my favourite words is abstemious. First, because I'm NOT. Second, its got all the vowels in order.

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Words and slang conjur up so many images in the mind. Where would we be without them. Lost. The slang always gets me as I hail from the maritimes where the lobster pots overflow with it. I came across some slang in a Dar Williams CD in which she was writing about one of her songs and where the inspiration for it came from..."The chorus of this came into my head while I was being rolfed!"

No explanation needed on this one and there's nothing like a good rolfing!

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belligerent - inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness

Fun to say and fun to be.

"I'd break your fuckin' nose \/\/i!!y; and I don't know how you'd look afterwards." :crazy:

"This is my cup bitch, get your own." :o

Two examples of Deb being belligerent after one sip of my elixir at Lose Yer Shoes. She is the Master of Belligerence.

FYI. elixir - a sweetened liquid usually containing alcohol that is used in medication either for its medicinal ingredients or as a flavoring

Love Ya Girl! :P

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Someone tried to tell me that:

"IRREGARDLESS" was a word the other day.

I told him that there was no such word and that it should be "REGARDLESS".

He insisted it was a word, so I told him if that was so to show it to me in a dictionary. Sure enough it was there!!!!


1. an erroneous redundancy for regardless.

2. a mistaken fusion of irrespective and regardless.

So it IS a word because it's in the dictionary but it's not a word becasue the dictionary defines it as such.

Wait, isn't that the definition of IRONIC?

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