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there's a bat IN my apartment...


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You'll probably have to wait until it gets dark. Then turn EVERY light in your whole apartment on and open your windows (and remove screens if you have them). The bat should get the hell out at that point. He may need some encouragement to fly though. :o If you happen to have contact with it, I think it actually becomes better to keep him so that he can be tested for rabies rather than just automatically giving you the 'deep tissue' shots that are required.

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You'll probably have to wait until it gets dark. Then turn EVERY light in your whole apartment on and open your windows (and remove screens if you have them). The bat should get the hell out at that point. He may need some encouragement to fly though. :o If you happen to have contact with it, I think it actually becomes better to keep him so that he can be tested for rabies rather than just automatically giving you the 'deep tissue' shots that are required.

seconded. a broom or other long, big-at-one-end sort of object makes a good bat motivator. they generally don't want to attack you, as they know that you have the advantage. but they will if you corner them, so try to give it a clear shot at an escape route.

"tonight, on Fear Factor London..."

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me and my old man used to make bat huts for his land, really easy compared to the stupid tourist baskets we were knocking out by the dozen, talk about child labor!!

yeah bats are neat as long as they stay outta your hair and stuff, not so neat in an apt either

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A bat flew into pepper jack's last thursday when while doug feavers band was playing. It circled the entire room twice and then flew out.

10 minutes later in came back and did 1 more circle, but this time it just disappeared at the back somewhere.

There was no sign of it for the rest of the night or all next day(friday)during lunch, dinner and Box of Rain. Not until I got the last person out of pj's at 4 am. It came out and started caseing the room, it started flying about a foot and a half off the ground like it was on some kind of recon mission I was on my way to open the doors and windows and let it fly out on it's own until it started coming at me and faking me out at the last second. I grabed a curtain and duked it out for about 10 minutes until it gave up and flew out the doors.

Next time maybe it won't be so lucky.

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